Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Top 5 Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid

Many begin the process of remodeling their bathroom. It is quite common to see homeowners taking this particular project into their own hands. Why? Remodeling the bathroom is a relatively easy task. As long as the individual knows exactly what they want to do, the steps required to do it, and has the time to do it, it is often much better to proceed with bathroom remodeling projects from a "do-it-yourself" angle than to hire an outsider to come in and do it. However, it is important to know that there are mistakes that can be made. Here, you will be introduced to the top 5 bathroom remodeling mistakes that you should avoid.

1. The first mistake that many individuals end up making when it comes to bathroom remodeling is that they fail to obtain necessary permits. This may not make a lot of since if you are simply laying new tile, or adding a new coat of paint on the bathroom walls. However, if you ar5B4e making major renovations to the bathroom, such as installing new plumbing fixtures, rearranging the components of your bathroom, or physically increasing the size of the room, it is imperative that you consider the importance of obtaining the appropriate permits.

This may send a sharp sense of dread through you, but permits are created to protect you and others. You acquire these when you want to perform work, and in certain stages, your work is evaluated. It is evaluated for the purpose of safety. If the work is deemed "unsafe", the inspector will outline what needs to be done to make it safe, and will come back for another inspection.

2. The second mistake stems from the fact that many individuals do not prepare for the job in the appropriate manner. This means that they do not properly prepare the room for the work that they are attempting to do, and they fail to acquire the proper supplies and tools that are necessary for the endeavor. If you are remodeling this room, it is important that you know exactly what you want to do, and how you want to do it.

You should then ensure that you gather the right supplies that are needed. Once this has been completed, you should gather all of the necessary tools that will be required to complete the job. Not doing this can cause unnecessary delay, and can put you in some pretty uncomfortable positions. For example, if you are planning on converting your copper pipes to PVC5B4 pipes, and you rip apart the old pipe, but do not have an adequate amount of PVC pipe, you may find yourself out of water and necessary plumbing for a while.

3. The third bathroom remodeling mistake that is often made is when the wrong type of products are purchased in order to save money. For example, there are certain types of paints that hold up better in the bathroom than other types of paints. This is because of the moisture that is often experienced in this room. Just as there are certain types of paints that are more appropriate than others, there are certain types of wall and floor materials that are more appropriate to use in a bathroom than other rooms. It is important to take a little time and research what products are best suited for this room prior to purchasing them.

4. The next bathroom remodeling mistake that is commonly made is the failure to take the steps to properly protect yourself while performing the different tasks in the remodeling project. This means that you should wear protective eye wear and protection on the ears when it is necessary. Hard hats and face masks may also be appropriate depending on what type of work is being performed. In addition to this, it is very important that you NEVER work alone. If an accident does occur, it is best to have someone with you to ensure that you get the help that you need quickly.

5. The next mistake that is made is when an individual "believe56Fs" that they can perform a task easily and then they discover that it is beyond their expertise. It is the person that does not admit that they are in over their head that finds that they are actually in over their head. You should research all jobs prior to doing them and ensure that you have the required assistance when it is needed. Otherwise, your entire project could fall through - in more ways that one!

If you think this article is good check out the other resources Scott Dee has put together for you on his blog Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Ideas or Bathroom Remodeling. His new web site is all about accessories and can be found online at Bathroom Accessories.

Top Of Colonial Newel Post

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jumping Into Good: The Middle Moment

Have you seen little kids carefully climbing the ladder to the diving board, pensively studying the water below and then bursting into outrageous silliness as they fling themselves into flight with all limbs flapping? That leap of faith into the swimming pool, that moment of suspension in the air, that wiggly dance of glee that the child performs above the water, is the expression of the middle moment. The middle moment sits at the center of all our activities. Kids just tend to be much better at enjoying it than we are.

We are always launching and landing, launching and landing. We initiate something with a thought and then act on it. We start something and then we finish it. We want something and then we go get it. The middle moment, the interval in between the desire and the action or the action and its fulfillment, can often eludes us. If you want a drink of water and you go get it, the middle momenA34t is not as dramatic as it is for the child tossing himself into the deep end of the pool, but it is as loaded with potential. There is a gleeful, wiggling, flapping moment hidden within all activities.

Invisible Cosmetics

Im not suggesting we go flailing around, tossing ourselves over to the water cooler to find the middle moment in a drink of water. What I am saying is that it doesnt matter where you are, who youre with or what youre doing. There is always a middle moment going on and it is always rich with potential. That middle moment offers you a flight of freedom. If you allow it, it suspends you in the air and gives you a little chance to let your spirit glow. Its very brief so you cant afford to spend time thinking about it. All you have time to do is feel it and let yourself beam your light in whatever way it comes forth.

