Sunday, May 31, 2009

Keeping Up Motivation to Exercise

Exercise is one task that requires motivation and commitment, because there is no easy way out. Thereby, it is vital to keep motivated to lose weight. Setting up instructions and goals is a relatively easy task, as to following them through and accomplishing them. Trimming down weight can be for a variety of reasons some are related to physical conditions and fitness.

Of course, once we are overweight, we usually want to trim down for a whole lot of reasons, some related to physical condition and fitness, while others would want to enhance their physique and appearance, and it is never too late to be fit. There are plenty of reasons lose weight, some might go beyond social appearance and vanity. Here are some ways to make sure you stay on track

1. Explicit goal setting

Generalizing doesn't really work, set precise goals. Set the number of pounds your want to lose. Then you should envision yourself in your new frame, and this will surely boost your motivation and dedication.

2. Get a plan/strategy

Your strategy must combine both exercise and diet. Motivate yourself by buying smaller clothes, and throwing away the bigger sizes.

3. Measure and calculate your success

Implement actions that will fit your lifestyle, by implementing actions that you will benefit from . The goal is to be more positive and aim for achievable goals.

4. Monitor your progress

Find someone who can take notes of your development or progress. This will be an inspiration for you to keep going on. Having a support partner can really be helpful, and is better than going at it all.

Starting With Simple Things

Exterior Doors - Fiberglass Vs Steel Doors

When deciding on an exterior door, there are things you will want to consider that play a large part in what will be most beneficial. Steel doors are the preferred door for many reasons. Not only are they durable, they are easy to care for, provide the least amount of maintenance over time, and they are least expensive. I have provided a breakdown of 5 important factors that you will need to think about prior to deciding what door fits best for both your budget and your ROI.

Steel Door

1. Provides a magnetic weather strip that adheres to the door to provide better sealing.
2. Does not warp like fiberglass doors.
3. Fireproof Option
4. Stands the test of time as they last longer than most.
5. Cheaper than fiberglass.

Fiberglass Doors

1. Cost more than steel doors.
2. Do not seal as they should because they are prone to warping.
3. Fiberglass doors fade quickly which can provide a poor exterior look.
4. No Fireproof option.
5. Does not have a magnetic strip to provide an adequate seal.

Steel doors also offer a level of security. They are far stronger than any other door and will provide you with a level of comfort where home security is concerned.

The decision to change an exterior door is not always an easy one. The initial cost at times will deter most people from making the necessary changes. Knowing what you are looking for will make your decision an easier one to make. Understand what each door is, why it was designed, and what will fit your budget. The benefit of having a steel will surely satisfy your budget and economic needs as they are the cheapest and best door on the market.

Jerry has 20+ years of experience in Roofing, Siding, Remodeling, Windows, and Doors. He invites you to ask questions at where he can answer your questions.

Extreme Temperature Building

Wood Window Problems Repair Video

Great video on how to deal with window jam problems.

If you're thinking about buying a home, check out this home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping. For under $15, you can save yourself a lot of frustration and money.

Walkways Books
Kitchen Books

How to Improve Your Motivation

Latest scientific researches on mind proves that hypnosis is the best way to improve the motivation. In the article below, I will discuss how you can improve your motivation through simple, but powerful hypnosis plan. So, how can hypnosis help you to become a highly motivated person?

Well, you will achieve this using Motivation for Success Hypnotic Induction. Lets go direct to the point. You are going to accomplish your three goals using Motivation for Success Induction:

1. Being motivated for success - You need to have a positive outlook and attitude about yourself. The induction will help you to become confident and remove the barriers that holds you back from reaching you goals.

2. Achieving success - You need to program yourself to achieve goals. The induction will help you to focus on your major goal and put all of your energy into it.

3. Enjoying success - You need to assimilate success into your life and enjoy it. The induction will help you to feel happy and successful in the choices and actions you make.

Now, it is time to start using the Motivation for Success Induction. Below, I have created an easy to follow, proven and powerful Motivation for Success Induction for you. If you use this induction with the plan below, then you will have high motivation forever. This is a promise.

Here is what you should do now: Firstly, record the induction below with your own voice and follow this induction daily for about 30 days. Then, when you notice a significant change in your motivation, use this induction whenever you feel the need for reinforcement.

OK, now start following the induction below and pay attention to each suggestions and sentences carefully.

Motivation for Success Induction begins:

- Imagine that nothing holds you back from reaching your goal and becoming the successful person that you want to be. Imagine a prefect kind of day, a day that you awaken to and just know it's going to be the kind of day where everything is just right, everything just falls into place. Your feelings are good, you feel at peace, you feel content.

You have been comfortable and protected within the boundaries that you yourself have created, you have been comfortable and safe, and now you choose to expand your comfortable space. Just imagine yourself pushing back the barricades, and instead you are expanding you horizons, expanding your goal, reaching forward higher and higher, feeling comfortable with your new goals, feeling comfortable with your expanded boundaries.

You feel safe, secure, and pleased that you have the control and power within you to change, to change your limitations and be the successful person you want to be. Your feelings are good, you feel at peace, you feel content. Now just imagine taking this special day and placing it just a little bit in the future, a day or two, a week, a month, just a little in the future, imagine that you have resolved many conflicts, many problems, and they are now in the past.

Imagine a smile on you face, you are at peace, content, you have found solutions to problems and you have resolved them. You are now free of past burdens, you are confident, self-assured, you feel centered and strong, now just imagine a goal or project that you would like to accomplish. Your goal is [write your goal here]. See yourself put all other minor goals aside and just focus on one goal or project. See yourself put energy into your work, see yourself complete it. you see new opportunities, you see new challenges that are more exciting than the old ones. You see yourself with renewed energy, you are enthusiastic, you focus, concentrate and new ideas develop from the old, new energy and positive feelings emerge, you are successful.

Motivation for Success Induction ends.

Remember: Hypnosis is the best way to improve your motivation. So, if you follow the Motivation for Success Induction, you will have high motivation for your entire life.

Orkhan Ibadov is a professional hypnotist who teaches you hypnosis and self hypnosis techniques. Orkhan invites you to learn more hypnosis secrets on his popular hypnosis site at

Faith Belief Or Education

You Can Do It If You Want Video

Get off your butt and start your life in motion today.

Question Your Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a motivation help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Time Off With Backyard Vacations
Wants And Desires In Life

Lawn Mower Repair

Lawn mowers need repairs from time to time depending on the extent of damage suffered. Maintaining a lawn mower needs meticulous planning.

Repairing lawn mowers can be time-consuming, and trying to repair one that frequently suffers damage can take up much time, which in a majority of circumstances can eat into the total mowing season.

Most frequently, when a mower fails to function properly, one would likely trace the problem by its symptoms. For example, if a spark plug needs to be replaced, one might speculate that the engine is failing to receive gas, or there could be snags in the carburetor. One of the key aspects related to lawn mowers is that maintenance is of greater importance than repair, and this holds the key to the smooth functioning of a mower.

The basic thing that needs to be remembered is that after mowing is complete, the engine and the blades should be painstakingly tidied. The mower as a rule should not be cleaned with water, but scraping the underside of the deck and making use of an air compressor to flush the air-filter, carburetor and the engine block and pulleys is quite an effective way of preserving the appearance and operation of the mower.

If a problem is serious, one should contemplate whether investing money to fix the mower is a viable option. In case the trouble is related to the engine, one should check whether the engine is receiving the required fuel or verify whether it is operating correctly with the ignition.

Lawn Mowers provides detailed information on Lawn Mowers, Lawn Mower Parts, Riding Lawn Mowers, Lawn Mower Repair and more. Lawn Mowers is affiliated with Blower Fans.

How to Install Roof Shingles - Three Valley Tips

If you're serious about learning how to install roof shingles, you've come to the right place. But first let me tell you about a job I was on many years ago in Cape Coral, Florida...

It was a brand new house with a shingle roof. It also had a complicated roof design and six valleys. The builder went a little too far cost-cutting and hired a couple of day-laborers to shingle the house. He had paid them just $10 per square for 30 squares, a total of $300. All was fine and dandy until the first rain... when all six valleys leaked!

Of course the day laborers were long gone by then, which is just as well according to Einstein. He said that some problems can't be solved with the same mentality which created them in the first place! This was one of those problems.

That's when the builder called the small, but reputable roofing company I worked for.

The valley errors were all pretty obvious... and typical of the ones that rookies and poorly-trained roofers make. I will say this for them... they were consistent. All six valleys had exactly the same problems. And all six had to be completely re-laid, costing the builder more much more than he paid for the entire roof.

