Friday, May 30, 2008

What Makes A Blanket Special?

Blankets mean so much to us. They keep us warm and protected and require such little care. They are always there for us never requiring extra attention or anything else. They lay there waiting for us to use them and wrap ourselves up in them for a good nights sleep.

People usually have the same blanket for years. When you were a kid you can probably remember that one special character bedding that made you not only feel warm, but extra protected. Whether it was Luke Skywalker on your Star Wars blanket or Optimus Prime on your Transformers blankets you knew when you went to sleep those guys would protect you. People remember favorite blankets and they can even be passed down to different generations in the family. It is pretty cool to get your mom or dad's favorite blanket when they were a kid when you are young. Having a piece of your parents childhood can make you feel even closer.

Adults start to prefer really thick, fluffy, and heavy blankets for the winter. Isn't it funny that even when it gets hot out most people stick with their favorite blanket anyway? Nothing feels as good as a soft comforter made of fine stitching and a high thread count for a good nights sleep. There is a difference on well you sleep depending on the bedding used.

So remember when buying a blanket it is not just a piece of fabric, but a warm protective barrier for you in life.

Mike writes about various topics that effects peoples lives. For more information on blankets or bedding visit

Framing A Gable Roof

The Amazing Benefits Of DIY

As more and more people opt for home improvements, they face a decision as to whether get the relevant experts in to do it for them or they do it themselves. Here are the advantages of the latter course of action.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Home Purchase Sales Contract

As a home buyer, you will be signing many documents. The purchase contract outlines the basic terms and conditions of your agreement to buy the property. It includes the sale price, property description, deposit amount, mortgage financing, and any contingencies. Your Realtor will help walk you through the negotiation process.

After the initial offer, you may receive 5B4a counter offer. It will change some of the price and/or terms of your original offer. Below are checklists of the major items included in the contract.

Major items in sales contract

  • Sale price
  • Property address and APN (tax #)
  • Amount of initial deposit
  • Terms of mortgage financing
  • Closing date
  • Contigencies and conditions
  • Transfer and recording of deed
  • List of fixtures remaining in home
  • Repairs required of the seller, if any
  • Real estate agent representation
  • Details of escrow transaction

Included in your contract are items you will have to pay for. Some items you will pay in cash (as a money order or cashier's check from your bank), some items may be paid through your mortgage loan, and some items the seller may pay on your behalf (depending upon what you agreed to in your purchase contract).

You can expect to spend about 3-6% of the purchase price on closing costs. Below are the major items you pay pay at the close of escrow:

Major closing costs

  • Loan underwriting fees
  • Credit report fees
  • Appraisal fee
  • Inspection fees (building inspection, other inspections)
  • Insurance premiums
  • Pro-rated interest on loan
  • Pro-rated county property taxes
  • Escrow reserves (refundable pad)
  • Notary & Legal services
  • Escrow services
  • Recording services and 5B4Title-related services
  • Real estate agent commissions (usually paid by the seller)

Remember to have a great attorney to help you review your contract before signing. And have your attorney review your loan documents and help explain them to you before signing. If you can't afford attorney fees, consider enrolling in a pre-paid legal plan membership for a low cost lawyer service.

R.P. Brown serves the California Central Coast, helping home buyers and sellers to realize their dreams of homeownership.

Experience Includes:

Real Estate Broker; licensed since 1988
Member of local Board of Realtors, CAR, and NAR
Notary Public; commissioned since 1998
Lifelong resident of San Luis Obispo county (4th Generation local family)
A.A. Degrees in Real Estate and Small Business Management
Technical Writing Certificate
Business Major at Cal Poly State University
Established in our community -- connections with many residents & merchants
Past President of 2 local non-profit organizations
Continue to volunteer for local organizations
Previous business owner

Qualifications Include:

Experienced in all phases of Real Estate services, including
First Time Buyers
Buyer's Broker
Foreclosures & Bankruptcy Cases
Mortgage Lending
Prop16CDerty Management
Motivated -- Work hard for you!
Ethical and Trustworthy
MLS access by internet

A Carpenters Story

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Divorce Support - Recovering Your Personal Identity During Life Transitions

The only things certain in life are death and taxes, as the saying goes. For everything else, change is constant. And unfortunately, a life transition like a divorce can leave you reeling. Not only have you lost the person you loved the most and the family you made together, but you've also lost the identity you've built up during the marriage, whether it lasted one year or 20.

You're no longer "Bob's wife" or "Laura's husband." You're the ex, the only single person amongst married couples. If you're like many people, you may have defined yourself in conjunction with your marriage, and now that that's gone, that identity is lost as well.

That isn't true. You were a whole person before you married, and that didn't change just because you tied the knot. Right now you might be hard-pressed to identify anything positive about this life transition. But just like a phoenix rises from its own ashes to new life, time and again, so too can you rise from the ashes of a divorce as a new person.

Divorce Support: Take the time to mourn

Any time there's a major life transition, be it death, divorce or even a career, it's perfectly normal and even healthy to mourn what you have lost. It was an important part of your life, and you will miss it. Mourn however you need to. Cry whenever you feel like it. Talk to your supportive friends and family. Go for long walks.

But remember: you can't stay in a state of mourning forever. Acknowledge your past life, and even remember it fondly, but at some point you do need to move on.

Divorce Support: Accepting change

Right after your divorce, you may have noticed that no matter how much you wished it wouldn't, the sun still rose every morning. The world didn't stop just because your life turned upside down. You have to accept that change and move on with your new identity. You have to leave the past behind and move on.

Even though you're probably feeling adrift in the sea of a major life transition, know that feeling won't last forever. Like all things, it will come to an end.

Divorce Support: Look to yourself

You may have spent so much time defining yourself by your marriage that you forgot what mattered to you as a person. Now take the time to look at yourself, and consider your old interests, and maybe even discover new ones. What do you like to do? What have you always wanted to try? Take this opportunity to step out a little bit at a time. You may be surprised about what you find during this life transition.

One woman never had a bank account or managed household finances for the entirety of her 18-year marriage. Four years after her divorce, she was running a thriving business. Another man, after trying to commit suicide when his marriage was falling apart, later teamed up with a good friend to start a charity to provide divorce support to others going through major life transitions.

Have you wanted to learn to ski? How about learning cooking or sign language? Maybe you've wanted to travel to Peru and see Macchu Picchu. If there's something you really want to try, now is the time to do it.

Divorce Support: Moving to new relationships

Now that you've been through a divorce, you'll see all relationships in a new light. Look back at your marriage and see what went right and what went wrong. If you and your spouse had communication problems, then you'll know to look for people who are good at expressing themselves.

Don't feel like you have to rush into another serious, committed relationship. Some people move on faster than others, and this is a major life transition you are dealing with. If you're just looking for a relationship because you're lonely or miss intimacy, wait. Take this time to rebuild yourself, so if or when you are ready for a new relationship, you'll have a whole person to offer to your significant other.

Divorce Support: Know yourself

In her article "Discovering Your Single Identity," Christina Basciano wrote, "The key to transforming pain into self-knowledge is to learn to accept that the purpose of life was not generated by the partnership but that the partnership played a role in life's purpose."

Don't view your divorce as a failure, but as the closing of a chapter in your life. Now the page has turned, and it's up to you to write the next words.

Dave Webster & Tolu Adeleye are partners of Contemporary Lifestyle Consulting Inc. and the co-authors of "Stay Sane Through Change: How To Rise Above The Challenges Of Life's Complex Transitions." Don't spend another minute floundering in stasis. Visit today to get a 10 percent discount on the audio book.

White 2 X 6 And 2 X 2 Handrailing

Are You Wasting Your Money On Golf Lessons And Golf Training Aids And Gadgets?

If you're like most golfers, yours truly included, you've probably spent hundreds of dollars on golf lessons. But did they really lower your score?

Have you also spent hundreds of dollars on a variety of "golf training aids and gadgets", only to end up having them collect dust in your garage or basement?

After I received my latest golf training aid, which I had purchased from an infomercial, my wife yelled ,"you wasted more money on another ridiculous golf gadget! You know those things don't work, because you know you'll keep going back to your old golf swing!"

For some reason, this really hit home this time. After thinking about it I realized she was right.

When the pressure is on, I always go back to my old golf swing. Don't you? But why I wondered?

After thinking about it for several days and doing a little bit of research, I think I found the answer. You see to develop a "pro swing", and this is what all golf lessons and training aids are intended to do, you need to spend literally hundreds if not thousands of hours perfecting your new "pro swing". In other words, you need to treat it like a job, playing at least 18 holes of golf a day, and spending hours every day practicing and practicing, quite often with a coach or instructor.