This is a subtle inner activity that you can master with practice. You can still act with adult-style decorum on the outside while allowing a childlike freedom and brilliance during your inner middle moments. As you practice this, you may be able to feel some space opening up in you. The energetic field around you may begin to take on a quality similar to that of the air just beyond the diving board and just above the water. By paying attention to and playing within this middle moment, you acquire a pleasing glow.

Friends may ask if your hair is different or what you have changed to look so good.

Step 1 Finding It

In order to let light into your middle moments, you must have a feeling for when they are happening. Really, they are constant and depending on how you define it, any moment can be called a middle moment. Once you can dance in the perpetual middle moment you are in a continuous flight of joy. For right now, lets start by finding one middle moment at a time. Notice the time in between actions when there is nothing much for you to do. The time it takes to walk to the bathroom to brush your teeth can be one. Once youve dialed the phone and its ringing, until the other person answers, thats another. You threw the baseball but the other person has not caught it yet.

Thats another one.

Step 2 Jumping

Once you get a sense of when these middle moments are happening, you can start to interact with them. The next step, once you have climbed up the ladder and looked out at the water, is to jump. You climbed the ladder when you decided to get a drink of water or you stood up to go brush your teeth or you dialed the phone or threw t5B4he baseball. You got yourself to the edge of the diving board and now you can just stay there or you can jump. Jumping means letting go. It means releasing your toes from the diving board. It means releasing your hold on the need that created the desire that set you into motion. It means trusting that the process is in motion now and if even for a split second, there is nothing for you to do but be a silly happy child.

Step 3 Flying

This is the part we typically miss and this is the sweetest part. This is the part where the child is wiggling and flapping, suspended in mid air. How do you do that while walking to the bathroom? How can you feel that freedom while waiting for your mother to pick up the phone? All of these four steps are related to each other and in the same way that the spring of the diving board sets the child into flight, your release of whatever came before your decision to act springs you into inner flight. There may have been some sense of need or lack or obligation motivating your action. Once you have acted you can let go of all that. Release it completely. How your spirit will wiggle or flap will be unique to your middle moment.

Step 4 Landing

Each middle moment is brief. After you launch, you fly and then you land. Landing means you made it to the bathroom, mom picked up the phone, Billy caught the ball, you got to the water cooler. To land gracefully, fully embrace the 5B1next activity with an eye out for the next middle moment on the horizon.

Bringing awareness to your middle moments is fun. There are no rules. You cant do this wrong. If a little smile breaks through at an unexpected moment, your spirit is probably wiggling and flapping.

Rebbie Straubing

You can receive Dr. Rebbie Straubing's Free e-Course, "7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Heart's Desire," at

Rebbie is a workshop leader, Abraham Coach, and writer.

To find or harmonize a relationship, visit

Increase your awareness of Divine Love and begin a meditation practice in 3 minutes at the Affirmative Contemplation website,

Home Remodeling Ideas and Articles
Home Building Ideas For The Future

Manifesting Your Heart's Desires

Have you been feeling lately that you are just going through the motions of life and not even knowing that you have slipped into a routine? How many times have you said, "I drove to the office, or to work and don't even remember how I got there? Do you feel like you are on "auto pilot"?

Many of us like routine, and feel safe with the familiar. It's seemingly helps us feel in control. However, do you some times hear a little voice inside that says: "I know that there's more to life than doing the same thing day after day, week after week? I want to be happy and enjoy life. However, I don't know how to start. "

We're always heard that change is good. Yet the familiar and comfortable seem to be a safety net. However, the familiar and comfortable can actually can be a chain that keeps us locked in the old behaviors and routines. So you maybe you're wondering what it takes to change. To mobilize change, we have to get up and get going. If you're serious about making changes in your life, and are willing to be "open" to change, then let's explore some ideas to "jumpstart" your life.

Identify your "gift".

Just the other day someone asked me: "What is a "gift"? A gift is that special ability you have that just comes naturally. It brings you energy. It is G5B4od given. It isn't something that you learned from going to classes and getting a degree or certificate. It is something that just comes naturally to you. You know what your gift is when you can do it for hours on end, it invigorates you, it's fun to do, and when you don't have to work at it.

