Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Stress Management

There are stress management techniques for everyone. Not everyone is comfortable with using what they see as public tactics such as going to the gym, seeing a counselor or a coach to relieve their stress. Stress, for many, is private. That's okay, too. There's a solution for everyone - even those who prefer to keep the things that are bothering them to themselves without letting the whole world in on their secret.

Take a look at these techniques and see if any will work for you:

1. One way for you to do this is by journaling your stress away. Research has proven that people who journal for two weeks felt relief from the stress they felt on a regular basis. When you journal, it can sometimes help you see a different side to things that you might not have been open to during moments of extreme stress, such as during the middle of an argument. The great thing about journaling is that there's no one way that's best - it's just whatever works for you. Try to write a little bit each day, even if it's only for 5-10 minutes. The more you write, the more stress-relieving benefits you'll gain!

2. Private time by yourself reflecting on what happened that causing you stress without dwelling on anything negative. Reflect and let go. Allow yourself to let go by simply saying those words either to your self or out loud "let go" these words can be magical if we let them. If a problem continues to trouble you and comes up persistently simply repeat the process.

3. Go outside calm your nerves. The only way to get the full benefit of nature is to experience it firsthand. You can't read about it, see photos or watch it on television and get the same stress-relieving effect. And while you're outdoors, stop, look and listen. Stop your brain from running at full tilt thinking about your task list or replaying that last irritating phone call. Look around you - really look. What do you see? A tree - what kind of tree? A bush with flowers? Did you see a squirrel playing under the tree? Watch him - squirrels tend to be entertaining and if you bring peanuts, the squirrel will put on a show for that treat.

And I'd like to invite you to use these techniques to keep your stress private.

And now I'd like to offer you more stress relief techniques that get results? Learn how to dramatically improve your stress relief results by claiming your FREE 5 Part customized home study course. You get instant access at =>

From Linda Hampton RN, MSN A Wellness and Stress Management Coach

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