There have been several motivational theories created by people over time, however seeing how they are theories and not proven facts there are some that people believe and others that people do not believe. One of the most popular and well known theories comes from Abraham Maslow and it is called the hierarchy of needs.
This theory is taught in many philosophy and psychology classes in schools all over North America. It states that people would like to satisfy different needs and some of them we find more important than others. Not only this but some of these needs are more pressing then the others. As we satisfy one of our needs, it then becomes less important to us, other needs therefore become more important to us and become motivators of our behavior.
Maslow therefore says we have a hierarchy of needs. The most proponent needs that we have are shown at the bottom of the ladder, as the prepotency decreases we progresses upwards. The first need is called self actualization needs. Self actualization needs require meeting your own best potential and for you to do your own best things.
The next one is called esteem. Esteem involves having respect for other individuals having respect for yourself and also recognition. After this we have belonging which is being affiliated being accepted and also being apart of something. The second last one is safety needs, which is being physically safe and having psychological security. Last but not least there is physiological which includes hunger, thirst, sex and rest.
Another motivational theory is that we are motivated by money. Money means different things for different people. Money can mean status, survival, belonging achievement and a lot of other things, you can take your pick. In the end it all simply depends on the type of person that you are.
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