Each of us has a "gift" - - an ability to do something that is innately ours. One gift may be that you are a writer and can write stories or poems. Another person may have a "gift" of being a teacher th having the ability to interact with and teach others how to do an activity. Another person may have the "gift" of music - - being able to play an instrument, sing or can write words or lyrics of songs. Another person has a natural artistic gift of drawing, sketching, painting, designing a room or creating something with their hands. You will recognize your "gift" when there is no struggle and it brings great joy and satisfaction. It is effortless.

Set aside 30- 60 minutes just to "be" with your "SELF". Find a quiet place, where no telephones or people will interrupt you. Reminisce about early childhood days. Think back when you were a child. What was it that you enjoyed doing that you did for hours on end? I invite you to take some time to "be a "kid" again, and learn to "play again". Take time to do those things that you enjoyed doing when you were a kid, and let them "open your heart" to what you really want to do.

L5B4earn to set intentions.

When we want to change something in our life, we can change our conversation and behaviors, to attract the ideal life/dream of what we want our life to be. Transforming a conversation, just like manifesting a dream, begins by setting an intention. When you set intentions, it sends a message of what you want to attract into your life.

Maybe you are wondering, what is an intention? The definition of intention may be defined as:

Taking full responsibility to bring about a result that you want to accomplish

clarifying in writing and/ or verbally a purpose or plan, to direct to your mind to accomplish a specific task or action

making a plan to ensure what you want, gets accomplished by specifically taking actions that you will implement

So what are some examples of setting intentions?

Before I get out of bed, I set the intention to have a fun day or productive day by making time to do something that energizes me and is fun.

When I come home from work, I set the intention to spend at least 30 quality face-to-face minutes with my family talking, playing, and/or eating a meal with them, without TV or other distractions in the background.

I set the intention to improve my health by walking 20 minutes a day, three times a week.

Before I attend the meeting today, I set the intention to have all the materials and equipment I will need5B4, prepared ahead of time, so that I enter the meeting poised, calm, and prepared to present the information in an organized, informative manner.

So how do I go about setting an intention? Here are some steps to help you set an intention:

Steps To Set Intentions

1. Get clear about something you want to accomplish and will take responsibility to achieve. You may write your intention on paper starting with the words: "I intend to..." Or... see #2.

2. Share your intention with someone in a way that will supportively hold you accountable to taking action. (i.e. - Actually make a statement, "I intend to develop a plan to loose 20 pounds by September 1, 200_ at 5 P.M.") When you tell someone your intention that tends to make you more accountable to following through on what you said.

3. Take action today to demonstrate your commitment to your intention.

4. Acknowledge that you did what you said you would and then, take the next step. (i.e. - I followed through with the intention I set this morning about_________. I felt good that I kept my word with myself. My next step is I will develop a plan with specific steps and dues dates to lose 20 pounds by...)

By setting an intention, you make it clear to yourself and others, just what you plan to do.

If you'd like to feel better in any area of your life, start by listening to your own inner stories, behaviors, and beliefs you've been telling. 548When you become aware of the behaviors and beliefs that are no longer serving you, it's time to reframe them and replace them with the behaviors and beliefs that will attract positive energy, happiness, joy and satisfaction.

What's the payoff of staying where you are, if it's not working? Nothing! Nada!

Do you want to "master" something in your life? Do you want a fulfilling job/career? To live fully to move past health or relationship challenges? Do you want to "parent" more effectively to set boundaries with your children? Do you want to release "stuff" - -literally that you have in your house, as well as old beliefs that squash your freedom to live the life you've always wanted? Do you want more fun in your life and experience time to "play" instead of working 12 + hours a day?

I encourage you to make time to learn what your "gift" is and set intentions to allow your life to be what you want it to be. It's your choice.

About the Author: Lynne has a Masters in Education and A Masters in Spiritual Psychology. When providing group and individual coaching, LQM uses a "whole person" approach and asks questions to help the client identify what aspect or issue needs to be addressed. We underst500and and recognize the value of work/life balance in our clients' lives.

Discover your true essence.

Want help with your life/career transition to make a life change or identify a career you're passionate about? If this article resonates with you, and you want help achieving your personal and professional goals in your life, contact me at 719-433-2727 or at - As a Success Life Coach, I can guide you to identify what you want in your life, prioritize steps and create an action plan to create the life you want.

Spiritual Tips For A Better Life
Teaching For A Better Life

Law of Attraction - Fact or Fiction?

The law of attraction fact or fiction? Trying to prove the law of attraction is a lot like trying to prove gravity. You can't smell, taste, or see gravity, you can only see the results of what we call gravity. You let go of an egg and it falls to the floor.