This is what the pros do to learn their pro golf swing. This is their job!

I don't know about you, but I'm lucky if I get to play 18 holes a week! And I might even be able to squeeze in a couple of trips to the driving range if I can find the time.

Because we don't have the time (nor probably the money) to develop the so called "pro golf swing", lessons and golf gadgets are a waste of our time and money. Our current swings have developed and evolved over many years, and it would probably take years to reprogram our minds and bodies to change them.

Do you really think a few 30 minute golf lessons will change a golf habit that you have developed over the last 20 years? It certainly hasn't worked for me, and I have had several 'series' of private lessons. Lessons are only good for beginners, for they have yet to learn the golf swing, and haven't developed their own style yet.

And what about that latest, greatest, and newest training aid that you saw on that infomercial last night? Do you really believe that using it for 15 minutes a day for the next few weeks will change an ingrained habit of 25 years?

It hasn't worked for me and for thousands of golfers like me. That's why we keep buying every new DVD, golfing aid or gadget that hits the market! We keep looking for that one magical device or lesson that will cure all our swing faults and give us a swing like Tiger Woods. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist.

So what is the average amateur golfer to do to cut a few strokes off his game? I have learned that what we really need to do is learn how to utilize the grip, swing and style that we have already ingrained in our mind and body to our advantage.

We need to stop being embarrassed by our hook, slice, or bad shots and learn how to use them to our advantage to lower our score. Great golf scores are the result of managing our miss hits more than having a perfect swing with no hook or slice.

Over 90% of golfers believe inconsistency is their biggest problem. By simple accepting your own swing and style, you can eliminate a large portion of the inconsistency in your game.

Let's face facts. When you're out there playing in your golf league or with your buddies and the pressure is on you to hit a great shot, do you really think you'll be able to use and depend upon that "new" golf swing you just learned from your pro last week, that DVD you have been watching for the last 2 weeks, or that ridiculous golf gadget you bought last month? Or do you think you'll revert back to your old golf swing?

Well if you're like me and the rest of us amateur golfers, when the pressure is on, you know you are going to fall back upon your old reliable golf swing. So why not accept your old swing and style and learn how to let it work for you!

To learn more about how you can become a more consistent golfer using your own swing, your own grip, and your own style, visit


2 X 12 Doug Fir Exterior Stair

Distance Restrictions In Rural Applications - DSL vs T1

Here's a question often asked by those in rural areas needing dedicated bandwidth for their network applications.

"If someone wanted to have a T-1 line (or fractional T-1) installed in a very rural location, are they subject to the same distance restrictions as a DSL line is?"

The general answer is no. T1's do not have maximum distance "limitation" as does DSL. Network carriers can use multiple T1 repeaters to regenerate (not just amplify) the T1 signal.

However, 2 distance "sensitive" components can increase T1 cost.

First, the T1 access loop. Most local exchange carriers (LECs) (e.g., AT&T/SBC/BellSouth, Qwest and Verizon) charge the ISP for T1 access based on distance between the ISP's router (Internet POP) and the customer's local serving exchange (LEC Central Office.) That is why most ISP's T1 quote tools require the customers local phone number, or at least the 1st 6-digits (NPA-NXX) which identify the local CO exchange, in order to caculate the distance to the ISP's closest IP POP (Internet router).

Second, extrordinary construction costs. If the customer location is a great distance from the closest T1-equipped LEC central office, then the LEC must install additional T1 repeaters and possibly incur other transmission equipment / construction costs to reach the customer. In this case, the LEC has 2 options to deal with construction cost: either absorb cost themselves, or pass it on to the ISP who then pass it on to the end-user customer. I've been implementing T1s for awhile and have seen this situation a few times. Twice the one-time construction costs were $10-$20K and the customer canceled the order. Once, BellSouth had to trench ~200 feet to lay new cable and they absorbed this cost.

Assuming no extrordinary construction cost, there are ISPs that offer flat rate Internet T1s for $750 per month, anywhere in US, with no distance limitations between ISP POP and customer's serving CO. The flat rate cost includes T1 access loop and 1.5 Mbps Internet port. In the majority of cases these aren't always the most reliable providers when you consider long term stability, QoS, and SLA though.

However, for most locatons that are under 25 miles to the ISP POP, we are seeing Internet T1 prices in the general range of $300-$500 per month +/-.

The upside is that it's full speed in both directions, and not subject to the EULA restrictions that DSL lines are. Typically, ISP's don't want you running services behind a DSL line, no such problem with the T1.

Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications....including and Michael also authors Broadband Nation where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, insights, and ramblings for the masses.

2 X 12 Doug Fir Exterior Stair

7 Ways To Boost Your Self-Confidence Quickly And Easily

Here are 7 quick ways to boost your self-confidence levels quickly and easily. You can use them where-ever you are and in whatever situation you may face. Let's get stuck in straight-away, here they are:

1) No matter how you feel at this very moment, picture yourself in the situation you want to be in. Really see yourself there in your minds eye being law of successful. If you are going for an interview picture yourself starting that job on the first day going into work happy and confident. If it is law of success in sport you desire play a movie through your mind of you scoring the winning goal, touchdown or points. In each situation imagine how it feels to be in that situation and hold those thoughts and feelings in your mind for as long as you can.

2) If at anytime you find a negative thought creeping in to your mind, and let's face it, it will happen. Deliberately and consciously let go of that negative thought and immediately put a positive thought into your mind. You might want to put a small photo in your wallet that creates a positive emotion in your mind: a holiday snap, wedding photo, law of successful business meeting or whatever. Each time you pull it out it will be like flicking the switch from negative to positive.

3) When faced with a problem, start to overcome it by first concentrating on what qualities or positives you do have at your disposal. It may be useful to write a list and make sure to include even the obvious and seemingly trivial positive points that you do have going for you. This will immediately take your focus off the negative thoughts of the problem and onto your own positive abilities. Always remember: 'If you think you can, you can'.

4) Do not give any problem or negative situation anymore credit than it deserves. Do not build the problem up in your mind. Sometimes we build up a problem into a much greater thing than it really is through our fear of failure and worry. Realise the world will not stop spinning if you don't solve the problem straight-away, it may also pay to write the problem down so you can see it for what it actually is...not what you have built it up to be.

5) Find and develop your own set of affirmations that you can use and repeat to yourself at times when you are feeling particularly low. Repeating positive phrases with emotion can help change a negative thought pattern to a positive one. Here is a good one to start with especially if you are a Christian: ' I can do all things through christ that strengthen me' a classic bible passage that really does instill belief. Many more affirmations available through the link below.

6) Take a long hard look at your abilities and skills, assess them and their strength. Once you have done this raise your estimation of them all by at least 15%. After all the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts and it is important to develop a healthy belief in yourself.

7) If you have any sort of religous belief then relax and remember the power of the God that you believe in is all around you. Allow his power to flow through you freely and raise your self confidence through him. If God is for you who can possibly defeat you?

So there you have it, 7 quick tips to boost your self-confidence. Basically you should be trying to fill your mind as often as possible with positive thoughts so that they ooze out of your mind. These tips above when practised regularly will help create a pattern of positive thoughts which will become a self-perpetuating cycle and a habit....this is the real key to boosting your own self-confidence!

Author Stephen Ryan provides FREE guidance and training on the power of positive thinking. By following this link you will recieve over $60 worth of FREE positive thinking training and advice immediately, simply click: Positive Thinking now.

Themes In Confucian Thought
Conceptions Of God

The Keys To Creating More Romance In Your Life Are Within You

Since most people express the desire to have more romance in their lives, it really begs the question: How do you create a romance that lasts? Whats the secret to energizing your life with a lasting vibrant romantic energy?

Its critical to embrace the concept that we create our own reality. From moment to moment we are literally creating the life we live out of a field of infinite potential. Thoughts, desires, attentions, and intentions are all crucial elements in manifesting the current reality in which we live.

Regardless of specific religious or metaphysical belief, it is universally agreed that beneath the physical beingness there is a spiritual beingness as well, and that the nature of this spirit is infinite. And since at the true core of our being we are infinite, by definition we possess unlimited creative potential.

The keys to unlocking and directing this potential, that is, creating our reality, have to do with the quality our intention and desire, and how and where we focus our attention. What we focus on becomes our reality. This is one of the immutable laws of our universe.

Your intentions have great power. They organize the infinite field of potential and bring it into harmony with your desires. Attention, on the other hand, enlivens your reality. If you want more of something, put your attention on it. Intend that it be so. This powerful combination of intention and attention helps mold your living reality from moment to moment.

