Sunday, September 13, 2009

Shuistrology Could Bring You Good Luck This Year

What is shuistrology you ask? It's a term coined by author Ellen Whitehurst when she combined feng shui and astrology.

It's mostly for fun but it has its roots in traditional wisdom that could make this year lucky for you. She gives this advice in her new book:

Make a clean sweep. Dig in to your house or apartment with a deep cleaning to clear the way for an exciting new year. Don't clean on New Year's Day itself; you might sweep away the good luck.

If cleaning the whole house seems like too big a chore, try just concentrating on the kitchen. That's the room that brings you prosperity and health. Look around your house and find 27 things that you can rearrange to bring good look from all directions. To attract good fortune, put 27 one dollar bills in your wallet and 49 coins in your pocket or change purse. Sprinkle some ground ginger on them and on your checkbook.

Focus solely on the future. Conversations about events that took place in the past should be avoided. Talking about dreams, hopes and wishes for the future is encouraged. Take nine small oranges and place them in a bowl on your kitchen table. This will attract sweet things in the coming year. If you don't have oranges, bowls of candy, nuts or fruits are lucky as well.

Rid your life of all the negatives. Scare away any destructive influences in your life by lighting firecrackers at midnight (don't scare the neighbors though) or banging pots and pans together.

The first words of your day should be positive ones, even if they are not said by you. Tell someone to give you a positive message just after midnight. This can encourage good fortune for you. Make an effort to not lose your temper or swear during the day, this can have a negative effect on your luck.

Eat foods that are considered lucky. Some swear by corned beef and cabbage. Others will tell you salmon and oranges. Leafy greens symbolize money. Collard greens along with black eyed peas are eaten in the south for good luck. Folks in Texas prefer cabbage or turnip greens.

Cheri Brennan is an organization and planning specialist. To get more articles, tips and resources about Feng Shui, please visit

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