Have you been feeling lately that you are just going through the motions of life and not even knowing that you have slipped into a routine? How many times have you said, "I drove to the office, or to work and don't even remember how I got there? Do you feel like you are on "auto pilot"?
Many of us like routine, and feel safe with the familiar. It's seemingly helps us feel in control. However, do you some times hear a little voice inside that says: "I know that there's more to life than doing the same thing day after day, week after week? I want to be happy and enjoy life. However, I don't know how to start. "
We're always heard that change is good. Yet the familiar and comfortable seem to be a safety net. However, the familiar and comfortable can actually can be a chain that keeps us locked in the old behaviors and routines. So you maybe you're wondering what it takes to change. To mobilize change, we have to get up and get going. If you're serious about making changes in your life, and are willing to be "open" to change, then let's explore some ideas to "jumpstart" your life.
Identify your "gift".
Just the other day someone asked me: "What is a "gift"? A gift is that special ability you have that just comes naturally. It brings you energy. It is G5B4od given. It isn't something that you learned from going to classes and getting a degree or certificate. It is something that just comes naturally to you. You know what your gift is when you can do it for hours on end, it invigorates you, it's fun to do, and when you don't have to work at it.
Each of us has a "gift" - - an ability to do something that is innately ours. One gift may be that you are a writer and can write stories or poems. Another person may have a "gift" of being a teacher th having the ability to interact with and teach others how to do an activity. Another person may have the "gift" of music - - being able to play an instrument, sing or can write words or lyrics of songs. Another person has a natural artistic gift of drawing, sketching, painting, designing a room or creating something with their hands. You will recognize your "gift" when there is no struggle and it brings great joy and satisfaction. It is effortless.
Set aside 30- 60 minutes just to "be" with your "SELF". Find a quiet place, where no telephones or people will interrupt you. Reminisce about early childhood days. Think back when you were a child. What was it that you enjoyed doing that you did for hours on end? I invite you to take some time to "be a "kid" again, and learn to "play again". Take time to do those things that you enjoyed doing when you were a kid, and let them "open your heart" to what you really want to do.
L5B4earn to set intentions.
When we want to change something in our life, we can change our conversation and behaviors, to attract the ideal life/dream of what we want our life to be. Transforming a conversation, just like manifesting a dream, begins by setting an intention. When you set intentions, it sends a message of what you want to attract into your life.
Maybe you are wondering, what is an intention? The definition of intention may be defined as:
Taking full responsibility to bring about a result that you want to accomplish
clarifying in writing and/ or verbally a purpose or plan, to direct to your mind to accomplish a specific task or action
making a plan to ensure what you want, gets accomplished by specifically taking actions that you will implement
So what are some examples of setting intentions?
Before I get out of bed, I set the intention to have a fun day or productive day by making time to do something that energizes me and is fun.
When I come home from work, I set the intention to spend at least 30 quality face-to-face minutes with my family talking, playing, and/or eating a meal with them, without TV or other distractions in the background.
I set the intention to improve my health by walking 20 minutes a day, three times a week.
Before I attend the meeting today, I set the intention to have all the materials and equipment I will need5B4, prepared ahead of time, so that I enter the meeting poised, calm, and prepared to present the information in an organized, informative manner.
So how do I go about setting an intention? Here are some steps to help you set an intention:
Steps To Set Intentions
1. Get clear about something you want to accomplish and will take responsibility to achieve. You may write your intention on paper starting with the words: "I intend to..." Or... see #2.
2. Share your intention with someone in a way that will supportively hold you accountable to taking action. (i.e. - Actually make a statement, "I intend to develop a plan to loose 20 pounds by September 1, 200_ at 5 P.M.") When you tell someone your intention that tends to make you more accountable to following through on what you said.
3. Take action today to demonstrate your commitment to your intention.
4. Acknowledge that you did what you said you would and then, take the next step. (i.e. - I followed through with the intention I set this morning about_________. I felt good that I kept my word with myself. My next step is I will develop a plan with specific steps and dues dates to lose 20 pounds by...)
By setting an intention, you make it clear to yourself and others, just what you plan to do.
If you'd like to feel better in any area of your life, start by listening to your own inner stories, behaviors, and beliefs you've been telling. 548When you become aware of the behaviors and beliefs that are no longer serving you, it's time to reframe them and replace them with the behaviors and beliefs that will attract positive energy, happiness, joy and satisfaction.
What's the payoff of staying where you are, if it's not working? Nothing! Nada!
Do you want to "master" something in your life? Do you want a fulfilling job/career? To live fully to move past health or relationship challenges? Do you want to "parent" more effectively to set boundaries with your children? Do you want to release "stuff" - -literally that you have in your house, as well as old beliefs that squash your freedom to live the life you've always wanted? Do you want more fun in your life and experience time to "play" instead of working 12 + hours a day?
I encourage you to make time to learn what your "gift" is and set intentions to allow your life to be what you want it to be. It's your choice.
About the Author: Lynne has a Masters in Education and A Masters in Spiritual Psychology. When providing group and individual coaching, LQM uses a "whole person" approach and asks questions to help the client identify what aspect or issue needs to be addressed. We underst500and and recognize the value of work/life balance in our clients' lives.
Discover your true essence.
Want help with your life/career transition to make a life change or identify a career you're passionate about? If this article resonates with you, and you want help achieving your personal and professional goals in your life, contact me at 719-433-2727 or at lynne@lifequestmentoring.com - As a Success Life Coach, I can guide you to identify what you want in your life, prioritize steps and create an action plan to create the life you want.
Spiritual Tips For A Better LifeTeaching For A Better Life
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