From this perspective, romance can be understood as a condition of loving reality that is created from moment to moment from and within the infinite field of pure potentiality. Often it happens spontaneously between two people. It seldom lasts long, however, and even more seldom forever. It is possible, though, to create a lasting romance; it takes honest desire, loving intention, and constant loving attention. Like any life force, romance needs constant nurturing to grow and stay healthy.

So if you desire more romance in your life, start by thinking about the romance you want. Take time each day to envision boardyour life with more romance in it. Try to visualize clearly what your life would be like, and how your conditions would change. Imagine yourself being romantic in vivid detail. Write down on paper your vision boardand read it daily. Post it somewhere where you can see it often.

Also, examine your intention about romance. Are your intentions to create more love in your life, or are they about something else? And most important, are you committed to its creation? Over time are your really willing to do what it takes to manifest it in your life?

You can create anything in your life with honest and strong desire, positive and committed intention, and consistent loving attention. These are all keys to creating a lasting romance in your life as well.

Mark Maxwell is a saxophonist and composer whose company, Romantic Sax Music, creates and distributes music that facilitates romance and harmony. Romantic Sax Music: Romancing Your Heart...Soothing Your Soul

Nelson Mandela
Oprah Winfrey

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Design Your Log Home For Resale

Almost every log home owner who sells their home will tell you that when they built the house, they planned to live there forever. Because custom log homes are so personal, we sometimes design for aesthetics and forget about practicality. This isn't always a good thing! Life sometimes gets in the way, and the owners find themselves in a position where the house must be put on the market.

The budgetarily-challenged log home owner will be willing to live without certain things for the sake of getting the project finished, but you will discover that the next owner will not be so forgiving. Here's a list of items that any Real Estate professional will recommend if you want to get your house sold for the most money:

GARAGE: This is a big one. Very few buyers are willing to buy a home without a garage. If you can't afford one right away and plan to build a detached garage later, make sure you set aside a convenient space near the house, and don't use it for anything else. If the buyer can visualize a future garage, this will make the purchase easier.

CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING: We all know that log homes are cooler in the summer than framed houses. However, this doesn't matter to a buyer who is accustomed to central air conditioning. There is a large percentage of folks who will walk when hearing that the house is not air conditioned. In fact, our mortgage company made sure central air was in the design before approving our construction loan. If you can't afford to install the whole system, it would be advisable to at least incorporate the ductwork into your design for future installation, so it doesn't have to be retrofitted.

FRONT DOOR: I find, these days, that lots of designs with big decks tend to minimalize the front door, reducing it to the status of a side entrance or eliminating it altogether in favor of glass doors that open directly into the great room. But I'll tell you: buyers are very disconcerted when they can't find the front door. They walk around the house looking lost. Something is missing. This is a very personal choice, but doing away with such a major feature is taking a big risk.

COAT CLOSET: I see a lot of log homes without a place to hang your coat. Again, it's not a crisis, but it can be a big annoyance.

FIREPLACE: Everyone expects a log home to have a fireplace, or at least a wood stove. This can easily be a "deal breaker". If you can't afford the fireplace right away, at least try to design the foundation with footers to accommodate the weight at a later time.

BASEMENT: I strongly advise you not to settle for anything less than a full basement. If you are building in an area where basements are expected, anything less will be a huge problem. First of all, the wiring in exterior walls will be run from the basement (or crawl space). Secondly, you're probably giving up your attic if you have a cathedral ceiling, so where are you going to store everything? Even a healthy 5-foot crawl space is considered inadequate by a buyer. There is just no compromise.

TINY LOFTS: People like a loft they can put furniture on. Narrow lofts that run along an upstairs wall full of doors can be disappointing.

Designing for expansion is always the best way. Some plan a space for a future elevator when stairs become a challenge, or use wider doorways for a possible future wheelchair. It's a lot to think of when your biggest worry is staying within budget, but if you plan ahead for your eventual old age, you might accidentally be making your house easier to sell when other opportunities come along.

Mercedes Hayes is a Hiawatha Log Home dealer and also a Realtor in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. She designed her own log home which was featured in the 2004 Floor Plan Guide of Log Home Living magazine. You can learn more about log homes by visiting

Del Mar Remodeling
Encinitas Remodeling

Childproof Your Home to Keep Your Little One Safe

Parents and caregivers want to provide a safe place for their children to live and play but too often child proofing these areas gets put off. This has caused thousands of household accidents that could have easily have been prevented. The good news is that child proofing is not difficult and can easily be completed in one day.

It is important to protect your child from common household dangers before you bring your newborn home from the hospital. If you wait, things can become hectic and easily get put off until later. Below are some of tips on how to childproof your home.

On your first visit to the store you will likely be overwhelmed by all of the products on the market designed to child proof or baby proof your home. There are literally hundreds of different choices.

Some child proofing requires no devices, just common sense. Other areas definitely require the use of a child proofing device. Not all children are the same. If you feel a certain product would help protect your child from a situation they are more likely to get into, you may consider adding that to your arsenal as well.

Here are some basic steps for child proofing your home.

Move Cleaners, Medicine and Other Poisons

You need to move any poisonous substance out of the reach of your children. A common mistake is to keep cleaners under the kitchen sink or bath products on the ledge of the tub. While you might think that child resistant caps will protect your children, you should be aware that the requirements for a child resistant package may mean that at least 80-85% of children couldn't open them. That means your child might. All poisons and medicines should be stored in a high cupboard or locked area.

Block Stairways

Not surprisingly, falls are one of the biggest causes of injury to young children. Stairways are particularly dangerous and should always be properly gated. Never use pressure mounted gates at the tops of stairs since your child may be able to put enough pressure on them to give way.

Despite having a gate it is important for parents to keep a close eye on children around staircases. No safety device outweighs the importance of adult supervision.

Keep Children out of Dangerous Rooms

The bathroom, garage, and office can all be dangerous areas for you child. To keep them safe, use door-knob covers and door locks. Place a slide lock or hook-and-eye latch hign on the door, out of child's reach.

Keep Windows Safe

Lock windows or use guards to prevent them from opening too far. Screens will not keep your child from falling out of a window.

Make sure that blind cords are out of reach and the beds, cribs and other furniture are moved away from windows where a child could climb up and reach. You'd be surprised what they are capable of.

Outlets, Drawers and Cupboards

There is a huge assortment of products aimed at protecting your children's fingers from being caught in door hinges, slammed in drawers or by closing cupboard doors. Test out several products in a children's store that demonstrates how different products are used. The main purpose should be to prevent an accident but if you find the products difficult to use you may end up not using them at all.

Small Toys and Other Choking Hazards

Another major cause of hospital visits for small children is choking. Small toys, batteries, buttons, coins and other objects go straight into the mouths of babies and toddlers (and even some preschoolers). Prevention is the key. If you have older children they should be taught to keep small toys out of the reach of younger children. Keep a keen eye for objects on the floor where your baby is present.

Monitor New Dangers

You will need to be constantly aware of what your child can get access to. As you child grows and develops they may suddenly be capable of reaching or pulling down items you didn't think of.

Don't forget that most child proofing devices you can buy are temporary solutions to prevent the most disastrous accidents. Your children should also be taught how to behave and where to be especially careful. After all, your children will likely be in many homes that are not child proofed like yours and their safety will depend on understanding what's not safe.

Brought to You By:

Alli Ross is the hip granmamma at, where you can find over 20,000 baby names and their meanings as well as parenting info and advice.

Drywall Compound Dust

What Does the Term 'Executive Suites' Mean?

Executive suites is a generic name for a type of rental office available in cities all over the U.S. and overseas. They are also called shared office space or temporary office space, but dont let these terms throw you. Executive suites are not expensive CEO type of corporate offices. Nor does shared office space mean you have to share an office with another business.

Also, the name temporary office space doesnt have to mean temporary. They can actually be as permanent as you like. Rental plans are so flexible you can arrange their use for a day, week, month or how everlong you want.

But the best part is the look of success you get without the expense. For example, you dont have to buy a stick of furniture. Its all there waiting for you when you walk into your executive suite. Also, there is no need to hire extra staff. A professional receptionist will be available to greet your visitors and answer your telephone when you are out of the office.

From the viewpoint of a prospective customer, you will have the look of an established and successful business, rather than a rickety, run of the mill office of a struggling start-up. It is possible that a boring, cluttered, or sterile office space lacking in style and the modern touches of a professional designer may cause top-notch potential clients to rethink doing business with you altogether. Remember, first impressions really do mean a lot when attracting new business.