You don't see gravity attracting it to the floor, you only see the result. So it is with the law of attraction. Like attracts like. We can begin to explain the law of attraction with the analogy of tuning forks. If you have several tuning forks and two are tuned to the same frequency, when you cause one to vibrate the fork at the same frequency will begin to vibrate also.

Like attracts like. You can't see the vibration moving through the air. You can't smell or taste it. You can only see the result, the other tuning fork begins to vibrate too. So it is with the law of attraction. Everything in our universe can be broken all the way down to energy.

Though581ts are just energy too. So when we send out thoughts of lack or abundance that is what we get back. The law of attraction is just as much a "law" as the "law" of gravity. Your personal situation is a picture of what you have been thinking about.

Nothing in this world has ever been created without it being a thought first. If you drop an egg and it doesn't hit the floor, something impeded its progress. So it is with the law of attraction. There are a zillion things we could be doing to impede the progress of something we want to attract into our life. I will talk more about that later.

For a free ebook on the law of attraction click here:

Home Improvement Planning
Focus On Success

Monday, April 28, 2008

Tin Ceiling Tile - Is a Tin Ceiling Right for You

Have you noticed that your old ceiling is looking drab and stained? Have you considered replacing but dont have the money to hire someone to do it for you? Replacing your old ceiling is a job youA9D can do yourself when you use tin ceiling tile to replace the old ceiling you have now.

You can choose unfinished tin panels that are made with bright tin plated steel stamped panels, not the economy tin or lightweight grayish aluminum you may see advertised elsewhere. Tin ceiling tile comes in many patterns and colors as well varied types as well. You can choose from styles such as Nailups, Dropins, and Snaplock as well as all moldings. Many people decide to finish their tin ceiling tile themselves by paining or applying a clear polyurethane coating to them. You may decide this option works for you.

With a Snaplock tin ceiling tile, you can anchor it directly into a drywall ceiling with six drywall screws. You can apply this method to plaster ceilings too, but you will want to use metal plaster screws instead of drywall screws.

Tin ceiling tiles can be used in a kitchen for a backsplash. This is becoming quite popular in home dcor. The 6 pattern is most often used for a backsplash, but a 12 pattern may be used as well. The Nailup panel is the appropriate product to use, the Snaplock is not intended for this purpose.

If you have a low ceiling in one of the rooms, you intend to install tin ceiling tile, it is best to use light colors. This can help reduce the appearance of a low ceiling. If you are thinking of replacing your bathroom ceiling with tin ceiling tile, you can be as creative as you would like. You can make bold statements with color in your bathroom because they are a private room.

Tin ceiling tile comes in many colors, patterns, and sizes. They can add a fresh element to an old stale room with ease and little cost. You will be pleased with the effect a tin ceiling tile has on the entire room.

For more information about Tin Ceiling Tile?, feel free to visit us at:

Thoughts To Ponder #6

Plant Your Spiritual Garden:

Plant three rows of peas: -Peace of mind -Peace of heart -Peace of soul

Plant four rows of squash: -Squash gossip -Squash indifference -Squash grumbling -Squash selfishnes5A8s

Plant four rows of lettuce: -Lettuce be faithful -Lettuce be kind -Lettuce be focused on health and wellness -Lettuce love one another

No garden is complete without turnips: -Turnip for family, friends and important issues -Turnip for service -Turnip to help one another

Water freely with patience and cultivate with love: -There is much fruit in your garden, because you reap what you sow.

To conclude your garden you need thyme: -Thyme for Spirituality -Thyme for study -Thyme to be quiet and listen to your inner voice. Author unknown

Consciousness - paying attention, knowing what's going on - is not just something for spiritually enlightened people, but it's something that makes a huge difference in a person's life, in a group's life, in a company's life, in a society's life. - Fred Kofman

'To live a more contemplative way of life is a matter of cultivating a remembrance of one's own moments of spontaneous contemplative experience, then trusting that these moments are actually the true nature of every moment.' - James Finley

As human beings we are constantly trying to find solid ground on which to stand, but from that solid ground we also want a relationship with the intangible. If poetry is anything it is that relationship - the conversation between what is solid, grounded, and real in our life and what we long for in the untouchable, the num529inous, the eternal. - David Whyte

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Imporve Your Life, specializes in: Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.

Spiritual Tips For A Better Life

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Your Dream Floor - Ceramic Tile Installation Instructions

A carefully planned ceramic tile floor plan -- a brilliantly conceived idea, a meticulously designed look and feel, and the perfect ceramic tiles -- may still be all for nothing if your tiling installation is not properly carried out. Learn how to work your tiling the right way with these quick and easy ceramic tile installation instructions, and see your dream tile floor appear like magic.

