Friday, May 15, 2009

Individual Goal Setting in Business - Keeping Your Goals in Check

It's interesting to look at the role of individual goal setting in business. More and more people are becoming entrepreneurs and opening their own businesses. When it comes to business goals you are going to be concerned with things specific to business like increasing productivity and sales. On the other hand personal goals might include things like picking up a new hobby or working on your personal relationships.

With that being said, it's important for you to consider how your individual or personal goals could influence your business objectives. Your business goals and personal goals should not be in conflict with each other. You need to explore the possible ways your personal life can impact your business. Individual goal setting in business should include asking yourself the following questions.

- How many hours per week would you like to work? If your business is just getting off the ground you will have to anticipate potentially working longer hours at the beginning. You can see how this may become a problem if you had previously committed to a personal goal of spending more time with your family. The two goals are not in alignment and this will most likely lead to failed goals either in your personal or business life.

- How much money do you think you'll need in order to maintain your desired lifestyle? If you plan on having a large home, several cars and many vacations, you have to ensure that you business objectives are in line with the kind of lifestyle you plan on having. Have you put the right business models in place to guarantee a certain profit is produced? Again if it is a new business, perhaps you need to consider changing your lifestyle ideas to match your businesses status. Remember to always be realistic and flexible in goal setting, especially when you are trying to create a balance between all your life goals.

- How much travel do you plan on doing? If you have a personal goal to travel twice a year with your family and a business goal to increase sales by 50% you may encounter some conflict.

In your approach to individual goal setting in business, keep in mind you may also have personal goals that pertain to the success of the business. Your skills and qualifications also play a big role in whether or not the business can survive. You also have to find a balance between these kind of professional goals and your personal goals. Your desire to achieve a particular personal goal may affect your drive to become a better leader in your business for example.

We should all strive to have balance in our lives and it is indeed a good idea to have goals in all aspects of our lives. But with this is mind, it's very important to ensure that your goals are complementary and do not hinder the progress of any of your other goals. When planning each of your goals don't forget to consider the big picture. while you may find it helpfully to have all your action plans for each goal separate, you need to also have a document that includes all of your goals and the various steps to their achievement. Make sure there is no overlapping among your goals and no conflicts.

So as we examine the role of individual goal setting in business it becomes clear that great planning and organization must be involved in order keep all your goals in check and in line. It should be your top priority to be the best person you can be in your professional life as well as in your personal life. Work on finding that balance that will reveal true success.


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