Monday, June 29, 2009

How to Overcome Fear of Darkness Using Self Hypnosis

The fear of darkness is one of the most common fears among children. You may be surprised to learn that a good number of adults find themselves paralyzed by this same fear at various times in their lives as well. You do not have to live your life in fear of what lurks in the darkness ever again. Keep these things in mind to help you overcome your night time fears and see what a difference these changes can make to your anxiety levels.

Become Your Own Light

Don't let anyone or anything dictate how you react to darkness in your life. Whether it's a literal darkness that is causing your phobia to take front page in your life or a dark place in your life that is cause for concern you can make changes you need to be comfortable in the world in which you live. You can, on occasion become your own light and overcome the feeling of darkness closing in by concentrating on the light within.

Make Your World Bright

For some people this means sleeping with the lights on -even a small light that chases away total darkness. Others need to sleep with every light in their houses on. Dark corners are as frightening to them as a darkened cemetery is to most people on Halloween. When you become a beacon of light in your darkness, you can learn to live with fewer lights on around you. Eventually you may even be able to turn off the lights completely. Take one step at a time though and handle your fear of darkness with care.

Find the Root of Your Fear of Darkness

Almost every fear has a starting point. This will be either the first place the fear manifested or the act that created the fear to begin with. You need to find out what caused your fear of darkness in order to address the problem and move on to actually overcoming the fear.

Learn to Love the Darkness

There are many great things to see and do in the darkness. Start with small steps and lesser degrees of darkness -such as movie theaters or planetariums, or work your way into places that offer more complete darkness. This gives you the opportunity to build new memories that are fond memories of the dark and erase those that led to your phobia or current anxiety level in regards to the dark.

Give Hypnosis a Shot in the Dark

Hypnosis has been used as a tool for overcoming many different fears and addictions through the past few years as well as many impressive behavior modification endeavors. If you are interested in putting your fear of darkness to rest then hypnosis is a highly effective method for accomplishing this goal without potentially harmful or anxiety ridden side effects.

Putting Out the Light and Saving Your Nights

Isn't it time that you were able to face the night once and for all? Are you ready to put out the lights and get a great night's sleep for the first time in years without worries over what the darkness brings? Put your fear of darkness behind you today with the help of hypnosis and the power of suggestion.

J. Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings. 'Overcome Fear Of Darkness' is an excellent recording by Steve G Jones, who offers twenty years of experience through these recordings. To find out more, visit Fear Of Darkness. A range of other self hypnosis products can be found here - Phobia Of Darkness. All of the recordings on Self Help Recordings are backed by an impressive sixty day guarantee, so to find out more simply click on the links.

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