1. In order to give a somehow accurate estimate of the number of ceramic floor tiles, the amount of thin set, or cement, grout, as well as the tools you will need to purchase (or rent), measure the length and width of the floor area that you plan to tile. Start measuring by finding the cente1461r point of floor area you will be working on. You can do this by measuring across the room and marking the center. Do this in opposite direction and mark the center, as well. The intersection of the two lines is the center of the floor you will be tiling over. Run chalk lines over the intersection lines. These chalk lines will help you later with your tile positioning.

2. Gather the right tools you will be needing for the tiling project. You can buy most of the tools and materials you'll need at you neighborhood hardware store, or home center. For equipment that might over your budget like tile cutters, try asking your local home center or tool rental yard if they have the tools you need for rental.

3. If you want to do a clean job of tiling the floor, make sure that the floor you will be installing tiles on is clean. If you're working on a concrete subfloor, check for cracks and debris. Clean your concrete subfloor first, and repair the cracks. If you see that some of the cracks are too large to repair, replace those floor sections with new concrete. Large cracks (or even smaller ones) widen over time and this will affect your tiles, as well. If you're working with a plywood subfloor, make sure it is structurally sound and capable of supporting your ceramic tile installation. Your plywood floor has to be at least 1 1/8" thick, and supported by an equally strong underlayment beneath it. Ceramic tiles are heavy and would need a subfloor that can support their combined weight. Otherwise, they will become dislodged or even break. If you're working on an existing ceramic tile floor, all you need to do is use a large flat-bladed chisel and a mallet, and just hammer away. Be sure to keep yourself protected -- use heavy-duty leather work gloves, safety glasses, and long-sleeved work clothes.

4. To get a clearer visual of how your tile floor would look like, lay out your ceramic tiles by following the chalk lines you've previously made. Start at the center and work you way down to the edges. Start at the center, where your intersecting lines meet and work your way out. You can go creative at this part of the ceramic tile installation instructions and actually see your desired look for real.

5. Once you've positioned the tiles on the floor in the manner that you like, you can now begin tiling. Place the center tile and bond it to your subfloor using a thin set mortar, or a tile adhesive of your choice. It is recommended that you use a notched trowel to apply the mortar to the subfloor, but you may actually use the more common trowel variety that may be suggested by many ceramic tile installation instructions. To secure the ceramic tile in its place, press down while twisting it back and forth till the tile no longer is set. If some of the mortar or adhesive oozes out, use your trowel to scrape off the excess.

6. Make sure that you allow the tile adhesives to settle overnight. You may also check your thin set mortar or tile adhesive's ceramic tile installations instructions for the bonding's setting or hardening time.

7. Once the tiles have settled, it is time to apply the grout. Tiling grout is a construction material used to connect tiles, fill void and seal in the spaces between tiles. It comes in a wide variety of color tints that may be matched to your desired look, and tile color. Mix the grout according to its package's ceramic tile installations instructions. Then, using a rubber grout float, work it into the joints. Use your grout float at angle so that you can fill in the joint gap with as much grout as possible.

8. After laying in the grout in between the gaps between the tiles, use a damp sponge to wipe off the excess grout. Rinse the sponge frequently to get as much of the excess grout off, and keep each tile clean. You have the option of applying a sealant to the grout lines when they dry.

Once you follow these steps, you'll realize how easy it is to make your dream ceramic tile floor come true! Now, all you have to do is maintain your new ceramic tile floor by keeping it clean and hygienic. And remember: Your new ceramic tile floor will be approximately 1/2 inch; higher, so you might have to adjust your furniture, electric outlets and other fixtures.

It doesn't require to be a genius to install ceramic tiles and turn your old bath into your dream bath! Study how to install and lay ceramic tiles in easy steps!

Famous Quotations

Dream Big And Sing Big - Tips For A Successful Singing Career

Since you were small, you have been dreaming of a packed concert arena, thousands of screaming fans, deafening applause, with you on stage and a mic in your hand. You havDC3e always dreamed of this moment, it is what you have always yearned for and worked so hard for, the sweet smell of success.

Although, it has always been a dream, how can you make it happen? How do you get yourself a successful singing career? Listed below are some tips that may help you do just that.

Know how to sing

First and foremost, it is most important to know how to sing.

You may have a natural talent for singing, but it is not going to be enough. Singing involves a great deal of hard work and dedication. Therefore, it is important to begin as soon as possible and work hard. You already have the gift of the voice and the talent, so now all that remains, is the development of the two.