One of your biggest challenges when roofing your own home is the valleys. After repairing hundreds of them over the years, I see the same mistakes over and over. Here are the three most common problems... and how to avoid them!

How to Install Roof Shingles - Valley Tip #1

Valleys fill up with water during a big shower and some water ends up under the shingles. If the shingle nails are too close to the center of the valley, you can get a leak. That nail pattern you see on the shingle wrappers doesn't apply to the valleys. Keep your nails at least 12" away from the center of the valley.

How to Install Roof Shingles - Valley Tip #2

Shingle seams can also leak when they fall right in the valley. Keep the seams at least 12" away from the center of the valley by adjusting the length of the adjacent shingles on both sides.

How to Install Roof Shingles - Valley Tip #3

When cutting the top layer of shingles in a "half-weave" valley, many roofers cut into the bottom layer. Over the years, those cuts can open up, causing leaks. Make the cut carefully with some old tin snips, or use a hook blade and a scrap shingle to protect the bottom layer.

Of course there's a lot more involved in learning how to install roof shingles. To make the job easier and help you avoid big mistakes, go to:

John C Bishop is the author of "Roofing Secrets: How to Avoid Leaks and Save Thousands of Dollars!"

Buying A Functional House

Being Happy Regardless of Your Circumstances

We all want to be happy but very few of us consistently are. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020, depression will be second only to heart disease in terms of global illnesses. Our happiness, when it occurs, is usually the result of outside events, such as when someone is kind to us, or when some opportunity is presented to us. That state of mind is fleeting. Our goal should be to be happy no matter what happens to us.

People whose happiness is not dependent on what happens to them actually bring happiness to their experiences rather than trying to get it from them. They still have bad emotions but experience an underlying state of peace and well-being. They have a sense of lightness or buoyancy, feel love and compassion for themselves and others, feel passionate about their life and purpose, have a sense of flow and openness, feel alive, vital, and energetic, are at peace with life, and are fully present in the moment.

Unfortunately it takes conscious effort to become happy. Our minds are wired to be fearful. We are much more likely to notice and remember something that frightens us than something that brings us joy. This works well under very bad circumstances, but with the constant barrage of stresses seen in modern times, most people's dominant way of thinking has become one of being on guard for trouble. In addition, our egos, which are just a collection of beliefs about who you are based on your past experiences, are always afraid of death. Being consistently happy doesn't come easily. Like most worthwhile things, it requires a lot of effort in order to achieve it.

It turns out that you have a happiness set point that works like a thermostat. Whenever the temperature in your room gets more than a certain amount outside the temperature you set on your thermometer, the thermometer tells it to return to that set temperature. In the same way, no matter what happens to you in your life, you return to your pre-set level of happiness. You can change that pre-set level however, if you make a deliberate effort to change it. It turns out that although 50% of your pre-set happiness level is probably determined by genetics, and 10% is determined by our current circumstances, the other 40% is determined by your habitual thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Those things you certainly can change.

You can't just decide to be consistently happy. The best way to achieve that is to practice the habits of happy people. You need to become aware of which habits support happiness in your life and which ones don't. (Two of the worst habits are having the beliefs that you will be happy when... and you will be happy when you have more money or success). Then you can gradually eliminate those bad habits and cultivate the good habits. When you've done that, you can reach the state of consistent happiness you've always wanted.

For more ideas about how to be successful and have a better life, visit

Getting Up Earlier

Power To Change

How do we find power for change? There are some basic practices that will help us to make meaningful changes in our lives. The power to change lies within each us. We must recognize the value of learning positive practices that will help us to make dynamic changes in our lives. The power to change is within our grasps.

Action is one of the key elements to change. We must be ready to take some kind of action for change to take place. Positive talk is good, but action must be in the picture for effective change to take place. You must have a plan of action; list your steps. Do not put your plan of actions to far out in the distance future. Taking action sooner then later will help you to feel good about your change.

Another element that supports the power to change is motivation. When we begin to take positive actions toward change we often become motivated. Motivation is like a flame that turns into a fire. Our motivation will help us to continue on the road to successful powerful changes in our lives. Motivation is a by product of right actions, if there are no right it will be hard to get motivated.

Focusing must be part of the process to having the power to change. If we are not focused, it will be hard to change. We will expend a lot of energy without the ability to focus. The ability to focus will increase our ability to make positive changes. Our power to change is related to how focused we can become. By becoming more focused we have the power to make more changes.

In positive writings and books we can find the strength, courage and power to make real changes in our lives. The set aside scriptures can be used as a main source of gaining the courage needed to accomplish this task. Let us find the time to read these types of writings. A regular habit of reading the right materials will give you the strength for powerful changes.

The power to change is within our reach; we must walk the path.

I retired from United States Navy in 2003, after serving over 21 years of enlisted active duty onboard several different ships and a few shore assignments. I am married. My wife and i have two daughters. We have two dogs, Chow Chow's, to be exact. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Liberal Arts (Focus area Psychology) from Excelsior College class 2004.

Radical Religious Leaders

Quality Online Roofing Resources

I recently had the need to come up with relatively useful definitions of some roofing terms and also some guides and opinions regarding roofing methods. I stumbled upon some useful online resources that provide the things that I need and also may also be helpful to other users out there.

Here is a list and some descriptions of some of the sites I have found:

1. It is a roofing company that has been in business since 1895. What generally caught my attention was their PowerPoint presentation that provides an overview of the most common types of roofing systems that are available in the commercial market place today. Other information include in the presentation are brief description, history and application of each system and lastly, the advantages and disadvantages of each roofing system.

2. It is a forum all about roofing. Its main feature is a forum area where there are active members. All posts are related to roofing and most members are highly knowledgeable when it comes to roofing both in theory and in practice.

It also has a Knowledge base area wherein forum members can give inputs like answers to frequently asked questions and some roofing guides. Within this area, you can find the definitions to most roofing terms.

The site also has a section wherein you can view the number of roofing jobs available per state. It also has a directory of roofing companies categorized by state.

All in all, the site is quite user-friendly and highly informative. Most of my friends also think that it is one good online resource site if the subject is roofing.

3. Is a highly informative site dedicated to roofing. Here you can find local roofers through browsing photos of their works. Also, this site has been suggested to me by members of They say the pictures they upload to this site help them get quick answers from other users of the forum.

I would include the other sites that I find useful in another article which I may finish by next week. Until then, I hope you get the maximum benefit that you can from the following sites.

Jasper Bautista is a Web Marketing Specialist of Agents of Value is currently working on

Surviving As A Contractor

The Truth About Jealousy

This article will not take up too much of your time, but will be very helpful in your daily life. What you are going to read is important in regards to the very controlling and confusing issue that so many women are challenged with every day, for some every single minute of their day. In this particular part of the jealousy series, you will learn what jealousy feels like and just how serious and captivating an emotion it can be. The next article will talk more about dealing with jealousy and how one can actually get control of it.

In the next few minutes you will learn what and how a woman feels when she is stuck in this very real and controlling jealous emotion.

It has been proven that many women are not even able to identify this confusion of thoughts that they are suffering from. A very big part of healing and winning these battles of jealousy is in identifying your enemy. In this situation the enemy is the jealous emotion that results from a much deeper issue that may or may not be obvious to its victim. You will hear more about that in a bit.

Through research and in speaking with many women every day through the, jealousy seems to be a very big issue that has them in such a downward spiral that they cannot find a way to get hold of it.

One of the main causes for this negative emotion, "jealousy" stems from a time in a persons life when an emotional wound is created, which severely attacks their safe world or in other words their feelings of inner securities. These insecurities will seriously affect a woman's self-esteem, which will in turn result in feelings of low self-worth, lack of a self-respect, and mistrust. These emotional wounds can be caused from several types of abuse or trauma such as, physical, psychological or an over-restrictive/dominated childhood. If a child is sexually abused, then that child's security is threatened through the fact that she trusted the abuser and almost always grows up feeling that they were at fault for the abuse. This also rings true in an adult life, especially if the victim truly trusts and sees her abuser as almost," God" like. When a child is psychologically abused, they usually live a life of demeaning name calling or belittling, again this does happen to adults in a trusting relationship. The over-restrictive or dominating upbringing begins at an early childhood and then follows through into adulthood. Each and every one of these abuses that you have just have just heard about are definite cuts that eventually turn into deep emotional wounds.