Please note that when it comes to building a professional company image, the office space you select is paramount. After all, you are really sending an intangible type of message which one that should represent a thriving and successful business in the mind of your prospective client. The image you project begins the moment your clients walk into your building the first time.

Executive Suites: The good news is .....

Executive suites are often located in buildings with a Class A rating. Once again, your professional image is further reinforced when your clients are greeted in the lobby by a friendly receptionist, just like in those large corporations. All in all, everything works together seamlessly to build the type image of you desire.

To find an executive office space in your preferred city, you can do a simple key word search on "executive office space" and include the city or zipcode. You will be pleasantly surprised at the many options provided by in your area.

Cheree Dohmann, an internet marketing consultant, works with Premier Business Centers promoting their services. For details visit Premier Business Centers-San Gabriel Valley Office Space

Roof Dutch Stuccoed
Roof Shaped Stain Glass Window

Sunday, May 18, 2008

7 Ways To Boost Your Self-Confidence Quickly And Easily

Here are 7 quick ways to boost your self-confidence levels quickly and easily. You can use them where-ever you are and in whatever situation you may face. Let's get stuck in straight-away, here they are:

1) No matter how you feel at this very moment, picture yourself in the situation you want to be in. Really see yourself there in your minds eye being law of successful. If you are going for an interview picture yourself starting that job on the first day going into work happy and confident. If it is law of success in sport you desire play a movie through your mind of you scoring the winning goal, touchdown or points. In each situation imagine how it feels to be in that situation and hold those thoughts and feelings in your mind for as long as you can.

2) If at anytime you find a negative thought creeping in to your mind, and let's face it, it will happen. Deliberately and consciously let go of that negative thought and immediately put a positive thought into your mind. You might want to put a small photo in your wallet that creates a positive emotion in your mind: a holiday snap, wedding photo, law of successful business meeting or whatever. Each time you pull it out it will be like flicking the switch from negative to positive.

3) When faced with a problem, start to overcome it by first concentrating on what qualities or positives you do have at your disposal. It may be useful to write a list and make sure to include even the obvious and seemingly trivial positive points that you do have going for you. This will immediately take your focus off the negative thoughts of the problem and onto your own positive abilities. Always remember: 'If you think you can, you can'.

4) Do not give any problem or negative situation anymore credit than it deserves. Do not build the problem up in your mind. Sometimes we build up a problem into a much greater thing than it really is through our fear of failure and worry. Realise the world will not stop spinning if you don't solve the problem straight-away, it may also pay to write the problem down so you can see it for what it actually is...not what you have built it up to be.

5) Find and develop your own set of affirmations that you can use and repeat to yourself at times when you are feeling particularly low. Repeating positive phrases with emotion can help change a negative thought pattern to a positive one. Here is a good one to start with especially if you are a Christian: ' I can do all things through christ that strengthen me' a classic bible passage that really does instill belief. Many more affirmations available through the link below.

6) Take a long hard look at your abilities and skills, assess them and their strength. Once you have done this raise your estimation of them all by at least 15%. After all the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts and it is important to develop a healthy belief in yourself.

7) If you have any sort of religous belief then relax and remember the power of the God that you believe in is all around you. Allow his power to flow through you freely and raise your self confidence through him. If God is for you who can possibly defeat you?

So there you have it, 7 quick tips to boost your self-confidence. Basically you should be trying to fill your mind as often as possible with positive thoughts so that they ooze out of your mind. These tips above when practised regularly will help create a pattern of positive thoughts which will become a self-perpetuating cycle and a habit....this is the real key to boosting your own self-confidence!

Author Stephen Ryan provides FREE guidance and training on the power of positive thinking. By following this link you will recieve over $60 worth of FREE positive thinking training and advice immediately, simply click: Positive Thinking now.

Don Miguel Ruiz

The Keys To Creating More Romance In Your Life Are Within You

Since most people express the desire to have more romance in their lives, it really begs the question: How do you create a romance that lasts? Whats the secret to energizing your life with a lasting vibrant romantic energy?

Its critical to embrace the concept that we create our own reality. From moment to moment we are literally creating the life we live out of a field of infinite potential. Thoughts, desires, attentions, and intentions are all crucial elements in manifesting the current reality in which we live.

Regardless of specific religious or metaphysical belief, it is universally agreed that beneath the physical beingness there is a spiritual beingness as well, and that the nature of this spirit is infinite. And since at the true core of our being we are infinite, by definition we possess unlimited creative potential.

The keys to unlocking and directing this potential, that is, creating our reality, have to do with the quality our intention and desire, and how and where we focus our attention. What we focus on becomes our reality. This is one of the immutable laws of our universe.

Your intentions have great power. They organize the infinite field of potential and bring it into harmony with your desires. Attention, on the other hand, enlivens your reality. If you want more of something, put your attention on it. Intend that it be so. This powerful combination of intention and attention helps mold your living reality from moment to moment.

From this perspective, romance can be understood as a condition of loving reality that is created from moment to moment from and within the infinite field of pure potentiality. Often it happens spontaneously between two people. It seldom lasts long, however, and even more seldom forever. It is possible, though, to create a lasting romance; it takes honest desire, loving intention, and constant loving attention. Like any life force, romance needs constant nurturing to grow and stay healthy.

So if you desire more romance in your life, start by thinking about the romance you want. Take time each day to envision boardyour life with more romance in it. Try to visualize clearly what your life would be like, and how your conditions would change. Imagine yourself being romantic in vivid detail. Write down on paper your vision boardand read it daily. Post it somewhere where you can see it often.

Also, examine your intention about romance. Are your intentions to create more love in your life, or are they about something else? And most important, are you committed to its creation? Over time are your really willing to do what it takes to manifest it in your life?

You can create anything in your life with honest and strong desire, positive and committed intention, and consistent loving attention. These are all keys to creating a lasting romance in your life as well.

Mark Maxwell is a saxophonist and composer whose company, Romantic Sax Music, creates and distributes music that facilitates romance and harmony. Romantic Sax Music: Romancing Your Heart...Soothing Your Soul

Jack Canfield

Saturday, May 17, 2008

SMTP - How To Run SMTP On A Different Or Additional Port In Linux With Plesk

For one reason or another some people like to run their SMTP service on a port other than the standard TCP port 25. Whether it's to bypass their ISP's firewall, provide a second instance of SMTP, or maybe just to be different.

This article will show you a simple way to do this on a Linux server running the Plesk control panel.

In '/etc/xinetd.d/' there is a file called smtp_psa, you will need to copy this file to another filename (in this example I'll use smtp2_psa).

In this new file, you will want to change the line:
'service smtp' to 'service smtp2'

Once this is complete, you will need to modify your /etc/services file, and add the smtp2 service: Simply copy/paste the existing smtp line and change the name and port (we'll use port 26 in this example).

smtp2 26/tcp mail smtp2 26/udp mail
Restart xinetd. # /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Check to make sure the new port is now listening # netstat -plunt |grep :26

That should return something similar to

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2345/xinetd
You can test this connection from the outside by trying to telnet to port 26 on the server. From a linux shell or Windows command prompt enter

# telnet 26

(be sure to replace with your server's real IP address) If it's successful it should return something similar to

Trying Connected to hostname.domain ( Escape character is '^]'. 220 hostname.domain.tld ESMTP
Enter 'quit' to quit the telnet session.

Travis is a freelance server administrator and computer consultant at Serverjuice
For more howtos and guides visit Howto Monster

You will also need to modify the port in your mail client to use the new SMTP port.

White 2 X 6 And 2 X 2 Handrailing

Underground House Floor Plan - The Hippie Experiment

If you happened across a home built from an underground house floor plan you could be forgiven for thinking the owners might be Hobbits because the only things visible might be a door or window set into a foliage covered hill. This type of home is actually a series of small, interconnecting domes made from cement and partially or completely submerged into the earth.

Such unconventional house floor plans are actually a step in the right direction for those persons thinking outside the box in terms of energy conservation and environmental benefits. Living underground in such earth-sheltered housing has its merits and takes a very conservative view in energy usage.

When considering an underground house floor plan, look for the following applications:

1. The house floor plan should blur the distinction between indoors and outdoors. The purpose is to exist in close harmony with nature.

2. The windows should be honeycomb style to harness solar energy.

3. Since the windows for this type of floor plan don't open, an intake vent system with filters should be installed to draw fresh air from outside. The filters help keep out unwanted pests.

4. Air should be fanned from a solar collector through the home duct work into a rock store beneath the main living space. The store system maintains an efficient heat-exchange which works with the insulating soil to maintain a comfortable temperature year round. A good system would require no additional heating or cooling.