Develop an image

In order to have a successful singing career, it is necessary to be memorable and distinct, which actually begins with image. This does not mean that you have to change yourself, it simply means that you should enhance the particular parts of your personality that are memorable and unique, which will in effect grab peoples attention towards you and make them listen.

Work on a trademark

At times, a distinct image is just not enough. Sometimes it is better to have a trademark, a symbol that will remind people of who you are. Whether it is a unique hairstyle, a piece of jewelry, a dance step, or an expression, it is an important factor of you being remembered.

Original Material

Continue to work on original material. Imitation is not something that is undertaken by a professional singer. All of your work must remain original. Play and perform your work as often as possible and become known for them.

Opportunity of Exposure

It is important to grab any opportunities of exposure. For every singer that wants to succeed, then no gig is ever too small. Meet people and let them listen to your music at every opportunity possible. After all, you will never know if one of those people watching is a talent scout or a producer.

Believe in Yourself

The most important factor it to believe in yourself. It is true that other people may not see your talent just yet, but as long as you know in your heart that you will make it big someday, then that certain someday will become the reality that you have always dreamed of. After all, if you don't believe in yourself, who will?

So if you are ready to make your dreams come true, then keep the listed tips in mind, and reach for the stars.

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles for musicians at all stages of their development.

Keep in Touch With Your Dreams

Everyone has, or had, dreams. We dream of good things in our lives from childhood to adulthood and beyond. As a child we dreamed of bright shiny toys and as adults we may dream of a new home, a college education for the children or financial freedom. Usually those dreams stay with us as long as it takes for us to reach them. Then new dreams are formed to replace them.

As time goes by we sometimes lose touch with those dreams, but they are still in our mind somewhere. We need to stay in touch with them. Keep them alive and continue to reach for them.

Often we find ourselves so busy we temporarily put those dreams aside thinking we will someday reach them. The longer we store them in the back of our mind the harder it is to rekindle them. We can actually forget how to dream.

This was the case with me. I became so caught up in trying to make a living that I forgot how to dream and even how to have fun. I had fallen into the trap of settling for less. I was working three jobs and making more money but had no time to enjoy it. My family also had to settle for less. Less of me. I was never around and neither were the dreams I once had.

Work is not the only way to lose contact with your dreams. There are dream stealers who actually rob us of dreams. Those dream stealers come in the form of friends, relatives, neighbors and even those who employ us. They ar5B4e the ones who cast doubt on you by negative comments.

The dream stealers offer us discouragement rather than encouragement. They try to tare down your enthusiasm and ambition. And convince you that a thing is impossible for you to do. They talk us out of our dream or desire. In most cases they don't even realize that they are doing it, but they have a negative outlook and think they are doing you a good favor.

They may tell you that Uncle George tried that and failed or that you need a lot of experience, training or money to accomplish the task you wish to do. They mean well, but they still exude negativity. Sometimes they cut your idea down because they are afraid that you will succeed and won't need them anymore. They are afraid that you will become more and have more than they and they don't want to lose your friendship.

Sometimes the dream stealer can even be your own spouse. He or she can actually destroy your dreams quicker than anyone. If your spouse is skeptical or shows a lack of interest and excitement in what you are trying to accomplish then you will begin to lose interest. Without the support of your spouse you will not succeed.

You will soon be asking yourself why am I doing this. Am I being ridiculous, is this just another dumb venture on my part. You will begin to wonder if it is worth your effort and your dream will suffer for it. Without the encouragement and support of your spouse you will soo581n begin to doubt your own abilities and lose the enthusiasm which was the original foundation of the dream you started with. Unknowingly, your spouse can hurt you more than any other dream stealer.

If your spouse has a dream for the benefit of both or for the benefit of the family then give all the support you can. Be a source of encouragement and if possible, become involved in the dream. You will find more enthusiasm and excitement and the result can be pleasing, profitable and much quicker.

We must always keep in touch with our dreams. We must not allow the stealers of dreams to enter our lives. Once we have a dream we need to stick with it to the end. We need to follow that dream no matter where it goes. If it were worth dreaming about in the first place then it is still worth our time and commitments.

After all, it is those dreams, desires and hopes that are the foundation of who we are and who we become. Without a dream we have nothing to shoot for. No direction in which to pursue our future. As in the words of a song, "Without a dream how you gonna have a dream come true."

Len Roe, freelance article writer for more than a decade.

