The concept is pretty cool. Provide your guests with an outdoor heat source that extends the comfort range of your patio or deck during cooler evening hours and give you the use of your outdoor living spaces well into the fall and even winter if you live in a mild climate area.
These outdoor patio heaters are large, usually over 6 feet tall, and need a heat source such as propane. The best ones provide even heating a full 360 degrees around it so guests can be gathered in many groups around the unit and still be warm.
I wouldn't say they're incredibly stylish, although if you have metal decor like a hanging star or garland or perhaps metal wall sconces then the patio heater will at least look like it belongs. But how can you argue with a 6 foot cylinder pumping out 40,000 BTU's?
They cost about $250 or so, depending on which store you buy it in and which sales you capture. They are obviously more popular during the winter months and are nearly impossible to find in a retail store during the summer unless you catch an inventory clearance event. Our best advice is to buy one in late winter or early spring when they'll probably be on sale and then use it the following fall.
When you're shopping for a patio heater you need to consider these things:
1. the size of your patio or deck
2. how much space you actually need to heat
3. if you want a large fixed heater or a portable one
4. if you care about the fuel source, such as propane, electric, or natural gas
5. how you'll protect it when not in use.
The issue of protection is often easily solved with a patio heater cover. In fact many of them come with a free cover as incentive to get you to buy.
For more information on propane patio heaters and electric patio heaters please visit our website.
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