The dome shaped rooms give rise to maximum floor space and minimum wall area. Floor areas do not to conform to traditional housing expectations and and the living spaces are defined with curved walls with no sharp corners. Natural sunlight can be channeled into the house via the use of a skylight lined with natural reflective materials

Underground house floor plans got their start in the 1970s from an Austrian architect named Eisenhofer. Sadly, most dismissed his energy efficient and unconventional house plans as nothing more than a hippie experiment. It has only been within the past few years that interest in earth-sheltered housing is attracting some interest. As people become more environmentally conscious, the popularity of underground house floor plans as an energy efficient alternative can only increase.

Get fantastic ideas for your new house! House floor plans come in all shapes and sizes. Find the right house floor plan for your family today!

2 X 12 Doug Fir Exterior Stair

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Attraction Law, You and Money - Part 2

In the first part of this article, I had talked about how energy blockages can be a big hindrance to our quest for more financial resources. It is useless trying to use the Attraction Law to attract more money if we do not take the first step of clearing away the blockages that prevent from manifesting it in our lives. How do we know we are suffering from energy impedance? The blockage symptoms include being stuck and unable to move forward beyond a certain point, no matter how much we try. And also when we start to find that despite repeating prosperity affirmations and visualization exercises, we just get frustrated because it does not seem to work!

Now I am going to share with you how you can identify and destroy the blockages that exists within you. And to do that, you need to answer three questions. You do not need to share them with me or anyone but you must be honest to yourself and answer truthfully:

1) What aspects of my financial situation make me feel uncomfortable?

There could be many reasons. For some, it is the big pile of debts left unpaid; for others, it might be a lack of income; and yet for some others, it might be that you are simply to disorganized to handle your finances well. Ask yourself which are those situations you would usually try to avoid thinking about or looking at those are the very areas of your life where there is a blockage. You need to give if full attention if you want to dissolve this blockage.

Once you are clear what aspects of your financial situation that makes you feel most uncomfortable, ask yourself:

2)What do these situations say about the rest of my life?

Well, they say Money is the root of all evils. That's the subject for another day but more often than not, Money, or lack of it, is the cause of most problems. So money problems are NOT just about money! Money can serve as a mirror for passion, love, joy, purpose, courage, or any number of other qualities you may be resisting. Financial abundance or lack usually reveals identical abundance or lack in other areas of your life. Look at your job, your health, your relationships, your self-esteem (and anything else you can think of), and see if you have blockages there too. Take your time with this exercise, because it is absolutely mind-blowing once you get it. Once youve discovered correlations between your financial abundance and the other areas of your life, ask yourself:

3)How can I increase the flow of energy to these areas?

This is the most crucial question and you most definitely want to spend more time in deep thought about this because everyone will have a different answer. When something is blocked, it is usually the result of stagnation or neglect - and this obstructs the flow of energy. Blockage or hindrance can often be traced to an unresolved situation, a lack of belief or even bad habits that do not help at all. Like a clogged up drain (hey, did you read my blog post on that?) where no or little water can flow through, so is it with energy.

In order to clear the clog, you need to turn your attention upon it and take action to remove it.

Lets look at a couple of examples (ok they are my own examples):

Blockage 1: What made me most uncomfortable about my financial situation was that I did not earn enough money. Ok, it is not a bad paying job but when compared to my peers, I was definitely earning much less. I was happy with my job, except for the pay and have often thought about seeking a better paying job or starting my own business. But I kept holding back. Why? I found that my blockage was this inherent feeling that I did not feel that I deserve to earn more. I had that idea because I kept thinking that I am not as capable or talented as my peers. I discovered that poor self-worth was the blockage that was holding everything back!

Resolution 1: In order to clear the blockage, I worked on changing my belief that I did not deserve to earn more money. I worked at some intensive self-esteem exercises to learn how to value my contributions to the world. And through encouragement of my better half, I build up the courage to move towards something better.

Blockage 2: Now if you know me, you will know that I am one big messed up guy as far as financial records are concerned. My checkbook has never been balanced and I always am late paying my credit card bills and end up paying late fee fines (the banks love me) and all these created a major financial drain on my financial resources. I never seem to have enough but I knew that the situation would be better if I just could organize or manage it better!

Resolution 2: Perhaps you are like me, but not necessarily with your finances but in other areas like your time management. Or perhaps you can never seem to get your house in order - everything is so cluttered that you have difficulty locating what you need. I found that resolving disorganization is easy once you set your mind to devote a definite amount of time each day to the required tasks. Commit a time to balance that checkbook. Make a date with yourself to clean the wardrobe. All these takes time and effort but you will see results. And as you continue at purging away the blockages by getting better organized, you will notice clearly that there is a greater and easier flow of energy (and money) into and through your life.

Your situation might be completely different from mine, but you can follow the same steps to clear blockages in your life. To summarize, here are the 3 questions again:

1) Figure out what makes you most uncomfortable.
2) Identify correlations with the other areas of your life.
3) Take action to dissolve the blockages.

When you do this on a consistent basis, you will notice that energy (in the form of money, as well as other qualities) will flow through your life much more easily and you will now be able to use the Law of Attraction in a much more conscious way.

The Law of Attraction and Abundance has shown Steve Lobe what it means to be able to live a meaningful and abundant life and he aims to show others how they could have it to in his blog and has a FREE After The Secret Starter Kit to help people know what to do after watching 'The Secret' DVD.

Jack Canfield

SEO Tips: Link Building

This article is a follow-up to an article I wrote about On-Page Optimization . On-Page optimization enables each of your web pages to make the most out of the mojo that they have -- but you need inbound links to create that mojo in the first place.

I use the term "mojo" as a generic descriptor for the importance given to a web page or a web site based upon inbound links. Similar terms include page rank, site rank, trust rank, and authority. Those terms tend to carry too much linguistic baggage, so I use the term "mojo" for simplicity unless another term is specifically required.

Mojo is created by getting inbound links to your web site and to your web pages.

Getting inbound links is one of the most important, and time consuming, tasks involved in SEO.

Here are a few tips to generate inbound links. Each of these tips are appropriate for some web sites, but none are appropriate for all web sites. Select the link building strategies which are most appropriate for your specific web site.

Submit to Web Directories

Start with big slow directories like the Yahoo Directory and the DMOZ Open Directory Project, but don't stop there.

Search out the small directories which are dedicated to topics relevant to your web site.

For more suggestions on finding directories to submit to, read How can I find web directories?

Reciprocal Linking

Write individual e-mails to specific webmasters whose web pages compliment your own and tell them that you would like to trade links with them.

Make sure to personalize each e-mail, or your e-mails will be quickly deleted as spam.

To achieve the best results from your e-mail, include the following in your initial e-mail:

* Mention two positive items about their web site, so that they know that your e-mail is not a generic spam.

* Include directions to the specific web page where you have added the link to their web site.

* Mention the Page Rank of the page where you have added a link to their web site.

These web sites exist to help you search for reciprocal link partners in the same market niche' as your web site:

* Find Link Partners

* Link Partner Finder

* Themes Reciprocal Link Finder

Write Articles for Other Web Sites

One method for getting inbound links is to write quality articles and submit them to other web sites for publication.

Each article should include a link back to your web site.

These links are better than links from link pages, because there tend to be very few outbound links on the article page.

Write a brief article on some topic related to the topic of your web site. Do not write an article about your web site, but write an article that would be interesting to people who would also be interested in your web site.

Send this article to webmasters who maintain web sites on topics similar to the topic of your article. Explain to them that they can post your article for free on their web sites, in return for a link to your web site.

To find web sites to submit articles for publication, visit Where can I submit an article for publication?

Create and Submit Press Releases

Write press releases about your web site and submit them to press release distribution services.

To find places to submit press releases for publication, visit Where can I submit my press release?

Join a Reciprocal Link Program

Reciprocal linking programs exist to help webmasters share links with similar web sites.

Some of the reciprocal link programs are:

* Link Market

* Info Wizards

* LinkExchanged

* Link Partners

* Links-Pal

* Linkateer

* Webmaster Link Exchange

* GoTop Link Exchange ($19.95 fee to join)

* LinkLeads

* Link Traders

* LinkExchangeIt

* SiteSell

* 123ExchangeLinks

* Ads4Links

* Spocka

* Links For You

If you have a blog, try blogLinker, the automatic link swapper for blogs.

These link networks can generate a lot of e-mail. You will probably want to create a new e-mail account just for these networks.

Join the DigitalPoint Ad Network

The DigitalPoint Coop Advertising Network enables you to automatically trade links with thousands of web sites across the Internet.