Building an Amazing Dream Team - A Model

I just read a post on our blog by Brian about ways to improve how we handle building your dream team in the on-line investing game we have and I wanted to comment on some of the interesting points he brought up.

First, to recap, he is right when he talks about our currently system. In the current game, you decide what you want to do with each turn, which represents a week of real time. So, if you wanted to find a better real estate agent to help you find houses, you could decide to take a turn to do that. Doing that would improve the rating of your in-game real estate agent and give you some added bonuses like the ability to see more houses each turn you search for houses and a slightly better chance of getting offers accepted.

What Brian has suggested is the concept of being able to leverage your time by doing something that improves more than one of your Dream Team members at the same time.

An example, he proposes, is to attend a real estate investor club meeting and that might improve a real estate agent, mortgage broker and mentor rating (or something to that effect).

First, I like the idea, but I do have some concerns.

My initial concern is that we don't want to clutter the game with too many options at first. The saying that comes to mind is "a confused mind says no" and that given too many choices in the game, players might just opt not to do anything at all.

What I could see doing is to open up these options as the game is played. For example, once you get above a certain rating for your real estate agent, mortgage broker and/or mentor (or maybe a combination of all three), you get a new option which allows you to attend the meetings.

My second concern is to balance the improvement rate. Why would someone work solely on a real estate agent if they could get the same improvement on three dream team members by attending a meeting? So, maybe it does improve all three but one-third as much as if you just worked on one to keep the balance of growth there.

Other than those two concerns I think the idea is a great one and one that will significantly improve the Learn To Be Rich game experience.

As an aside, I do have in my "idea notebook" the concept of key Dream Team members actually spontaneously improving another Dream Team member. The real world equivalent is having someone you know, like your real estate agent, introduce you to someone else they know, like a great accountant, that might be a better fit than the current accountant you are working with.

James Orr is a professional real estate investor, marketing expert and founder of the on-line investment game.

You can get a free real 3BFestate course and fully analyzed real estate deals and his blog by e-mailing him at or visit the Learn To Be Rich Blog for more great articles and information.

A Solid Plan to Achieve Your Dreams

If you have a certain dream or goal that you want to achieve, whether it is as small as making $100 this month or as big as creating permanent world peace, the very first thing you must do is to determine EXACTLY what it is that you want.

More than just a general idea, if you can narrow your dreams, desires, or goals down to an exact list of things that you want to accomplish, you will put yourself in the position where you can begin to piece together everything that will be needed to make this goal your reality.

Something else that is important to keep in mind: before anything exists materially around you, it has to first exist as a thought within you. There is always going to be a time delay between seeing something in your mind and holding it in front of you, and you may have heard the term 'manifest' used in describing this process.

The few people whC9Do have really figured out how to get exactly what they want without fail every time, these are the people that are good at 'manifesting,' but this does not mean that they have completely overcome the time delay inherent in the creative process. Rather, they have become good at turning their thoughts into their reality by working to make this time delay as short as possible.

So once you have chosen a specific thing that you want to achieve, if you want it as soon as possible then you must make sure that it is something that you genuinely feel excited about. Hopefully you will feel so excited that you may even have trouble sleeping! Problems will arise, however, if the goal you want to achieve is not something that you feel passionate about.

Let's look at an example of this to better understand why excitement, anticipation, and passion can be powerful tools that can work for you to help you achieve your dreams: You have recently moved into a larger and more luxurious home, but at the same time your business began to slow down so that now you are having real financial trouble keeping up with the expenses.

If you set a goal to increase your cash flow so that you are no longer under this financial stress, make sure that you create this desire in a way that makes you feel genuinely excited about this new future.

If you set your goal to be 'I just want to make enough money to pay my bills,' this is not a goal that seems very exciting, not to mention that you are fixating on the idea of lack and not having enough money to pay your current expenses.

On the other hand, if you form your goal in a way that is more resembling 'I love my new life in my big new house where I can live completely worry-free, and the only choices I need to make are which country I want to travel to next,' this is a dream that will fill you will anticipation for the future. Do you see the difference?

You will be excited to wake up in the morning and work on achieving this new life, rather than focusing on what you currently feel is lacking in your life. If you focus on the lack of something, you are only setting yourself up to experience more of that lack.

Just Released! Are you looking for the information you need to become wildly successful as soon as possible? Take a good look at the Psychic Manifestation Toolkit, which contains very powerful knowledge about creating reality and manifesting your desires.

Dream Interpretation - The Unique Scientific Method

The unique and correct method of dream interpretation was discovered by the psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung thanks to a research that was not only based on clinical experieCD6nces and analysis of many dreams but also on the examination of the symbolic rituals of the alchemists and the symbolism of their elements.