These wounds will send a person into a prison, a prison of fear and weakness that they will carry throughout their lives if they do not learn to identify them and deal with them and strengthen their inner self. So many women search for answers to solve this scrambled up problem that they can feel inside of themselves, always coming up with a 0. They tend to look outside of themselves and that is the mistake that they are making. So many jealousy issues come from within.

The human brain is set up of two minds, which allows two ways of thinking, one being positive and one being negative. Unfortunately if a person is somehow mistreated or loses a trust as you have heard about earlier through my thoughts, at any time in their lives, it tends to weaken their ability to maintain a balance between the two. This is when they will fall prey to certain triggers that will ignite the fuse that leads to jealousy. You may be wondering what triggers are, they can be anything from a memory of your past, a smell, a persons laughter, a picture, another women, a feeling of being left alone, or even a look from a partner. There are many different types of triggers that will set off negative emotions. In this series of articles you will learn about relationship triggers and how they set off your jealous emotions.

Negative relationship triggers are definite causes, which happen when a relationship fails due to mistrust issues caused by infidelities or pornography addictions by a present or past partner, and are left unresolved, which unfortunately will follow them into every relationship, if she does not stop and take hold of her issues.

Jealousy is not just a word that can be ignored or excused. It is a word to be feared because it is fear that creates this negative feeling. Have you ever noticed how jealousy changes your relationship from happy to devastate in just seconds? It will feel like something that you would not wish on your worst enemy.

The negative emotions that are hidden behind this word jealousy will tear your trust apart letter by letter, and rearrange it until it spells deception, betrayal, even hate. Theses words will turn you into a paranoid living creature, hiding from reality. Reality is truly jealousy's enemy. It avoids its enemy as quickly as it replaces the positive thoughts that you once had in its place. It is strong enough to take control of your mind and direct it into thinking that someone you dearly trust and love has turned into another being, a being that is cheating on you, lusting for another, watching pornography behind your back, lying to you when you ask a direct question, twisting everything you say so that you come out looking like you are delirious and they will laugh at you when you cry out for help. It will tear your guts apart until you feel like you are going to vomit and it will make your head swirl with uncertainty. Jealousy can speed up your breathing quicker than a exercise machine, which in turn will send your heart racing into turmoil. It is a total body trauma. It can make your body break out into a sweat so fast that it will make rain look slow. If you have ever had even one minute of these threatening feelings, you know exactly what I am trying to explain here.

This negative emotion will make your mind fear abandonment, ones biggest fear in a relationship are to be replaced or abandoned. This fear alone is a very strong trigger of jealousy. This fear will imprison you and force you to suffocate or guard what's yours, until that person can no longer be a victim to your jealousy. It will drive you to feel a deep need to control another's thoughts and actions. To allow jealousy in your mind to the point of this kind of control, is to fall victim to an," attachment prison" or an addiction. In this attachment prison you are the weaker element of the partnership or relationship, your need to feel attached will ruin your sense of security and your self-esteem. A very good example of an attachment prison is when you fear with all of your senses to let your partner out of your site, not even to go to the corner store or to work for fear he may see someone that you would deem as a total threat.

Jealousy is like a drug. Once it gets into your veins, you are no longer coherent or independent in your thinking. You have now just become a dependent thinker, dependent on jealousy and its power. To have such a need is also equivalent to an addict needing a drug. Your addiction is your jealousy, your high is the adrenalin that your body creates through its fears, only this is not positive adrenalin; it is a pure negative adrenalin rush. The only antidote to combat this addiction is through positive steps that will strengthen your ability to take back your control and find a freedom from that attachment prison.

Jealousy will not rest until through you, it has created a frustrating and unbearable environment that puts you in the position in your relationship as your own worst enemy. In effect you become the attacker that you have been trying to run from. You are now jealousy! You are the cause of this turmoil that is being thrown to your outside world; an outside world that cannot possibly feel your pain; nor can they help you escape it. But they will look down on you in their confusion. You are all alone in this prison. You are the only one that can feel this pain, the only one that feels this need to control and hide from the world. You will find yourself being driven by negative thoughts every turn you make.

Have you ever been on a negative thought rollercoaster? If you ever have, you will understand what I mean when I say negative thoughts; negative thoughts that will not let you think rationally. If anything, they will work very hard at confusing your positive thinking. You will spend countless hours talking to yourself trying to get out of insecure feelings and you will end up right back feeling the same negative control that jealousy has over you.

Jealousy will rob you of sleep hour after hour. When your mind cannot sleep, it becomes weak and that is exactly what strengthens the negative thoughts that will feed jealousy and keep it controlling you. These thoughts will turn over in your head until they are locked into a place of negative non realities. This is when you begin to believe in things which seem surreal. An example of this non reality is, let's say, you're walking past your partner as he is watching television. A commercial is on. There is a young scantily dressed woman on the commercial. Your immediate reaction is fear. You fear that at that very minute he is lusting her or worse, wishing you were her. As I said non- real negative thoughts = jealousy.

This negative emotion is extremely careful to not allow your self-esteem to strengthen. It will turn your thoughts into a comparison mode instantly when it feels threatened. When it can put your mind into doubt of it's worth, it has total control. It will continue to control and force thoughts of being undeserving, not worthy, unintelligent, boring, self-less, non-appealing, even just plain ugly. It is a true negative powerful and destructive emotion that will not only control your thoughts but will also alter your desire to love. It will make you hide in safe, loveless corners and never allow another person into your heart. To allow a person into your heart would mean that you would be putting yourself at risk of falling victim to jealousy and all the horror that it creates and feeds on. So, you at this stage begin to set up protective walls, separating you from ever being hurt, but also putting a wedge in between you and your partner. Your choice, if you choose to stay in negative thinking, is to live a life alone.

When you have allowed it to weaken your thoughts to the point of delusional thinking, your mind will only see what will feed this negative emotion. All of your rational characteristics will be taken over by irrational thoughts and reactions. Everything that you thought you could control is now uncontrollable. Nothing is what it seems, while this jealousy emotion has you imprisoned behind its bars of negative and low self-worth thoughts.

I truly believe that being controlled by jealousy is similar to being in captivity. Your mind will get so conformed to that space that you're allowing, that you will learn to depend on it. You will feel safe only in that space. All of your knowledge of what's outside of that captive space has been hidden away into a very dark deep place in your mind. It is all you feel that you can control, not even realizing how little control you do have; again equivalent to an addiction.

What captivity and jealousy have in common is that once you allow your mind to be controlled or captivated by the overpowering emotion: jealousy, your mind will react as it would in a captive situation. Both jealousy and captivity hold your mind and reshape it to conform to its negative demands. A person in captivity eventually starts to depend on the person that's holding them captive. You start to depend on the feelings that you're getting from being captive by your jealous emotion. Jealousy becomes you, and you become jealousy. Together the duo team that you have allowed to control your thoughts will now destroy anything that is real. You will now live together in an unreal negative world of deception.

You will live and breathe the feelings of fear, worry and deception. You will not rest one single minute. Your mind will constantly be filled with disorder and accusations and," what ifs". At this point your ability to trust and feel secure with your partner will no longer be available to your mind, to your negative mind that is; the negative mind that you have allowed to take place of your once positive mind. Your innate desire to protect you and your reason for being are now at risk in your mind. You need to control everything and everything about your partner, right down to his every move. You need to take ownership in order to feel safe. With this control, then and only then can you feel safe from jealousy? Again the," attachment prison" takes over. This prison created by jealousy to keep you in its power and control. You're first breathing thoughts are livelihood and your future are based on attachment and acceptance. To lose that would be like dying a very slow death. Under the control of jealousy and its attachment prison you will fight to survive at any cost. You will be on guard even in your sleep, to notice even the simplest sign of abandonment or loss. Hence, the sleepless nights, haunted by the enemy: jealousy, captivated by the attachment prison again.

This is what you already know of jealousy. It is not fun. It is not a happy place. It is however very destructive and it will destroy your life if you continue to allow it to control your thoughts. As I mentioned earlier in this article, your mind has two sides, one being negative and one being positive. You have the ability to choose.

I have brought this part of the jealousy series to you because of how important it is to identify with the truth of jealousy. It is as real as you are sitting there listening to this. There is a way out and a way to free your mind of this prison of negative thoughts. Through my next article on "The Truth of Jealousy", you will learn steps and strategies that will help to strengthen your mind so that you may win the battle of negative thinking.

Water Damage Cleanup

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Super High School Basketball Story

What a great inspirational story about a young man on a high school basketball team. Sometimes it's not all about what you think

Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Power Of Intension
A Life Of Spiritual Education

A Little Roof Maintenance Goes a Long Way

Do you have several thousand dollars you don't want? Didn't think so. But apparently many people do, because I see it so often - roofs that are not maintained properly. Poorly maintained roofs will very quickly lead to badly needed roof repairs, and roof repairs are not cheap!

