Saturday, May 24, 2008

Are You Wasting Your Money On Golf Lessons And Golf Training Aids And Gadgets?

If you're like most golfers, yours truly included, you've probably spent hundreds of dollars on golf lessons. But did they really lower your score?

Have you also spent hundreds of dollars on a variety of "golf training aids and gadgets", only to end up having them collect dust in your garage or basement?

After I received my latest golf training aid, which I had purchased from an infomercial, my wife yelled ,"you wasted more money on another ridiculous golf gadget! You know those things don't work, because you know you'll keep going back to your old golf swing!"

For some reason, this really hit home this time. After thinking about it I realized she was right.

When the pressure is on, I always go back to my old golf swing. Don't you? But why I wondered?

After thinking about it for several days and doing a little bit of research, I think I found the answer. You see to develop a "pro swing", and this is what all golf lessons and training aids are intended to do, you need to spend literally hundreds if not thousands of hours perfecting your new "pro swing". In other words, you need to treat it like a job, playing at least 18 holes of golf a day, and spending hours every day practicing and practicing, quite often with a coach or instructor.

This is what the pros do to learn their pro golf swing. This is their job!

I don't know about you, but I'm lucky if I get to play 18 holes a week! And I might even be able to squeeze in a couple of trips to the driving range if I can find the time.

Because we don't have the time (nor probably the money) to develop the so called "pro golf swing", lessons and golf gadgets are a waste of our time and money. Our current swings have developed and evolved over many years, and it would probably take years to reprogram our minds and bodies to change them.

Do you really think a few 30 minute golf lessons will change a golf habit that you have developed over the last 20 years? It certainly hasn't worked for me, and I have had several 'series' of private lessons. Lessons are only good for beginners, for they have yet to learn the golf swing, and haven't developed their own style yet.

And what about that latest, greatest, and newest training aid that you saw on that infomercial last night? Do you really believe that using it for 15 minutes a day for the next few weeks will change an ingrained habit of 25 years?

It hasn't worked for me and for thousands of golfers like me. That's why we keep buying every new DVD, golfing aid or gadget that hits the market! We keep looking for that one magical device or lesson that will cure all our swing faults and give us a swing like Tiger Woods. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist.

So what is the average amateur golfer to do to cut a few strokes off his game? I have learned that what we really need to do is learn how to utilize the grip, swing and style that we have already ingrained in our mind and body to our advantage.

We need to stop being embarrassed by our hook, slice, or bad shots and learn how to use them to our advantage to lower our score. Great golf scores are the result of managing our miss hits more than having a perfect swing with no hook or slice.

Over 90% of golfers believe inconsistency is their biggest problem. By simple accepting your own swing and style, you can eliminate a large portion of the inconsistency in your game.

Let's face facts. When you're out there playing in your golf league or with your buddies and the pressure is on you to hit a great shot, do you really think you'll be able to use and depend upon that "new" golf swing you just learned from your pro last week, that DVD you have been watching for the last 2 weeks, or that ridiculous golf gadget you bought last month? Or do you think you'll revert back to your old golf swing?

Well if you're like me and the rest of us amateur golfers, when the pressure is on, you know you are going to fall back upon your old reliable golf swing. So why not accept your old swing and style and learn how to let it work for you!

To learn more about how you can become a more consistent golfer using your own swing, your own grip, and your own style, visit


2 X 12 Doug Fir Exterior Stair

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