"An alchemist was a person versed in the art of alchemy, an ancient branch of natural philosophy that eventually evolved into chemistry and pharmacology. Alchemy flourished in the Islamic world during the Middle Ages, and then in Europe from the 13th to the 18th centuries." (

The alchemists were trying to discover a way to transform metal into gold. However, what was important was not what they were actually doing in their chemical experiments, but the transformation of what was material in something else that didn't have material dimensions.

Just as Jung found information about dream interpretation by studying several dreams, artistic manifestations and the strange alchemists, I discovered the hidden meaning of many symbols Jung could not translate. I achieved this by interpreting my own literature, especially the book I wrote over six and a half years, after a terrible car accident, during a period when I was a complete atheist.

I had lost my faith after the accident, but the meaning of the book I was writing helped me keep the moral values I had learned in the Catholic school where I studied.

I continued Jung's abandoned research in the unknown psyche many years later, and I discovered the wild side of the human conscience that causes craziness to the human side. This way I could clearly interpret everything that Carl Jung didn't understand.

Not only could I find many scientific proofs in the technique used for the translation of dream symbols, but I also discovered that we can be informed about our present reality, psyche, other people and the future by interpreting our daily life scenarios in the same way we interpret dreams.

The interpretations are confirmed by several facts and transformations in our lives that fit with what was explained or predicted in dreams.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.

Learn more at:


Vinyl Shutters - Home Improvement Spruce-Up With A Shutter Installation

Incorporating vinyl shutters into your home interior design transforms you into a master manipulator of light and shadow, while outdoor vinyl shutters add color and brightness to the exterior of your family's living quarters. A dramatic improvement in curb appeal is one of the main benefits of a quality vinyl window shutter installation.

Revamping Windows With Interior Vinyl Shutters

Interior vinyl shutters are a favorite among do-it-yourself remodeling enthusiasts, due to the straightforward installation process. Kits include fully assembled window shutters, except in the case of more sizeable custom shutters. You also receive all the shutter hardware and components needed for a successful DIY project. However, if heavy-duty hinges, screws, hanging strips, and filler strips sound like a foreign language to you, it may be advisable to call in the experts.

Well-crafted vinyl shutters should be manufactured from exterior grade vinyl, with the characteristic smooth finish, that ensures permanent, fresh color without fading, peeling, or scratching. In contrast to wood shutters, these window coverings are not prone to warping, and nasty surface cracks won't appear overnight. Aluminum reinforcements add strength, especially in larger shutters.

Bathroom and kitchen remodeling call for a window treatment suitable for high humidity areas. The moisture resistant properties of vinyl shutters make them ideal companions for the windows in these rooms. Vinyl shutters also sport superb insulation qualities, enhancing energy efficiency. The insulation also contributes to a reduction in outside noise interference.

Interior vinyl shutters are designed for windows of all shapes and sizes. Patio doors and French doors can also be softened with shutters. Look for shutters that brandish blades of a reasonable thickness, especially if the shutter is fairly wide. The tilt bar, which should include an adjustable tension screw, must have a smooth action. The durability of the shutter, and its ease of use, depend largely on this small, yet vital component.

Choose shades and styles that complement your interior paint colors, soft furnishings, and other aspects of your home interior design. If your idea is to install a product with a wood-like appearance, make sure that the louvers are opaque. This will also maximize the light filtering ability of the vinyl shutter.

A Flair Fix With Outdoor Vinyl Shutters

Curb appeal has to do with a variety of factors, such as gardening and landscaping, paint finishes, patio ideas, and awnings. Fixed vinyl shutters have the potential to upgrade the aesthetic appeal of your property drastically, with a minimum of fuss.

If you don't require functional shutters, outdoor vinyl shutters are an inexpensive alternative to wooden shutters. Available in every imaginable hue, these elegant, fixed shutters feature styles such as louvered, raised panel, and board and batten. Modern technology ensures color that remains bright, with no chipping or fading.

Functional, hinged designs for sun protection are also available, but these are only usable during stable, calm weather. Extensive warranties accompany well-crafted, low-maintenance vinyl shutters, attesting to their durability.

Transform a run-down veteran into a vivacious dame, with the magical touch of vinyl shutters. - Read the free Sunair Awnings article at - also by Rika Susan of, where she shows you how to develop your turnkey business idea into an Adsense empire.

Copyright of this article: 2006 Rika Susan. This article may be reprinted if the resource box and hyperlinks are left intact.

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