The most common I see around my neighborhood is debris that is allowed to accumulate on roofs. It is a shame that this happens, because it is so easy to sweep off leaves from a roof. If allowed to accumulate, leaves will accumulate water and hold it very well. As the wet leaves accumulate and hold water, they will rot in place. Not only does the moisture build up and seep below your shingles, the rotting debris also begin to release acids and organic compounds that will cause your roofing material to loose its integrity - and then BAM! - high roofing repair bills!! Don't let this happen to you; just spend a few minutes sweeping of your roof when needed.

Another item of neglect is the infamous leaves left in gutters. Not only is this bad for the foundation, water overflowing from leaf-filled gutters can find its way down the siding of the house, causing water damage. Even worse, water-filled gutters can find its way into roof edges, causing wood rot at the roof edges. I know it is kind of a gross job, but cleaning out gutters is a must to keep your roof and home in general free from unnecessary water damage.

One other suggestion is to keep trees near your home trimmed. Keep tree limbs from hanging over your roof. A good wind storm can lead to a branch hanging in your bedroom - not very romantic, eh? Also, keep branches from rubbing on your roof - branches rubbing on your roof will easily remove shingles.

I guess one reason people have for not maintaining roofs is fear of heights. I know this feeling too well. I do my own roof maintenance, but you can also hire somebody to do it for you. If you hire people to clean your roof, do remember to make sure they are insured!

For more advice in minimizing roofing cost, please visit our website:

Fixings Squeaking Stairs

Home Improvements - Getting Them Done on a Budget

If you are a typical homeowner, you have probably thought about remodeling. If you are getting ready to sell, it might be a good idea to do a bit of updating, and improve the value. You have to be sensible, though, so of course you will want to get the upgrades done for the lowest amount. Not spending too much is an important consideration, but that does not mean you want a cheap result.

Real estate is a serious undertaking, and if you don't do things right, you could over-invest. This is just as true for a remodel of just a single room as it is for a renovation of the complete property and everything on it. For most of us, hiring a professional contractor is a necessary part of getting the job done. The criticality of choosing the right service firm for the job cannot be emphasized too much.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), homeowners should be aware of the scams of bogus firms. The FTC has published warnings about these red flags that your contractor might be trouble:

* Insists on a quick decision
* Wants full payment up front
* Offers you a cheaper price for finding other customers
* Accepts only cash payments
* Has to ask you to obtain the necessary city permits
* Offers you a discount due to having extra material for some random reason

Those are some of the warnings that you should walk away from the deal. Sometimes a bogus contractor will try to get you to borrow from a company that they suggest. The worst case scenario of a home improvement loan scam could leave you out in the cold.

There are several things you can do to keep from being taken. Interview your prospective contractors carefully. The FTC recommends that you ask about the length of time they have been doing business, their license details, and insurance coverage. Check with your city building office. To put it simply, ask around. These steps are not unlike the normal steps you take for any significant purchase.

Another important technique is asking for recent references. Not only should you collect a list of former customers, but you should call and checkup on them. Ask these references about the quality of the work and service.

Ensure that your payment terms are clear and agreed upon before they start. Some local laws do set limits on how much higher the actual cost of a project is allowed to be above the estimate. Check into the laws in your area. In any event, don't pay until you are satisfied with the work.

Joel D McDonald recommends when you are looking for your perfect home in Colorado. For Louisville real estate or anywhere in the Front Range area, try Automated Homefinder.

Motivational Humorous Speakers

Motivational humorous speakers can help to inspire people to laugh more at meetings, if you follow these simple yet effective suggestions below.

Aptness of Humorous Speakers for Meetings

Ideally, business meetings should be interesting, engaging, effective, and provide a platform for a smooth exchange of ideas. Meetings should be conducted in a relaxed atmosphere to encourage the emergence of path breaking ideas and effective dissemination of information. Importantly, business meetings should have an element of cheerfulness or fun underlying its proceedings. Are business meetings fun at all? They should be, but they are not. That's why you should consider hiring a motivational humorous speaker for your next motivational humorous speaker meeting.

Far from being funny and peppy, business meetings are made to be solemn affairs. Visualize a typical meeting scenario - do you see people falling off their seats with laughter or you see people frozen with seriousness, with their mobile phones switched off, body highly strung with stress, and their minds on "alert" mode? The latter image is more likely to form than the former. How often do we see an executive jumping with joy and proclaiming that he has a big meeting scheduled the next day? Very rarely. The topic of meetings have staidness writ all over them. Meetings are serious events. Unfortunately, they are invariably made to turn out that way when actually the need of the hour is - meetings should be easy, fun and yet purposeful - motivational humorous speaker to the rescue.

Professional motivational speakers meet this cardinal need of the world of business as they are gifted with the ability to transform drab and boring business meetings in to beautiful, lively and engaging platforms. Funny motivational speakers are much sought after for they have the knack of diffusing unwanted tension in the air of a meeting room. Meeting attendees' like to laugh and appreciate a motivational humorous speakers' wit and commitment to making the meeting successful.

Inspirational motivational speakers become indispensable when meetings become events where motivation is in short supply; the underachievers are pulled up; and competitors are lauded grudgingly for their successes. Keynote laughter speakers lighten up the atmosphere and put things in perspective in business meetings where big monetary figures are put on the tables; falling graphs are dissected to tiny atoms to be analyzed; and achievements are celebrated briefly only to facilitate the announcement of the next set of ambitious and sometimes over-ambitious business goals.

Doug Dvorak is the CEO of DMG Inc., a worldwide organization that assists clients with productivity training, corporate humor and workshops, as well as other aspects of sales and marketing management. Mr. Dvorak's clients are characterized as Fortune 1000 companies, small to medium businesses, civic organizations and service businesses. Mr. Dvorak has earned an international reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training.

Something You Don

Stair Building Video For Decks

Stair building tips for installing lights and decking, handrail tips and some deck advice.

For more helpful home improvement information visit:

Stair Building Tips

Going To Heaven Or Not

The Purpose of Dreams

Dreams have been somewhat of a mystery to man for a long time. Dreams hold many captive at night wondering if it is reality or simply the imagination working overtime. We have all awoke from dreams upset that it wasnt reality and on the same hand, we have woke up thanking God that a terrible nightmare wasnt a reality.

There are many different theories about the meaning, origin, or purpose of dreams. Some believe that dreams are an extension of our subconscious. In other words, we may dream about things that we think about, whether we are aware of our subconscious thoughts or not. Others believe that dreams are a part of REM or Rapid Eye Movement sleep, which helps to restore our minds and bodies while we sleep. Finally, some people believe that dreams are one mode of communication that God uses to send us messages.

I believe that there is some truth to each of these theories of dreams, but I will focus on the theory about God using dreams as a mode of communication with us and what I believe his purpose in communicating with us through dreams is. Although I do believe that God communicates with us through dreams, I dont believe that every dream that we have is from God or even God attempting to communicate with us. Since I believe that some dreams are from God and others arent, this poses the question, How do you know which dreams are from God and which ones arent?. This is a difficult question to answer because there is no scientific answer to this question. My answer to this question is that you will know in your spirit. In other words, the inner voice will say this dream meant something.

Your spirit may even be troubled when you wake up like Nebuchednezzar was in the Bible after he had a dream from God. In the Bible, in Daniel 2:1, it says Nebuchednezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep. I believe that this was his spirit communicating to him that there was a message in the dreams for him and maybe others. Also, in the Bible, in the book of Daniel 7:15, Daniel states that after having a dream, that he was troubled in spirit and the visions that passed through his mind disturbed him. When I have had dreams that I believe are from God, the same thing has happened to me when I have awoken from a dream from God. I usually will first remember the dream or many parts of it very vividly. Next, I feel unsettled in my spirit, as if something needs to be resolved or settled.

After establishing that God does in fact, communicate with us through our dreams just as he did with Daniel and Nebuchednezzar, and Joseph in their dreams, you may have been wondering why. Why would God choose to communicate with us through our dreams? I believe that God has 6 purposes for communicating to us through our dreams and it is up to us along with our communication with the Holy Spirit to discern which purpose he has for communication with us.

The first purpose that I believe God uses dreams for is to call us to pray or intercede for ourselves and/or others. Sometimes God gives us dreams to call on us to pray about a situation or for a person. If we have a dream about someone or something that we know is not positive, even if we dont know the interpretation of the dream, we can pray and intercede about the situation or for the individual(s). Prayer changes things, so if we are obedient, we can change someones outcome for the better.

