Rarely do I re-read a book. Time is so precious, and I like to invest it in new learning. However, occasionally, there is the rare exception where I have found such value and inspiration from what I have read that I will re-read it. In reviewing the books for this ezine, the ones that made the list were all underscored and marked heavily (a good indicator of their impact). This is my list of re-reads that you can add to your library (or to your Christmas stocking).
1. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
Anything Deepak writes is advanced both spiritually and intellectually. This little book is the perfect handbook for remembering basic but profound principles for living harmoniously and authentically.
2. The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden
This is an astonishing read about the power of deliberate creation and consciousness. If you struggle with explaining the law of Attraction to your science-oriented friends, then this book will help.
3. Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck
Martha has a delightful and powerful style. Her model for personal growth and change is simple and profound. This is a great self-coaching resource.
4. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder
First published in 1962, this text pre-dates the Secret and many other volumes by decades. It is filled with strong examples of the power of positive affirmation and command. A simple and brilliant handbook for taking control of your mental outlook.
5. Money and the Law of Attraction and Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks
These are my two favourite publications by the Hicks and Abraham trio. The simplest messages are the most profound, and these books certainly deliver that. If we simply followed their instructions for getting in alignment with our desires, then all sorts of peace and prosperity would flood the planet. In my opinion, these are MUST READS for any Law of Attraction students and fans.
6. The Attractor Factor by Dr Joe Vitale
This is one of the few books that actually shows you HOW to change beliefs (the linchpin in making quantum shifts in your experience). The book has some terrific exercises that will produce results for you, you just need to do them!
7. A New Earth by Eckart Tolle
This is the book Oprah shot with wildfire fame in her ground breaking webcast earlier this year. And for good reason - the book is fantastic! Though it can be a little heavy-going intellectually, it is full of strong spiritual content for connected living and manifestation.
8. Busting Loose From the Money Game by Robert Scheinfeld
This is one of the best explanations of the Law of Attraction through the research of quantum physics, without boggling your brain with too much jargon. It's a little weird, but it does have some good practical processes in there too.
9. The 7 Mindset and Manifesting Secrets of Multimillionaire Entrepreneurs by David Neagle and Ali Brown
When people ask me who I am studying as my mentors and role models, I refer to Ali Brown for information marketing and internet business building, and David Neagle for contemporary, cutting edge spiritual manifestation practices. This program in particular is incredible. I have already listened to it twice and am incorporating its techniques daily. - alexandriabrown.com/products.php
10. The Three Pillars of Personal Power by Zoe Routh
Yes, this is my program. However, I really feel this is one of the best practical, and comprehensive self-development programs out there to get REAL results through application of the processes. It's been developed out of my 20 years of experience in the personal development industry that was put to the test when I went through cancer in 2005. You'll get fantastic personal shifts using this program!
That's my re-read list for 2009. Have you got something to recommend? Drop a note on the blog!
Law of Attraction Block Buster Coach Zoe Routh helps busy professionals and business owners turbo-charge their personal effectiveness. Zoe has paddled 30 weeks by canoe, run 6 marathons, hiked hundreds of kilometres in Australia's outback, bellydanced at festivals, written a book, survived cancer, married a fair dinkum Aussie bloke, and wrestled a 6 meter crocodile. It's all true, except for the crocodile part. Sign up for more Law of Attraction Block Busting Tips and your free Law of Attraction Checklist in Compass Bearings at http://www.lawofattractionchecklist.com
1 comment:
I do also suggest Mr. Robert Scheinfeld's book " Busting Loose From the Money Game" As far as his works are concerned, he just recently released a new book called "Busting Loose From The Business Game." It takes the topic of discussion into a very different place, especially as it relates to money, business and career.I am reading his profile at http://www.robertscheinfeld.com
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