Join a Reciprocal Linking Forum

Several web forums exist for the purpose of sharing and trading reciprocal links. These linking forums include:

LinkRequests Link Trade Forum

Start a Reciprocal Linking Program on Your Web Site

You can also setup a reciprocal linking program on your own web site.

For more information on setting up a reciprocal linking program on your site, read How can I add a reciprocal link manager to my web site?

Start or Join a Web Ring

You can use an existing web ring service such as WebRing, or you can create your own web ring using the PHP-Ring webring script.

Join or Create a Top Site List

Search for top site lists which are relevant to your web site.

Add yourself to the existing lists. If no relevant top site lists exist, create one.

Provide a Useful Service

Create dynamic content on your web site which other web masters can include on their web sites by linking to it.

Every webmaster who uses your content automatically adds a link to your site.

Firearm News is an excellent example of this. If you add a small bit of JavaScript to your web page, your users will receive up-to-date news on firearms.

Of course, you will also have to contact other webmasters to let them know about your service -- perhaps even with a press release.

Buy Links

If all else fails, you can always buy links to your web site.

Will Spencer is the webmaster of The Internet Search Engines FAQ, SAN Security, and Enterprise Storage Management.

2 X 12 Doug Fir Exterior Stair

Distance Restrictions In Rural Applications - DSL vs T1

Here's a question often asked by those in rural areas needing dedicated bandwidth for their network applications.

"If someone wanted to have a T-1 line (or fractional T-1) installed in a very rural location, are they subject to the same distance restrictions as a DSL line is?"

The general answer is no. T1's do not have maximum distance "limitation" as does DSL. Network carriers can use multiple T1 repeaters to regenerate (not just amplify) the T1 signal.

However, 2 distance "sensitive" components can increase T1 cost.

First, the T1 access loop. Most local exchange carriers (LECs) (e.g., AT&T/SBC/BellSouth, Qwest and Verizon) charge the ISP for T1 access based on distance between the ISP's router (Internet POP) and the customer's local serving exchange (LEC Central Office.) That is why most ISP's T1 quote tools require the customers local phone number, or at least the 1st 6-digits (NPA-NXX) which identify the local CO exchange, in order to caculate the distance to the ISP's closest IP POP (Internet router).

Second, extrordinary construction costs. If the customer location is a great distance from the closest T1-equipped LEC central office, then the LEC must install additional T1 repeaters and possibly incur other transmission equipment / construction costs to reach the customer. In this case, the LEC has 2 options to deal with construction cost: either absorb cost themselves, or pass it on to the ISP who then pass it on to the end-user customer. I've been implementing T1s for awhile and have seen this situation a few times. Twice the one-time construction costs were $10-$20K and the customer canceled the order. Once, BellSouth had to trench ~200 feet to lay new cable and they absorbed this cost.

Assuming no extrordinary construction cost, there are ISPs that offer flat rate Internet T1s for $750 per month, anywhere in US, with no distance limitations between ISP POP and customer's serving CO. The flat rate cost includes T1 access loop and 1.5 Mbps Internet port. In the majority of cases these aren't always the most reliable providers when you consider long term stability, QoS, and SLA though.

However, for most locatons that are under 25 miles to the ISP POP, we are seeing Internet T1 prices in the general range of $300-$500 per month +/-.

The upside is that it's full speed in both directions, and not subject to the EULA restrictions that DSL lines are. Typically, ISP's don't want you running services behind a DSL line, no such problem with the T1.

Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications....including and Michael also authors Broadband Nation where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, insights, and ramblings for the masses.

Antique Store Patio

DIY Rally 2008 Submission Form

Think you can top the wildest reader-powered projects of 2007? Get ahead of the pack by showing off your own ultimate home-built invention!

How to get rid of warts and how to prepare a wart treatment that is painless yet highly effective?

One of the most vivid childhood memories I have is of my cousin Jim. I don't remember ever seeing him without a wart, or warts. Hand wart, foot wart - he always had them and felt very bad about them.

We tend to view warts as something bad, something we need to hide. There is no reason for this, as 4 out of 10 people will experience this problem in their lifetime.

What causes warts?

Warts are caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). There are numerous kinds of warts this virus causes, ranging from vaginal warts, plantar (foot wart), hand warts to face warts... This viral infection can spread from one part of the body to other, but usually not by contact with other people.

Human Papilloma Virus easily penetrates the skin through cuts. At risk are people who walk barefoot or somehow get exposed to the virus.

How do they look like?

They look like a cauliflower; it is rough and has a pinkish/red spot that are actually capillaries that nourish that wart. If they are not treated, they spread in clusters.

Warts removal

There are many over the counter wart treatments. One of those is a use of salycilic acid that is applied topically on the affected spot.

Cryotherapy is also used by podiatrist in plantar warts removal. It freezes the spot with sodium nitrite that destroys the virus and allows the wart to fall off.

How to get rid of warts: Home remedies for wart removal

Lets see what kinds of wart remedies are available:

Tea tree oil wart treatment

Tea tree oil has a multitude of good uses, one of them certainly is in treating warts. It is an antiseptic that prevents any possible infections that might arise, and almost immediately soothes the skin and clears out the ongoing infection. For this, you need good quality tea tree oil. Use a cotton pad to dab the spot twice a day. The warts usually disappear in a week time or so.

Duct tape warts removal

The famous duct tape remedy! Cut a piece of duct-tape and place it on the wart. Replace it daily. What it probably does to the wart, is that it creates warm environment that soften the skin, and make it possible to remove the wart. Peel the tape gently and apply until the wart is gone.

Garlic wart treatment

Not only can garlic be used as a hair loss remedy, it is also very good as a wart cure. It is as simple as this: peel and cut a clove in half. Rub the spot several times a day.


Rub the spot with banana peel and then use a duct tape to attach the banana peel to the spot. Leave it on overnight.

Apple vinegar

Dip cotton ball in vinegar and attach it to the spot with tape or Band-Aid. Leave on overnight and you should notice the wart disappear in a week or so. This could be also done with alcohol or limejuice, they work the same way.

For more warts removal recipes and wart remedies, click here.

Biljana Drake is an avid collector of homemade skin care recipes. For more great skin care tips, facial masks recipes, homemade remedies, visit her website

Monday, May 12, 2008

Importance Of Vocational Education Training

The economies the world over are changing into knowledge based economies. The changing face of technology the world over requires an individual to be specialized in a particular skill. Only a person who is expert in a particular field can get a good job. Vocational education training institutes impart specialized and practical knowledge to a person and help them become independent at a particular age.

Vocational education training can be provided for a number of courses like health, technical, art, administration and other courses. These subjects can be further classified into specialized courses. For example, health can be divided into massage therapy, dietitians, and nutritionist. Any person can select any course of his choice and inclinations.

Vocational education training institutes impart graduation and post graduation courses to students. The best part of the institute is that even working people can join the course, and even select the timings as per their convenience and nature of job. The vocational institutes allow the students to study online and attend either evening or morning classes. Moreover, financial aid is provided to students who are economically weak.

The faculty of these Vocational education training institutes is highly experienced. They impart practical knowledge to their students. As a result the students are able to have a real life and practical industry experience. The students are also provided with internships.

They are also provided with stipend for their internships. This gives motivation to perform better and excel in their jobs.

They do their job under the supervision of an expert. It is a great learning experience for them as it helps them perform in their job better. For working professionals it is a way to hone their skills while making money.

There are various vocational education training located the world over. In fact every state has vocational institutes where the residents of the place can earn the degrees and become part of a specialized workforce. Majority of these training institutes work as per the rules and regulations of state education department. It is the education department of state or the central government that grants recognition to a training institute.

A training institute is required to follow the rules or else its recognition can be cancelled. It is necessary that a person fulfills the eligibility criteria of the training institute. The procedure of getting admission into any vocational institute is very simple and easy. For any detailed information you can visit the site and get to know about the institute and their placement policies. Also, it is necessary that the vocational institute that you select should be recognized by the concerned education department. The placement of an institute is an indicator of the quality of vocational training institute.

The course structure of the training institute is regularly updated. This is because the technology and the fundamentals of economy are changing very rapidly. Providing practical knowledge based on the old concepts does not make sense.

So go for a vocational training institute that provides you the best placement.

Francisco Segurata owns and operates and Vocational Education

2 X 12 Doug Fir Exterior Stair

Is Your Pride Costing You Money?

Have you ever let pride sabotage your career? "Robert," was a successful TV news anchor who worked in a good-sized TV market. Robert had the classic anchor looks as well as deep booming voice. But he was frustrated that he was unable to move up a better job, which would involve working in a larger city for a much larger paycheck.