The second purpose for our dreams may be to warn us. God may want to warn us about a direction we are headed in or a decision that we are about to make that may be outside of his will and that may lead to destruction. In the Bible, in the book of Daniel, chapter 4, God gave Nebuchednezzar a dream to warn him. King Nebuchednezzar was warned in his dream, that if he didnt acknowledge that God is more powerful than man and things, his power and riches would be taken away from him. Nebuchednezzars warning was to acknowledge and turn to God or lose his earthly privileges. Having this dream and having it interpreted by Daniel, a Godly man, gave Nebuchednezzar the opportunity to take action to avoid disaster and calamity in his life. God gives us this same opportunity if we heed and are obedient to God.

The third purpose for God give us dreams is to give us hope. The Bible says in the Book of Proverbs 13:12 that "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." You may be experiencing a dark time in your life and you may be tempted to throw in the towel and give up. God may give you a dream to show you the light that lies ahead and to give you hope in your future. Having a visual image of a dream that he births in us gives us the opportunity to think about and hold onto that vision when things arent going the way we hoped or planned.

The fourth purpose for dreams is to encourage us and encourage others. This goes along with hope, but it may be a bit more subtle. God may want us to share a positive dream with the person we dreamed about to encourage them, or he may just want to encourage us that he is with us and hasnt forsaken us.

The fifth purpose may be to give us confirmation about something that he has either already tried to communicate to us either through our spirit or through someone else. Also, if we asked God for confirmation for something, he may give it to us through our dreams.

Finally, I believe that God communicates with us through our dreams sometimes to let us know that he is God. It is hard to forget or disbelieve in the power of God when he is using something like dreams to communicate with people and ordinary people like Daniel and I to interpret dreams.

If you believe that God has been communicating to you through your dreams, do the following : 1. Pay close attention to them; 2. Write them down in a dream journal as soon as you wake up from the dream, so that you capture all of the important details; 3. Obey his instructions and heed to his warnings, in other words, pray for yourself and others immediately when he calls on you, act when he gives you confirmations that require action, always hold onto hope, and always give God all of the Glory!

If you are interested in having a dream interpreted, sharing your dreams with others, or simply being a part of a discussion group and learning more about dreams, please visit my website at Try it out for free.

Written by : Lisa M. Kohut

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Spring Blooming Chinese Trees With Purple Flowers

One of the most exciting times of the year is spring. When spring arrives, there is a sense of excitement in the air; the birds sing the most harmonious song, the sun warms the earth, and everything is alive with color as the flowers show off their beautiful array of delicate petals. Could a springtime morning get any more wonderful? Yes it can! The perfect addition to any garden would most definitely be spring blooming Chinese trees with purple flowers.

If you welcome one of these gorgeous trees into your yard or your garden, it will add that special "something" that can not be described with words; it is something you will feel with all of your senses as they are awakened by the lovely purple blossoms. The birds will feel invited to make their nests there; they will treat you to music every morning. The butterflies will be attracted by the beautiful colors, and will come to flutter and dance while you observe their flight.

The color purple, in many countries represents royalty; in some Asian countries, it represents romance and love. When you plant a spring blooming Chinese tree with purple flowers, you will be adding a touch of romance and at the same time the atmosphere will be like that of a garden at a royal palace in a distant, exotic land. How nice it will be to sit in the evening under the moon in your garden, and forget all the stress of the day; or to enjoy your morning cup of coffee under the shade of your tree as you listen to the song of the birds. If you throw a garden party, your guests will feel like they are far away from everyday life as they enjoy the atmosphere that surrounds them.

You will often find yourself inspired while admiring the intricate detail of the purple petals on each spring blossom of your spring blooming Chinese tree with purple flowers.You will begin to appreciate the beauty of nature. You will find that you are able to slow down and relax.You will have something that you will be able to enjoy, again and again, year after year. You will watch it grow, and you will never grow weary of the excitement of spotting the first blossom of spring on the delicate branches. You will also be leaving a gift of beauty for future generations to enjoy.

This year, when you turn to your gardening chores; don't forget to include the planting of your spring blooming Chinese tree with purple flowers on your "to do " list. Don't put it off until a later date. The sooner you plant it, the sooner you can start to enjoy your garden in a way you never have before.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about spring blooming Chinese trees, please visit Spring Gardening Today for current articles and discussions.

Stud Spacing And Wall Framing

Win Your Lover Back Through Positive Thinking

Even if you have come to the point where a break-up is inevitable, you can still win your lover back. Just look around - people make up every day and there are plenty of couples, who had survived rough times and lived happily ever after.

The key is not to lose your positive attitude and ability to see things in an optimistic light. Now, this might sound as rubbish to you, if you are overwhelmed by pain, confusion and despair. But if in the range of emotions you feel right now there is also determination to win your lover back, you have to get hold of yourself. You will not save your relationship by grieving for it.

A very common mistake after a break-up is to concentrate on negative thoughts and play the blame game. Revising the past and understanding all the wrong moves you had done can be helpful in terms of learning on your mistakes. At the same time, focus on future and think what can be done to avoid the same mistakes and win your lover back.

Think about the whole break-up positively. Take it as a lesson, an experience that will eventually help you change yourself to the better. And remember - you made this relationship work in the past and you can do it again in future! Rather than on outer factors - the situation depends on you!

You should also keep in mind that it is you whom he/she considered special and chose from the crowd. So, you have all the chances to win your lover back! Seeing your positive attitude your ex will feel even more attracted to you. If there is no bitterness between you two, it will be easier to keep in touch and, eventually, start dating again.

Eliminate anything that made him/her leave you. Let your ex partner see you are a changed person now, the one he/she always dreamt to be with. Even with a slow progress, do not lose hope; do not lose your positive attitude. Be gentle and do not push your ex towards accepting you again. Let you both enjoy starting everything all over again and re-living that wonderful phase, when you become closer to each other day by day.

And, of course, there is no harm in learning some proven universal tricks and techniques of making up in order to win your lover back.

Find out how to say the right words and do the right things using my step-by-step "How to Get Back Ex" Easy System that has gotten 6000 couples back together after their break-ups!

Crimes Solved With Psychic Power

Friday, May 29, 2009

How to Build a Home Sauna - Planning a DIY Sauna

Building a home sauna need not be an arduous or difficult task. In fact it is within the reach of most do-it-yourself home improvers and, just like any project, the key is good planning and a methodical approach to the location, design and build of the sauna.

1. Location
The first thing to decide is where to locate your sauna. This will determine its maximum size and the availability of energy sources and ventilation. With electric, gas and wood burning stoves, plus new infra red heaters, there is plenty of choice. These options make the locating of a home sauna possible in an unused bedroom, study, bathroom, loft, cellar, garage or separate outbuilding or cabin.

2. Size
Sauna size may affect the choice of location. Unused bedrooms are often selected and these can usually meet most home sauna requirements. If however the sauna is only intended for one or two users at a time it may be possible to partition off a section of a bathroom.

3. Cost
It is important to have a budget in mind. Materials like the timber wall and ceiling linings, plus bench seating, can be estimated by the square yard (metre), so the bigger the more expensive. Additionally, a large sauna will require a more powerful heater, or multiple heaters/stoves.

4. Heat source
Decide on the kind of heater required. All fossil fuel burning stoves require a flue, so saunas situated within the home can be fitted more easily if they use an electric stove, or an infra red heater. In the case of a stove, an electric unit will simulate the hot stone effect of a conventional wood or gas stove, but without fumes, gases and toxins. Infra red heaters use safe radiation to warm the surface of the skin (similar to sunshine) and do not increase air temperature.

5. Materials and kit type
Obtain all of the sauna materials required. This can most easily, cheaply and effectively be done by buying a sauna home fabrication kit. These kits can be purchased based on sauna size, desired heater type (and power output) and room fitting requirements. Sauna kits come in two forms.

    5.1 The first is a package of lining materials, benches, a door and a heater and it is ideal for converting a room within a house into an integral sauna. The kit materials use the existing walls, ceiling and floor as the surrounding structure and the sauna lining is assembled directly on to these structural elements. Some cutting, drilling and gluing is required, but everything necessary to build the sauna is included in the kit.

