Thursday, April 23, 2009

Leadership Behavior - Build Self-Confidence & Develop Self-Esteem for Leadership Behavior

Leadership behavior can be more elusive than is the butterfly of love. It is something you must do, and not just than dream about it. I will tell you how to easily build self-confidence and develop self-esteem by using tried and proven self-improvement skills, which are designed to change thought on the subconscious level and therefore to react like a leader without having to think about it, in this commentary.

You may think leadership behavior is a distant and unattainable goal. But it is actually within your reach. First, I'll talk about why you may not have the confidence, which it takes to have leadership behavior; and then I'll give you 3 tips to build self-confidence and to develop self-esteem.

You may think childhood traumas, which you may have experienced, do not affect your ability present leadership behavior in your company. You may have been abused and neglected by your parents or guardians; and it is only a distant and unpleasant memory.

But your subconscious mind can interfere with your efforts by affecting your leadership behavior. It could be what is keeping you from advancing in your company. Those distant, disturbing and all but forgotten traumas could haunt you, and you may not even be aware of its negative impact on your career.

Build Self-Confidence & Develop Self-Esteem

You need self-assurance that you actually can be a leader. So you must find a way that will help you develop self-control, which is essential to become leadership quality. One way to do that is by building esteem.

The first tip is actually quite simple. You need to believe that you actually can be a leader. Therefore, just "pretend" that you are a leader during your daily activities. It is easier to build self-confidence & develop self-esteem than you might think. So make it one of your leadership behavior goals to play-like you are already a leader.

Using your imagination is a technique, which you can easily apply in your daily life. And before long you may actually build self-confidence & develop self-esteem simply by pretending you already have those leadership traits.

The second tip is to develop your interpersonal leadership behavior skills. One way to develop people-skills is to take an Interpersonal Communication class from the curriculum at your local community college. It is vital to be able to talk with people, whether it be: co-workers, supervisors, or simply a person whom you would like to get to know better.

Conversational skills can help you feel at ease in almost any circumstance. You may find that you actually have the self-confidence, which you need in the business world as well as in your social life.

Another of the leadership qualities, which is also an interpersonal communication art, is the ability to maintain eye contact, with the person whom you are carrying a conversation. It will be much easier build self-confidence & develop self-esteem when you are easily able to actually carry your conversations.

Remember, conversation is not a one-sided affair. You may have heard these words of wisdom before, but they are well worth repeating, "There is no sound so sweet as the sound of one's own voice." The point is that your leadership behavior should reflect that you are actually listening to the words people are speaking to you.

The following quote is from the "Desiderata".

...Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story... Max Ehrmann, 1927

Give people, with whom you are conversing, ample time to voice his or her own viewpoint. It will help you get confidence simply knowing people enjoy talking with you; and, you may soon discover that you actually do have high esteem. Additionally, it will give you an aura of friendliness and help you become leadership quality.

You will know when you will have become leadership quality because people soon will enjoy being with you; and your popularity will soar simply by growing your interpersonal skills. The end result will be that your self-confidence that will be boundless in its growth. So, develop your interpersonal skills as one of the approaches, which can help you become leadership quality.

Leadership Behavior

The third tip for leadership behavior relates to the self-improvement skills, which I call "behavior strategies," that actually change thoughts on the subconscious level, and it allows you to sleep better at night. And you can develop leadership behavior the really the easy way.

The best way of which I am aware to get leadership behavior is by using self-improvement skills, which can change the thoughts in your conscious mind by conditioning your subconscious mind, ergo, you will change your thoughts subconsciously & your subconscious mind will automatically trigger you to react the way you really want to behave without hB67aving to think about it; and studies prove that that is exactly what we do roughly 90% of the time anyway.

It will allow you to build self-confidence and develop self-esteem when you change the thoughts in your conscious mind. You will then naturally acquire leadership behavior. Sometimes all you really need to do is build self-confidence and develop self-esteem to start acting like a leader. And it is really simple to do, too. You are probably wondering: "How can it be simple to build self-confidence and develop self-esteem?"

The self-improvement skills that I am taking about can let you behave ethically without really thinking about it. As a matter of fact, you can actually condition your subconscious mind and therefore you will automatically behave like you actually want to act without having to consciously think about what you want to do.

You will ultimately be a hit with your friends because you will have self-confidence, since you will have conditioned your subconscious mind, and you will automatically improve your self-esteem. Your conscious reaction to others in your everyday life will change because of it.

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I hope you enjoyed my article. Check-out my work at, It has commentaries about: Leadership, Losing Weight, Stopping Bad Habits, Love, marriage and a lot more.

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