Roberts problem was that he didnt work much on the craft of anchoring. His delivery could be a bit flat and robotic. Imagine how someone with a good voice would sound reading something dull like a phone book. Robert was good at his job but not great enough to go to the next level.

Station management wanted to help him and his co-anchors improve their delivery, which in turn could help boost ratings, so they brought in an anchoring coach. The coaching wouldnt cost Robert anything and it was understood that if he improved at his craft, he might get a job elsewhere.

At the first coaching session, all of the anchors watched a recent newscast with the coach. After seeing one of Roberts snooze inducing segments, he asked him a question. Can you see how some people may think that your delivery is a little dry?

Robert was visibly shaken by the comment and replied, Im not one of those people who watches tapes of myself anchoring. He pointed at some of his younger colleagues and said, Thats something they do.

The coach paused a moment and in a quiet voice said, Then how do you think youre going to get better if you dont see what you need to improve. The reason why some of your former colleagues arent here is because they did what they needed to do to improve their technique.

Robert was silent for the rest of the meeting. He never took the coachs advice. Robert stayed at his same job for a few more years until he retired from the TV business and went to work in a different field. Although he continued to apply for bigger and better positions, he never could separate himself from the other applicants.

Heres what Robert taught me:

  • Raw talent can only take you so far. Talent plus hard work equals excellence.
  • Criticism can hurt the ego but it may be right.
  • Its important to frequently evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and improve on both.
  • Remember, if youre not working to improve yourself, someone else out there is and theyll get the job.

Ken Okel is a communications expert who uses real life broadcasting experiences to help successful organizations communicate better, reduce stress, and laugh more. For his free newsletter and special report, 7 Communication Mistakes that are Costing You Money, go to

And to see video of Ken presenting the FAMOUS POLICE DOG ATTACK STORY go to

Rise Of Mahayana Buddhism

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Are You Moving Ahead in Life?

One of the reasons why some people are not moving ahead in life is that they have not made firm decisions to take charge and leave their old lives behind. Fear of the unknown is the main reason. Not wanting to go through the discomfort of unfamiliarity or starting something new is another obstacle.

So though they are unhappy with their present lifestyles, they stick around with their daily routines. As long as they perceive more pain in trying, they are not motivated to change and take action.

If you happen to be in this situation, the way out of it is to seriously want to change and become totally determined to move ahead in life. You can't just wish and hope. You must have very clear defined goal because if you don't, you'll easily forget what it is that you want and lose focus the minute something gets in the way.

Being able to see the end result in advance is one way of staying focused on your goals. When you repeatedly create vivid images of success and allow yourself to feel the sensation of accomplishments in your mind, you are adding fuel to your desire.

If you are only beginning to start anew, you will face doubts. It happens because you've been so used to the old mental programming and self-limitations. Your self-talks will keep reminding you of your failed attempts and mistakes. It tries to protect you from getting hurt and disappointed.

This is when you must take control of your thoughts and start giving new instructions. You must know when to tell those voices to shut-up and give it new instructions to follow. The memories that don't serve you need to go too and you should replace them with new mental pictures, which are within your power to create.

In order to take control and stay optimistic, you need to feed your mind. Two simple actions that you can take are reading and listening to stimulating materials. No matter how busy you are, you must put aside a little bit of your time each day to do either one of these or both.

When you develop the discipline to read each day, you will begin to see possibilities, obtain great ideas, acquire other disciplines and amend your attitude.

With definite goals and the discipline to visualize your end result, taking control of your thoughts, and feeding your mind with positive inputs, you will get inspired to take actions. These are just the few things that you need to start with if you want to move ahead in your life.

Fatimah Musa provides information, tips and quotes to help individuals become aware that any future success starts with their personal growth. You can visit Fatimah at

Alexander Graham Bell

How To Make A Resume Stand Out From The Crowd

Resume writing is part art, part science. So how to make a resume that you've written stand out?

Naturally you'll need to cover all the things expected of a resume:

  • Educational qualifications, but be careful not to appear over qualified if you're stepping down the career ladder.
  • Previous job experience. Put the most recent first and make sure that any gaps are explained. Also explain why there were several good jobs in quick succession if that's the case.
  • Hobbies and interests. You may want to be selective about these and emphasize the ones that are relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • Other achievements. Anything that could help strengthen your case or get you chosen for interview above another candidate.
Take care over the proof reading of your resume. Read it out loud, ideally to someone else so that you can get their opinion.

Keep the formatting clean and tidy. If possible, use a template to help you get the format correct. Use sensible fonts. There are lists of quality fonts on the internet, so you don't have to simply stick to Times New Roman.

Keep your sense of humor to yourself. Unless the job is as a humorist, it's better to stick to the facts rather than try to be funny.

Make sure the paper you print on is good quality. Don't use cheap paper! It's worth spending a few dollars to get a slightly heavier paper - when your prospective employer is going through many resumes, they will notice the difference. White paper is fine, as is black ink.

Be brief. Your resume shouldn't be the next Harry Potter!

Learn more about how to make a resume and increase your chance of getting your next job.

Jack Canfield

Saturday, May 10, 2008

How To Get A Credit Card With Worse Than Bad Credit

At first glance you might wonder why any lender would want to lend money to someone with a bad credit record. But having a bad credit rating does not automatically mean that they have been irresponsible or that it has been their fault. They may have just been unfortunate, lost their job through illness or redundancy, or suffered a relationship breakdown. Credit card companies recognize this situation and so have a number of different schemes to help people who find themselves in this position. There are three types of cards for people in this group, prepaid, secured and unsecured.

Prepaid credit cards are not really credit cards at all since there is no credit involved. When you apply for this type of card, you deposit funds with the bank and you are then able to spend up to the amount of your deposit. In effect this type of card is a debit card. There are no credit checks when you apply for the card, but the card company does not report to the credit bureaus either. This means that this card will not help you rebuild your credit score. Generally a prepaid credit card will not be accepted for car rental or hotel bookings.

Secured credit cards also involve a deposit, but this is treated differently from a prepaid card in that it is held by the bank as security. Apart from this a secured credit card is the same as any other credit card with the credit limit being determined by the amount of the deposit. In the event of a default the bank will use the deposit to repay the loan. The deposit means that no credit checks are needed, but the companies do report to the credit bureaus which will help to rebuild your credit. After twelve months with a good payment record many card companies will transfer you to an unsecured card.

Unsecured credit cards for people with bad or problem credit are the same as standard credit cards except that the interest rates are higher and there are extra fees. These usually involve a setup fee and an annual fee both of which can be quite substantial. Reports to the credit bureaus are the norm for these cards and so will aid in credit repair. Because these cards do not provide any security for the card company initial credit limits tend to be low, $350 - $500 to begin with, but can be increased following a period of satisfactory payments.

People with bad credit who have been refused a regular credit card have a wide choice of companies offering each of the three card types. The choice between secured or unsecured will depend on whether the individual has funds for a deposit and the desired credit limit. The fees and interest rates charged by the different card companies vary widely, so it is important to study the small print carefully before making a final choice of card.

Hugh Harris-Evans writes on financial matters and is the webmaster of Credit Card where you will find further articles on credit repair and tips on how to make the most of your credit cards.

To receive an intensive 5-day e-mail course on Restoring Your Credit, Click Here: Credit Repair Strategies.

White 2 X 6 And 2 X 2 Handrailing

Are You Wasting Your Money On Golf Lessons And Golf Training Aids And Gadgets?

If you're like most golfers, yours truly included, you've probably spent hundreds of dollars on golf lessons. But did they really lower your score?

Have you also spent hundreds of dollars on a variety of "golf training aids and gadgets", only to end up having them collect dust in your garage or basement?

After I received my latest golf training aid, which I had purchased from an infomercial, my wife yelled ,"you wasted more money on another ridiculous golf gadget! You know those things don't work, because you know you'll keep going back to your old golf swing!"

For some reason, this really hit home this time. After thinking about it I realized she was right.

When the pressure is on, I always go back to my old golf swing. Don't you? But why I wondered?

After thinking about it for several days and doing a little bit of research, I think I found the answer. You see to develop a "pro swing", and this is what all golf lessons and training aids are intended to do, you need to spend literally hundreds if not thousands of hours perfecting your new "pro swing". In other words, you need to treat it like a job, playing at least 18 holes of golf a day, and spending hours every day practicing and practicing, quite often with a coach or instructor.

This is what the pros do to learn their pro golf swing. This is their job!

I don't know about you, but I'm lucky if I get to play 18 holes a week! And I might even be able to squeeze in a couple of trips to the driving range if I can find the time.