    5.2 The second option is a prefabricated sauna kit which is a more pre-assembled version of the basic kit and which requires only minimal assembly. This type of sauna kit is self supporting and does not require walls or a ceiling to attach to. Furthermore, a prefabricated sauna kit can include weatherproof walls, a pitched roof, a solid floor and windows, making it ideal as a free standing cabin or annex in the garden or yard. This kind of kit is more expensive and less of a project for the "home makeover expert", but it is fast and easy to erect and provides an operational sauna in a matter of hours.

Both forms of sauna kit are available across a range of sizes and budgets, see, and their assembly can be taken on by any competent do-it-yourself person. Home saunas that use electric heaters or stoves require no special ventilation provision and produce a similar amount of water vapour to that generated when taking a bath.

Good quality home sauna kits comprise seasoned timber and require little if any maintenance once fitted. They are an asset to any home and should provide years of trouble free use if assembled correctly.

Upside Down Electrical Outlet

Structuring Your Time During the Day

We only have 24 hours in each day, if we're working 12 hours each day, six days a week, planning the time required to create a habit will be a little more difficult, than someone who works four hours a day three days each week.

If you're one of those overachievers and can't seem to rest or sit down for even five minutes a day. This tells me, we need to change this habit first. Most people that tell you, they just don't have any time during the day, for anything. These people usually have a lot more time than others.

Their time is normally unstructured and they often find themselves running around like a chicken with its head cut off. They are not organized or very efficient at most things that they do. Keep in mind that there are some extremely successful people that only work four hours each day and some of these people take vacations every other month.

Structuring your time will allow you the extra time you need during the day.

If you have a daytime organizer, use this to figure out, if there is any wasted time during the day. Pay strict attention to any wasted time and make a list you can evaluate at the end of the day. Do this for one week and at the end of the week evaluate your weekly activities.

If you don't have a daytime organizer, carrying around a scrap piece of paper to keep track of your daily activities. If you don't have a daytime organizer or if this is too much work for you, simply pay attention to any time you might feel, has been wasted during the day.

If we can create better time management habits, it won't be long before we have more time than we ever imagined.

Have you ever thought about Getting up Earlier.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Fear Based Motivation

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chronic Guilt

What we commonly refer to as 'chronic guilt' could more accurately be described as 'habituated guilt' or 'patterns of guilt'. Because 'chronic' almost implies illness or disease; something we have no control over.

When it comes to guilt, nothing could be further from the truth.

No one is born with feelings of guilt. Guilt must be learned. Over time, it becomes habituate. Which means patterns become laid in the subconscious. Usually this happens in childhood, but the 'chronic guilt' can last a lifetime if no steps are taken to end it.

But before it can be ended, you first need to understand why you might want to keep it around. Even though you were taught and conditioned to feel guilt, you're also getting something out of your guilt. It serves a purpose. It provides a payoff.

When you understand your payoff for feeling guilty, you've just taken the first step to ending it.

In a general sense, we use guilt as a way to avoid the intensity of our own feelings. It's a way to avoid the responsibility of feeling our true feelings.

More specifically, guilt often comes down to anger we don't have a right to have. Somebody gives you a hard time. And darn it - they're right. You're wrong. Rather than feeling the anger that naturally arises - you feel guilty instead. That's one example.

When it comes to chronic guilt - you find yourself continuously creating scenarios where it seems the most appropriate response involves feeling guilty. It becomes a pattern.

You keep finding yourself in situations that 'make' you feel guilty. The settings may change - the people may change - but the energy behind the guilt goes on and on.

"Why in the world do I keep feeling guilty??!", you may ask.

The answer lies with two factors:

1. Your payoff; what you secretly 'get' out of feeling guilty rather than feeling your true, intense feelings that lie beneath the guilt.

Often it's simply a fear of intensity... and a fear of feelings in general. So your payoff would be avoidance - avoiding your own intensity.

2. Your subconscious patterns; which become neurological pathways of 'least effort'.

Just as it's often easier to take the interstate when you wish to visit another city, so it's easier to feel guilt rather than to relish and savor the depths of your true feelings.

Not because guilt is inherently easier. It's not. Quite the opposite, in fact. Guilt took a lot of effort. It never comes naturally. You had to work at it over and over and over.

Guilt took practice. It also required a teacher. You had to be molded and shaped and formed.

Since the training to feel guilt began so early in life, you may remember very little of it. But it's important to keep in mind: your brain started as 'virgin territory'... just waiting for those pathways to be laid. And now, you have many, many different kinds of pathways.

Chronic guilt serves as only one of countless examples.

When you think about it, even your 'payoff' for guilt sources itself in your subconscious pathways. So even when you WANT to end the guilt, it seems impossible. Not because you're weak or defective, but due to the nature of the subconscious.

Your subconscious seeks consistency. And the consistency is enforced by your neurological pathways. But there are ways to change. It starts by looking at your own unique payoff for feeling guilty. Understand how it contributes to the problem Then work on creating new pathways.

By creating new pathways of 'least effort' you'll naturally feel your true feelings rather than the current default of chronic guilt.

You create new pathways in two main ways:

1. Develop the habit of making powerful choices.

One powerful choice can change your life. In fact, it already has. You made many powerful choices and decisions as a child which profoundly shaped the direction of your life.

2. Work with your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious exerts a powerful influence over your life right now. It's hard to fight it. You'll be much better off working WITH your subconscious - harnessing and directing it's power.

If you feel chronic guilt, and you can't seem to change it - then you're seeing an example of the power your subconscious holds over you.

Fortunately, your subconscious can become one of your greatest allies in life. Don't fight it. Let it serve you- as it was intended to do.

To learn how to work with your subconscious, as well as learning about powerful choices, go to

To learn more about getting rid of guilt, go to

Mark Ivar Myhre, The Emotional Healing Wizard

Power Of Visualization

Foundation Repair Or Waterproofing?

If you notice cracks or water leaks around your home, you may be having some foundation problems. This is a very dangerous situation because if your foundation is cracking, sinking, or shifting, it puts your whole house at risk. So, routinely check for any brick wall cracks or chimney cracks, drywall fractures and always look in your basement to see what your foundation is doing down there. If you notice any problems it's best to address the situation immediately because there are solutions available.

When it comes to repairing a cracked foundation, whether it be sinking, bowing or leaking water, two words immediately come to mind - Foundation Repair & Waterproofing. What are the differences? Which one do I do? Which one do I do first? Which one is correct for my situation?

First, as always, contact a knowledgeable foundation inspector. This generally is a civil engineer, structural engineer or P.E., or certified foundation repair contractor. These are the experts that can diagnose your problem and give well founded advice on a course of action to resolve your foundation issues. They will walk through your home, inside and out, and analyze your situation and give you a written evaluation of the current extent of damage. With this information you will then be able to make a sound judgment on what steps are needed to maintain the original integrity of the structure.

Simply put waterproofing can be defined as diverting water to a predetermined location. Waterproofing does not solve structural issues. Waterproofing does not fix a failed foundation.

Waterproofing can remove problematic water from around a structure. Waterproofing can divert water so as to not put undo stresses on basement walls. Waterproofing can stop nuisance water infiltration. Waterproofing is just one step in the process of solving your failed foundation. When used in conjunction with quality foundation repair products, waterproofing, can and will help maintain the integrity of your home.

Foundation repair can be defined as methods of underpinning or shoring your failing foundation due to unexpected forces. Using designed and engineered foundation repair products can reposition your foundation to originally designed tolerances. These products can be used to lift a structure. These products can support your foundation by changing load bearing points. Quality foundation repair methods use surrounding load bearing soils to support your homes foundation.

Which comes first the chicken or the egg? Do you waterproof first, or do you install foundation repair products first? Simply put, it depends on the recommendations of your foundation expert. Is water infiltration causing your problems? Is water collecting around your home? Are your gutters and sump pump working properly? Is your foundation settling due to poor soil support or changing soils under your home? Are there vertical cracks in your basement walls? Are there horizontal cracks in your walls?

These questions all will be answered in the initial inspection of your home. Your foundation engineer will talk you through your individual needs and suggest methods of repair. Generally you will need a combination of foundation repair and waterproofing. When used together you can be assured that your home will be restored to its original structural integrity while removing water issues that can cause future foundation problems.

Epoxy sealing a crack works great, but if you are only diverting the water to the next weakest spot on your foundation you are only chasing a problem. Super duper sump pumps with turbo charged battery backups are great, but do nothing to straighten bowed or sinking walls. A dry basement does nothing for a basement that is setting on poor or consolidating soils. If your basement is leaky, there has been damage done, and this damage needs to be addressed by foundation repair experts.

Foundation repair or waterproofing is the question; a qualified foundation expert is the answer. Call your local expert today and have your foundation issues solved by the experts.

