Have you noticed lately that no sooner do you think about something, than it happens? Or have you found yourself thinking more than usual, "I just don't seem to have enough time".
Well, there's actually truth to that statement, because time has literally been speeding up -- and we have entered the "Instant Karma Zone"
It's important to pause and look at the instant manifestation energy we are dealing with right now, because it is a key to how we will manifest the future of our world. This energy is riding on the wave of the incoming energies of Aquarius and the Seventh Ray, which is the ray of ceremony, ritual, magic - and manifestation. As wise stewards of the earth, we must know what we are working with on the earth plane, in order to indeed be wise.
We also need to look at what our definition of abundance is -- it's not about money.
We live in an abundant universe where everything from peace of mind to faster computers, to love, education, and political power are available to those who desire them. Abundance comes is many guises -- good health, good food to eat, good friends. This is the first key to manifesting abundance in our life - recognize what you have, and be grateful for it. "An attitude of gratitude creates a space for grace".
Creating A Vacuum
The second step towards manifesting abundance is to empty your cup. According to the Kabbalah, we are frozen light: we come from light, and are created by light, when we empty our light on the physical plane, the space we create is then filled with light. It is up to us, as CoCreators, to direct this light, by means of intention and affirmation, to manifest into a new form.
This law directly applies to our creating abundance. You need to give of yourself, whether it's through a Love Offering at Church, or volunteering in the community - these unselfish acts all empty our cup of energy that may then be renewed by Universal Light. You need to let go of things you don't need in order to manifest what you do need. Everything we own and surround ourselves with takes energy to maintain. When you are in a co creating, manifesting mode, it is essential that you let go of what no longer serves you. Clean out the bookcases, closets, drawers -- and give it away.
What we need to realize is that in order to move forward, to grow and to reach our full potential as the human race, we have to let go of the way things were, and hold in our minds a vision of how we want things to be. The time is ripe to move toward a new evolutionary agenda - not to reform but to transform based on the full and appropriate use of our immense newly forming powers of the mind.
In order to do that we need to use the gray matter in our brains to its fullest potentials.
All Is Mind
We have within us the greatest tool of change, manifesting and transformation that we need. Its sort of like Dorothy's slippers -- we wander around on planet earth, searching, searching for a way home, looking for others to do it for us, when all the time we had the tool within us to do it ourselves.
That tool is the mind.
The All is Mind, the Universe is Mental - This is the Principle of Mentalism, one of seven Universal Laws, originally taught by Hermes Trismegistus eons ago. Later, in the 20thscentury it was recorded as the Master Key of the Ancient Wisdom in the book, The Kybalion.
The brain is the physical muscle of the mind, just as J. Krishnamurti suggested that the body is physical vehicle upon which the Soul rides. In order to access the power of the mind to create, we need to train our brain by exercising it - through creative visualization and of course - meditation, meditation, meditation.
To paraphrase Einstein: The problems that exit in the world today cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.
We must begin to think in new ways, use the power of the mind by accessing the brain muscle. We need to exercise that muscle to keep it fit, just as we exercise any other muscle in our body. The knowledge that we seek to create the next step in our evolution does not lie within books, or simple methodology. That's the "same level of thinking" that Einstein was referring to. The knowledge and wisdom that we need to change the world lies within. The good news here is that we CAN change The World -- one thought at a time!
We access that wisdom by accessing the power of the mind to Co Create with the power of Universal Mind/God.
Energy Follows Thought
If your life is not what you want it to be today, then you need to see what it is you thought (sowed) yesterday that manifested what you reaped today. Sound familiar? You are responsible for your life - no one else is.
The process of manifestation follows a simple formula:
- Create scared space by lighting a candle, incense, etc. Call on your guides or angels for protection.
- Allow yourself to enter a light meditation state by a process of deep breathing and relaxation.
- Thought and Belief --What you think and believe you receive
- Visualize what you want to manifest: Give the visualization intention -- why do you want this to manifest in your life?
- Put desire and emotions into the visualization - in other words, feel it happening.
- Hold the vision for as long and as completely as possible - see it unfolding in every aspect of your life, and how your life will be affected by manifesting this vision.
- Send out thanks out to the Universe - "an attitude of gratitude creates a space for grace"
- Now, let it go, knowing that you have put your petition before the Higher Power - God - and allow that Higher Power to draw it to you in Divine Order.
- When you have come out of your visualization, write down your vision. This brings it down into the 3rd dimension, which gives it form, which in turns starts the manifestation process
There is a caveat to this process.
We need to affirm that it is in the highest and best interest of our Soul's purpose as well as the evolution of The Plan that has been set forth for humanity by the Powers That Be. We are here for a reason, and that reason is to know what our Soul knows. We can actually manifest anything we want - but if we are indeed on the spiritual path, we must always release our personality desires to our Soul's purpose. We need to ask for what we want while at the same time maintaining that if it is not in the best interest of our Soul's growth, we will let it go - graciously and thankfully.
The Next Step
There has never been a time before where what we think in our inner lives is truly what we are going to reflect in our outer lives.
I assure you that as you grow in spirit, the time between the intent and the creation will become shorter and shorter. What is in store for us, if we can make it through this crisis of our birth, will make our hearts leap with joy. It is a vision of the birth of a universal species, a quantum jump from Homo sapiens to Homo "universalis," from the self-conscious human to the cosmically conscious, co creative human.
Is it possible? Yes
Can we do it? It depends on what you and I do now, in the next few decades, in this most critical period following our birth. We are on the threshold of conscious evolution - the next vital element in the life design.
I challenge you to take the next step - expectation creates reality. As we believe, so it is done unto us - we can become our true selves and reach our unlimited potential by putting our minds to work and becoming future humans - we can co-create a world of peace and plenty, joy and beauty - expect the unexpected - and manifest miracles!
Rebecca Nagy is the founder and CEO of the Extra Potential Institute and Charlotte Whole Life Center, based in Charlotte, NC. She is an inspirational speaker, master meditation teacher, and spiritual teacher. A professional member of The National Speaker's Association, The World Future Society, The Monroe Institute and The Institute of Noetic Sciences, she is also the author of "Instant Calm" an audio CD program on Meditation and Stress Management
Rebecca's own experience with overcoming a spinal injury confirmed her belief in the authentic and transforming power of the body/mind/spirit connection. Subsequently, she made a decision in 1998 to leave her 20 year fashion career to dedicate herself in following a dream of becoming a professional speaker. Since then, Rebecca has been inspiring audiences from the pulpit to the platform, with her uplifting messages and strategies for change and transformation. She speaks throughout the country on The Power of the Mind and How Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life
My General Spiritual Beliefs