Because we don't have the time (nor probably the money) to develop the so called "pro golf swing", lessons and golf gadgets are a waste of our time and money. Our current swings have developed and evolved over many years, and it would probably take years to reprogram our minds and bodies to change them.

Do you really think a few 30 minute golf lessons will change a golf habit that you have developed over the last 20 years? It certainly hasn't worked for me, and I have had several 'series' of private lessons. Lessons are only good for beginners, for they have yet to learn the golf swing, and haven't developed their own style yet.

And what about that latest, greatest, and newest training aid that you saw on that infomercial last night? Do you really believe that using it for 15 minutes a day for the next few weeks will change an ingrained habit of 25 years?

It hasn't worked for me and for thousands of golfers like me. That's why we keep buying every new DVD, golfing aid or gadget that hits the market! We keep looking for that one magical device or lesson that will cure all our swing faults and give us a swing like Tiger Woods. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist.

So what is the average amateur golfer to do to cut a few strokes off his game? I have learned that what we really need to do is learn how to utilize the grip, swing and style that we have already ingrained in our mind and body to our advantage.

We need to stop being embarrassed by our hook, slice, or bad shots and learn how to use them to our advantage to lower our score. Great golf scores are the result of managing our miss hits more than having a perfect swing with no hook or slice.

Over 90% of golfers believe inconsistency is their biggest problem. By simple accepting your own swing and style, you can eliminate a large portion of the inconsistency in your game.

Let's face facts. When you're out there playing in your golf league or with your buddies and the pressure is on you to hit a great shot, do you really think you'll be able to use and depend upon that "new" golf swing you just learned from your pro last week, that DVD you have been watching for the last 2 weeks, or that ridiculous golf gadget you bought last month? Or do you think you'll revert back to your old golf swing?

Well if you're like me and the rest of us amateur golfers, when the pressure is on, you know you are going to fall back upon your old reliable golf swing. So why not accept your old swing and style and learn how to let it work for you!

To learn more about how you can become a more consistent golfer using your own swing, your own grip, and your own style, visit


2 X 12 Doug Fir Exterior Stair

The Law of Attraction and the SGR Program

The Law of Attraction is about putting yourself and your mindset in a space that allows you to be in a position to receive gifts from the universe. By working and thinking in a specific way, you can attract your hearts desires. There are specific steps you can take to allow you to attract anything into your life.

That specific way is known as the "certain way" according to Wallace D. Wattles. Wattles believed there is a particular set of steps one does to create wealth in our lives. These steps involve the physical, emotional and mental aspects of our lives. When they are in line and we act in a "certain way", then it is inevitable that we can receive the riches of the universe.

According to Wattles, it is an abundant universe. We can create the opportunities and the wealth into our lives by directing our thoughts and actions. When we place value on ourselves and the things we do, they will have an economic value to others around us. As long as we can bring value to others at a fair price then it is fair and just that we be compensated for our work.

By working in this "certain way", we can attract wealth into our lives. In other words there is a Science to Getting Rich. That is the the title of Wattles book. It is called the "Science of Getting Rich" (SGR). When Rhonda Byrne found the Science of Getting Rich, it inspired her to create the hugely successful movie, The Secret.

Bob Proctor, star of The Secret and a 40 year student of the Science of Getting Rich, created a home study program called the SGR Program. In it, Bob works through and discusses the science of getting rich in a methodical way through his audio program (10 CD's). Additionally, he challenges us to study the book and fully understand it's content with a comprehensive 180 page workbook. This workbook takes us through each chapter one by one and asks specific questions on our understanding of the text.

This is important because the Science of Getting Rich was written in 1903. While it's contents are still as relevant today as then, the language in the text may be lost on the modern reader. Bob's engaging questions encourage us to think about the book in a way we may not have seen it before. In effect, Bob Proctor expands on the power of the book by getting us to delve deeper into its meaning from our first reading.

That is the power of Bob Proctor. He teaches us to see things more completely and with more clarity. That is a special gift worth exploring.

Jon is a life coach that understands and teaches the Law of Attraction. He provides a holistic attitude to life and wellbeing that encompasses the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of living so that people can have greater peace and control of their lives.

Jon authors a blog on Law of Attraction at

Predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet

Living The Secret - Your Roadmap For Creation

The Universe reflects back to you exactly what you put out with your thoughts and actions. The trick of course is to clarify your thoughts and make sure your actions are in harmony with those thoughts of what you are wanting to create.

For those of you who have seen The Secret, you'll be familiar with the quote: "Thoughts Become Things."

These three simple words sum up the entire process, however, there are some key distinctions that you will need to more easily manifest your desires.

The first key is to develop your manifesting agenda. This is a short list of your personal goals, dreams and desires, written in the PAST TENSE, as if they have already occurred. For example, your 1 year goal could be "I made $150,000 this year selling real estate and had heaps of fun doing it." Or, you could write a six month goal that says "I just met the man of my dreams who I KNOW is my soul mate!"

The objective of this exercise is to feel the feelings of having already manifested this experience into your life. These feelings are the fuel for attracting your dreams to you.

Be SUPER specific about WHAT you want and WHEN you want it! Your desire is 1000 times more likely to manifest just by doing this exercise.

The second key is to continually work on yourself to purify your thoughts about your life. You want to try and focus as much as you can on what you want, not on what you don't want. Part of this process is to feed your mind with positive information and content. Read books by successful people who've created the success you desire for themselves. Listen to audio programs that teach you how to discipline your mind. Meditate on your desires and make sure you read your manifesting agenda at least 3 times a day whilst visualising the outcome already achieved. Feel good! Your desires are on their way, guaranteed.

For your own comprehensive library of self improvement and personal development ebooks, audios and business courses, and to learn how you can make money whilst working on yourself, check out my website at

Jeremy Gard is a futures trader and Internet Business operator living and playing on the Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia.

Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Before Enlightenment, Chop Wood And Carry Water - After Enlightenment, Chop Wood And Carry Water

"Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water." --Zen Proverb
When people come up to me at my live events, I frequently hear from them (and you may have even been one): "When I get to this point in my career, I will..." Or, "When I get to this income level, I will..." Or, "When I achieve this reward, then I will..."

These statements are always followed by some action or behavior that they're going to put into practice after they achieve or acquire their "magic bullet."

When I hear these types of comments, regardless of the context or the promise being made, I typically think, "No, you probably won't." Why? Because if the habit has not yet been developed, it won't be acted upon. Life doesn't miraculously change until YOU change.

The Zen proverb above is telling us that success, happiness or Harmonic Wealth (you choose the term) is not a destination but a process.

You and I both know that no award, no income, no new toy, no promotion will make us happy and/or successful. Life will not miraculously change when your next goal is attained. You'll still chop wood and carry water, or maybe you'll still pay bills and sometimes wonder where the money is going to come from.

The difference comes in the attitude with which you do these things. When true happiness and fulfillment is reached, you'll learn that the journey is the adventure, the excitement and the fun of life.

The journey is Harmonic Wealth, and the journey never ends... Here's how you can start experiencing happiness and fulfillment starting right now:

  1. A great quote from A Course in Miracles says, "I can choose peace rather than this." Choose to be at peace and enjoy what life is giving you right now...
  2. The amateur hopes and wishes... The professional knows. When asked, "Do you believe in God?" Carl Jung answered, "I don't believe. I know." Knowing is power! Know that whatever is happening right now is part of a larger plan happening perfectly for your own personal growth, development and betterment.
  3. Develop good habits now. Live and invest in the things that you say are important to you. Make your beliefs, your habits and your actions congruent. Don't do them "someday." Do them today.
  4. Realize that you never own anything. Every "thing" you have will someday belong to someone else when you're gone. You're only using "your things" for a time. Enjoy them while you have them, but don't let them own you.
  5. Fulfillment and happiness is not some means to eliminate life's daily tasks. You'll always be (at some level) chopping wood and carrying water. Allow your work to be your passion and your love made manifest through action.
Make your life magnificent and enjoy the process. To your continued wealth and happiness,

James Arthur Ray

James Arthur Ray of James Ray International is an expert in teaching individuals how to achieve Harmonic Wealth in all areas of their life by focusing on what they want, opposed to what they don't want. He has been speaking to individuals as well as Fortune 500 companies for over 20 years and is the author of four books and an inventor of numerous learning systems. His studies of highly successful people prove that they continually achieve results by taking control of their thoughts and actions to create and shape their own reality.

The Harmonic Wealth Weekend ( will explain in detail how success is state of mind and how the principles of quantum physics (as seen in the movies What the Bleep and The Secret) can be applied to proven success-building techniques. James will also cover why people who are successful in one area of their life tend to be successful in all areas. For more information, visit