About the Author:

Jeff Tully invites you to view his website if you are having any foundation issues including bowing walls, cracks in your foundation or any type of settlement issue. On this website you will find the truth about foundation repair methods and what you should expect. There are many misconceptions about foundation piers or tie backs, get the straight answers here.

This site was designed and built with the homeowner in mind is the only true source for foundation repair and waterproofing information. From determining if you really have a structural issue to hiring an engineer or foundation expert, you will find the answers on my site.

Paint Mistake On Wall Register

Studying Other Religions - Religious Education

I started out as a Christian and lived the first 17 years of my life as one. When I started doing a little research on Christianity, this soon led me to other religions. I started to research other religions, I soon found myself having problems with the religion of my birth, Christianity. I believe that Jesus was special and for some reason, thought that he was an only child. While reading one book, I found out he had 11 brothers and sisters. I don't know if this is true but this is what the book reported.

The stuff I had been taught in Sunday school and going to, what I would like to call adult church. Listening to the sermons and of course never reading the Bible, because my main concerns at the time were playing with my friends, sports and as I entered my teens, became extremely interested in cars. I didn't have time or a desire to verify anything that I had heard about Christianity.

I read one book and that led to others and pretty soon I was confused and chose not to be a Christian anymore, because I couldn't verify if this was a religion made by God or man. Everything I was learning pointed towards man and control and money and power. The more I learned, the more forgiveness I could have towards others who belonged to other religions throughout the world.

We all want the same thing, love, compassion and understanding. Buddhism seems to represent this the most to me and I started to study it a little more diligently. I kind of became fascinated with the Dali Lama and the country of Tibet. We tend to get caught up in stuff that sounds good and makes us feel good but often can't see the problems. This happens in our daily life with work, family and fun.

I never really fell out of favor with Buddhism but soon learned enough to save this religion wasn't exactly for me either. I like some of the principles, especially the principle of compassion which tends to drive this way of life forward.

I have studied quite a few religions and still have plenty of more to educate myself on. I understand that most people don't have the time or interest to pursue this path. That's fine, but at the same time don't make fun of these religions, if you don't know anything about them and don't tell others that your religion is right if it isn't.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility . It's based on overindulgence.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Living With What If In Your Life

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Post Your Ideas Here On Deck Building

Do you have any ideas for building or repairing wood decks . We would love to hear from you in the comment area. Any useful comments that you can make on deck construction or deck building will help our blog readers.

Stair Building Books
Home Carpet Books

Interior Wall Framing Help For Home Owners

Framing a new wall, anywhere in the home will not be very difficult to do. However, removing an interior wall on the other hand could be an enormous task and create some big problems, especially if you remove a loadbearing wall. A loadbearing wall would be something that is holding up another section of the home, like the roof or the floor.

If you're not removing or moving a wall, framing a new wall is a task that most homeowners with very little skill can do quite easily. Let's start with the basics, most walls are built from 2 x 4 framing lumber, which can be purchased at any lumber yard or home improvement center.

Let's start with measuring the length and the height of the wall. For example let's say that the wall you intend to frame is going to be 8'7" long and 8 foot tall. If I was going to figure the lumber for this wall, or how much material I would need. I would start with some simple arithmetic.

We need one bottom plate and one top plate. This would be the lumber that's going to run horizontal or right to left in our wall. So now we know that we need two pieces that will be 8'7" long and since they only sell lumber in 2 foot increments, our choices will be narrowed down to a couple of 10 foot two by fours.

The height of the wall is 8 foot tall and will require us to buy 8 foot two by fours. Now how many two by fours am I going to need? Most walls require 16 inch on center placement of the vertical two by fours, or in other words the two by fours that go up and down will be spaced 16 inches apart. If I was to divide 16 inches into 8'7", that would require 7 - 8 foot two by fours.

It's pretty simple math and don't forget to convert your measurements into inches to make the job easier. 8'7" can be converted to inches by multiplying the number of feet times 12, 12 times eight and then adding 7 to it will give us 103 inches. We can now divide 16 into 103 inches to give us the amount of vertical two by fours needed to frame our interior wall.

Don't forget there's 12 inches in a foot.

House Wood Damage or Wall Framing Tips

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Beam Damage Under Deck
Wood Post And Beam Connection

Repair Hard Drive Technology - Sometimes Its Not What it Seems

To repair hard drive technology you must have part step-by-step logic and part intuition. In this article, we are going to discuss a problem that misleads many because of the message that it displays. The error points to a faulty hard drive but it is really something else.

First, the computer boots and when it reaches the point where it displays, "Scanning IDE drives" and suddenly an unexpected error occurs: "No drive is connected to the FastTrak controller. The BIOS is not installed." Since your computer was working up to this point, you might say that the hard drive has died. After all the computer says that no drive is connected but you know that the drive is connect because it was working earlier.

In this particular situation, there is one clue to the source of the problem. The mention of the FastTrak controller is the clue. FastTrak is a SATA RAID controller made by Promise Technology. The probability that you have a RAID configuration is low in this case. I say this because of the second clue: This BIOS is not installed message. This tells me that the BIOS for RAID devices has not been installed so you have a simple IDE or SATA configuration.

Finally, the problem exists because you have no RAID drives plugged into your motherboard but your system setup has the RAID controller enabled. Just enter your BIOS setup and disable the Promise RAID controller and everything should begin to work properly. Every now and then a problem will surface like this one that will mislead the beginning computer owner. Hopefully, articles like this one and others will lead you down the path to your desired solution.

To get more information on hard drive repair or to get expert help on hard drive data recovery options, click here: repair hard drive.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Goals to Live by and Guild Your Life - Self Help Tips

The start of the new year is a traditional time to reflect on the accomplishments of the previous year and establish goals for the future. Our family started setting goals when our children were still in grade school. We sat at the kitchen table, each with a blank page of paper before us. We encouraged them to be creative and dream big. The variety of my families goals surprised me. Some of their goals were loftier than others. They included:

- Skydive

- Finish college

- Invent something

- Travel to all 50 U.S. states

- Be in the Guinness Book of World Records

My husband and I also set big goals for ourselves. After each session, I typed up our goals. I printed each of our goals separately and mounted them in picture frames posted outside our bedrooms where we would see them every day. Several times a year we take them down and review our progress. We note the completed goals, make modifications or add new goals. New pages are printed and inserted as the top sheet in the frame. We have been doing this for 15 years now. During the review process, we look back on previous year goals are tucked behind the glass. When we reflect on our progress, I'm delighted to see how many of these big goals we have accomplished. Wally Amos is one of the most inspiring and goal focused people I know. I had the chance to visit with him recently at his cookie Chip and Cookie store in Waikiki. Wally says there are no big goals. According to Wally, some goals just take longer to achieve than other goals. If you get an opportunity to visit Oahu, Hawaii, stop by to say hello to Wally and sample the cookies at his "Chip and Cookie" stores. Where do you what to be next year? Start off 2009 by setting goals for yourself.

April M. Williams, Career Coach and Public Speaker - Have the courage to change!

And now I would like to offer you my free weekly newsletter of career and networking tips

Is The Bible Historically Accura

5 Tips For Handling Conflict

If you live long enough you will experience conflict. The chance that everyone will like us or get along with us is very minimal. Inevitably we will disagree with someone. When this happens, handling the conflict with a level head avoids stress and keeps the chance of the conflict escalating less likely.

Handling conflict does not have to be confrontational in the classic sense. When someone mentions an altercation we think of the showdown at the OK Corral. Coming into the meeting ready to fight is not the best way to handle a conflict.

Conflicts can occur at any time. You could be in a grocery store and the cashier may act rude as they ring up your groceries. We've all had that happen at least once, right? The first reaction is to slam the money on the counter or to snap back at them. In that instant we have taken their problems as our own and created a stressful situation that changes the tone of the rest of our day.

Here are five tips for handling conflict. They work for coworkers, family members, friends, and even strangers. You never know when the proper response to a conflict could save your life or someone else's.

1. Think about the situation. We are quick to respond when someone says what we don't like. Take the time to breathe before responding. In that breath replay the words spoken.

2. Make the hard decision. In many cases, the conflict that arises is not the first of its kind. Harsh or offensive words or deeds could be a recurring theme in the relationship. Decide if this affiliation is worth saving or if it is time to cut the person loose. Leaving the association could result in a lost friendship, a divorce, or changing jobs. Sometimes, for our own sake, these things are better in the long run than staying in a bad relationship.

