Monday, May 18, 2009

Riding Out the Economic Storm

The birth of a higher global consciousness is right around the corner. But first, the old, obsolete systems need to crumble to make way for that higher consciousness to emerge.

And so, the current global financial meltdown is a sign we have been waiting for. It is heralding the passing away of the old to make room for a new way of living, a new way of doing business around the globe. It is also a call to action for those who've already awakened to higher consciousness; a call to step up and lead the way.

This is a time to pull together, not to pull back. It is a time to look around you and see that there is no real distinction between haves and have-nots; between political ideologies and parties; we are all members of one family called humanity and we all share this journey called life. What happens to one of us, affects everyone else - whether at the personal, community, national or global level. This is not a time to pull back but a time to step out and to bring your service to the world to heal what ails. What you heal in yourself or in another human being, affects everything else on this planet. This is not the time to look for someone to save us. It is time to ask how we can be of service, and then to reach out and heal the fabric of our community, our society and our world - one step at a time. It is time to demonstrate by our actions how to live by faith and not by sight; how to live free from fear. It is time to dip down deep into our spiritual resources for inspiration and courage, and then to move forward undaunted by the appearances of things because our focus is on the higher spiritual reality beyond appearances.

This is the time we have been preparing for, and now it is show time! I believe that when we rally together, we can bring about the changes needed to transform the challenges of the present into the highest outcomes ever.

During times of challenge, it becomes essential to refocus on the fundamental truths of life. Refocusing will keep you grounded and balanced.

Today, I'd like to share a few refocusing tools with you, followed by my personal commitment to help our society move out of fear. First, the refocusing tools:

Recognize How Sweet Life is

It really is. Regardless of the cycles we go through. No matter what global markets and economies are doing. Sometimes they go up; sometimes they go down. Either way, it's merely a cycle which will pass. The true miracle of life is not whether the markets are up or down; it is the gift of being alive. The sweetness of life lies in the recognition of the deeper beauty that is there. Take time to reconnect to the sweetness of life.

What keeps you connected with your love for life? Meditation? Running? Reading? Making a difference for others? Playing with children? Do it! Do it a LOT! When you nurture your love for life every day, you will become a source of strength for yourself and for everyone around you.

Most people live in scarcity consciousness even when they HAVE money. It doesn't take much turbulence in the market for people to get scared. And those who have lost or are in danger of losing their homes might find it very challenging to recognize the perfection of their situation right now. And yet, there is perfection in EVERY situation. You can always find it if you really look for it. You may not see the perfection in the circumstances around you right away, yet from a higher perspective it is always there. There is a spiritual solution to every problem, as Wayne Dyer puts it.

Everything happening in your life is serving your soul and your intentions in some way. When you know this in your bones, you are able to surrender to the grace of the Divine plan unfolding in your life, and maintain your sense of calm in any situation.

Give Thanks

One you recognize that there's still lots of sweetness in life, take it a step further - give thanks!

Give thanks for your health, your strength, your support system, your faith, the food on your plate. Give thanks for being alive at this time in history and for the opportunity to make a difference at this time. Give thanks for the opportunities to learn how to really trust, how to create positive outcomes by focusing on what you desire rather than what you fear. Gratitude is the most powerful antidote to fear. It brightens, strengthens and expands your energy. It brings you back into the present moment, where everything is unfolding in perfect harmony. When you find yourself worrying about the future, bring your attention back to this present moment and notice that in this very moment, you are OK.

Recognize that beliefs around money is just a part of our conditioned story, and be willing to let it go! Then give thanks for being OK in this moment and stay in gratitude, stay in the present moment.

The truth is, your future is not created yet - worrying about the future is simply not constructive. Instead, choose to stay in the NOW, and keep your focus on gratitude and trust. As you stay focused on gratitude and trust, your energy in this present moment is creating a powerful attractor field, drawing into your reality the very outcomes that you focus on. Focus on what you have, rather than what you don't have, and your world will expand. Focus on what is going right, and your attractor field will bring you more of that!

Be Of Service

"True wealth is what you have left when all of your money is gone." - Roger Hamilton, Author of Wealth Dynamics

Money is one measure of wealth, but it is by no means the only measure. In coaching, I use at least nine indicators of true wealth: Knowledge, Experience, Talent, Character, Community, Spiritual Connection, Health, Financial and Relationship.

If your financial indicator is down at the moment, take a look at the other eight indicators and see how much wealth and abundance you still have. Then, get your eyes off yourself and share with others what you have in abundance!

As you focus on sharing your abundance, you are cultivating a mindset of true wealth. Over time, you will notice that you are drawing more and more of that into your life.

Do you want more love? Give love! Do you want more experience? Get out there and immerse yourself in exploration! Do you want more support? Get involved by supporting others!

This is not a time to contract your energy and to play small. Contraction out of fear simply stops the flow of the very energy you need at this time to function! It is a time to help heal our world by doing your part, because each of us has a part to play.

In the process, your involvement offers you wonderful opportunities to develop your skills, gifts and graces, while keeping the energy of giving and receiving flowing in your life.

Ada Porat is an energy kinesiologist and life balance coach with extensive international teaching and clinical experience. She uses body/mind/spirit techniques to help clients live fearlessly. For more information, visit or call (602) 283-4628 MST.

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