3. Wait a day. Don't respond right then. Give yourself time to talk over the situation with a trusted friend. Maybe you overreacted. Sometimes, a third party can see something that you missed in the heat of your anger. In these cases, apologize where necessary. If the consensus is that you were wronged, then bring the matter to the attention of the other person with a level head not a hot one.

4. Find a solution. A common conflict, especially among spouses could result from wanting to make a purchase that there isn't enough money for. Instead of brooding, come up with favorable solutions that could get you what you want or need. Get a second job to earn the money.

5. Apologize if you were in the wrong. Just because something is true doesn't mean that it has to be said. Telling someone that they are wearing a dress that is too small for them is not a positive way to help them lose weight. Understand how it could be offensive to them and apologize. Better yet, stop and think before you respond in situations such as these. Put yourself in the other person's shoes before hand. Part of resolving conflicts is realizing our role in it.
Facing confrontational situations is not easy. But, it is not inevitable and sometimes it has to be done. Learning conflict resolution techniques can alleviate the stress of these situations.

Gregg Zban is a General Manager with Coca-Cola Enterprises and has created a website dedicated to better time management in business, with family, at school and more.

To learn more please visit

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Change Can Lead To Suffering

Solar Energy

No matter what you may have heard, solar energy is the wave of the future, in large part because of its utter simplicity. A photovoltaic, cell collects energy from the sun, and that energy is converted into electricity without the use of chemicals, liquids, or moving parts. It's that easy.

A number of solar cells are generally linked together on a solar panel, hooked up in series to allow all the cells to work in unison. The energy that's generated is then stored in a battery, in the form of DC current. Since most household appliances run on AC current, the electricity is then converted to AC current by a device called an inverter.

The efficiency of photovoltaic cells has improved a great deal over the past few years, but it still would take a huge array of panels to run your entire house with solar power. Even so, it's still possible to use solar to power at least a portion of you home at a relatively minimal cost. For instance, you could power your home computer and a few other small electrical appliances using a system that costs about $1,000.00 to have installed. At the moment, solar systems generally cost about $10.00-$12.00 per watt.

Since it's totally renewable and doesn't pollute, it's easy to see that the future of solar power is so bright. If we could harness just one hour's worth of the suns total solar power every day, we'd have enough energy to fuel the entire planet's energy needs for a whole year. That's an amazing amount of potential power, and it's just waiting for us to tap into it.

As photovoltaic cells continue to improve, the cost of solar energy will keep coming down, and eventually, it will become economically feasible for everyone to switch to solar. Enormous amounts of money are being poured into solar research--some of it from seemingly unlikely sources, such as a number of major oil companies. However, that shouldn't really come as a surprise, because they can see the handwriting on the wall as well as anyone, and it's clear that they, like most forward thinking people, understand that the future of the world's energy lies in solar power.

Copyright 2006 Jeanette J. Fisher

Jeanette Fisher has researched the effects of environment on emotions for over 15 years. She teaches interior design college courses and seminars. Free environmental design info:

Paint Job Estimating

How to: Estimating Painting Jobs is the most asked question and the most often viewed articles that I write.

Painters have been around for a long time, so paint estimating is not "rocket surgery". I can give you a starting point based on my job costs; ultimately you need to create a job cost history of your own.

To estimate painting an interior room, I measure this room, say 12Lx16Wx8H, and unless I have a lot of open space, I don't deduct for doors or windows, normally. I take two widths (24) PLUS 2 lengths (32) TIMES the height (8), or 448. 4.48 (because in construction we count in "hundreds" so 448 = 4.48 hundreds, right?) x .667 x $25 = $74.70 to roll one coat of latex paint on a smooth wall. Not counting paint.

So, let's say I estimate painting one hundred square feet of smooth wall surface at the rate of .667 hours. In other words if I charge $25/hour (I would probably say to go to work at the post office instead), because you are not making $25 after expenses, but let's pursue this. One hundred square feet of wall in a re-paint, not new construction, because painting new construction is a much lower rate per square foot because a painter can go much faster. Why? Setting up, protection, preparation and cleanup are almost zero. So when you painters talk to each other, make sure that you are talking apples to apples.

Anyway, so my rate is $16.67 to paint 100 square feet of wall in a lived in home not new construction.
So point one, is that our estimate?

Where do we estimate prep, cleanup, replacing plate covers, traveling to buy paint, break time (nobody works 8 hours in an 8 hour day unless you are superman), cleanup, dealing with the customer.

Point two in paint estimating.

Why this is only a starting point is that:

1) You may go faster or slower than me so you have to time yourself and /or your crew. And then use your job times not mine. Each house may have different rates. Your crew is faster or slower.
2) What if it takes you 3 hours to drive to the job?

This list could go on forever, but we need guide lines.

Keep track of how long it takes your crew to do a room.

Start your painting estimate with YOUR historical time to paint a room or door or window. And then look at it individually, for example, do you have to stop working and leave the house when the mother takes the kids to school?
Do you have to clean up each night?

How much spackle?
How much prep?
Clean up?

Your competition is not other painters your competition is yourself.

Patrick Cavanaugh has been running a successful painting business for over thirty years. Marketing ideas, sales tools, estimating, management. Check out my ebook on building a professional painting business.

Make Someone's Day!

When someone compliments me, it can make my day! I bet it's that way for you, too. Think back to a time when someone gave you a genuine compliment. Can you feel those warm fuzzies? But wait. Maybe you can't remember the last time you actually received a compliment. I've found there are people all around us who seem to have forgotten how to give compliments. Then again, maybe they never knew how in the first place. Sad, isn't it.

Knowing how good a compliment makes me feel makes me eager to do the same for others. It's my goal to give a compliment to every person I meet, and in fact, I work very hard at this. I'm not telling you this to brag on myself, and I don't want you to think I'm some brown-noser who uses compliments to manipulate people into doing whatever I want. No way! Tat is not what giving a compliment is about. Compliments must be given sincerely, in a spirit of thoughtfulness and caring, from a true desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others. This doesn't come naturally, but with a little effort you can learn how. Start by observing others closely, waiting to catch them doing somethingor being someoneyou sincerely admire. Then, be willing to "expose" your observations to that person.

The best way to give a compliment is to be sure you always back it up with evidence. Here's an example: "You are so great with kids!" (Now most people would stop there, but you need to give some evidence.) "They are so well behaved whenever you are in charge. I think it's because they can tell how much you care about themand I loved the game you taught them to help them wait patiently in line. You are so creative and fun. no wonder kids love you.

You'll be amazed at the results, when you make giving compliments a part of your daily life. So go aheadmake someone's day! Oh, and by the way, the best way to receive a compliment it to simply say, "Thank You!

2003 Professional Development Systems All Rights Reserved

Robert Prentice of Professional Developments Systems has spent the last twenty years bringing inspiration and motivation to business owners as well as their employees. For more information visit his website at

Mother Teresa Helps Radio Host

Positive Action - Delete Your Personal History And Let Go Of Self-Limiting Beliefs

Letting go of anything is never easy. We all form a set of beliefs about ourselves at a very early age. We may not even be sure where those beliefs came from - they've just always been there, and they drive the way we think and behave.

We use this belief system to justify what we do and how we feel. We say things like, "My parents were alcoholics," "My spouse left me," "I lost my job," "Things aren't like they used to be," and use them as reasons why can't get on with our lives.

We focus on the things that have been done to us in the past, and we form a bond with those experiences. But, all the excuses in the world will never be able to erase the past. We must accept it and move on.

Wayne Dyer uses the metaphor of the wake of a boat. The wake is the trail left behind the boat. It's not the wake that moves the boat forward.

The same is true with the wake of your life. If you stay in the wake and hang on to your past experiences - your suffering, your hurt, your anger, your successes or failures - it is impossible to move your life forward.

Here are 3 Positive Action steps that can help you let go of those feelings and beliefs:

  1. Make a list of the things that are keeping you from moving forward. You can't just set it down and walk away from it - it will always be there to come back to. Pick it up, read it, embrace, it, understand it, and accept it. Know that you had to go through those things to be here now. Then toss it.
  2. Remove all labels that you've placed on yourself. The labels limit you. You are not defined by what you have done nor what you have not done.
  3. Write some affirmations (you may use these or write your own) and read them everyday: "I make a commitment to live in the moment" and "I am letting go of my past self-limiting beliefs."

Your history is no longer in your present physical reality. Let it go, and choose to live "now."

And, now I would like to offer you a free special report entitled, "Running 4 Your Life: How to Improve Your Physical, Emotional, Relationship, and Spiritual Health." Go to

Dreaming And Outer Body Experien