Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cracking the Moses Code and Unleashing the Spiritual Force Within

"And God told Moses, 'I AM THAT, I AM'". This simple statement, of the unity of God above all else, has stood the test of 3500 years of history, translated from Aramaic to Hebrew to Greek and even to English, the utter simplicity of this message makes it unambiguous to all who hear it and contemplate it.

However, it is more than an affirmation of God as the Lord in Heaven of all the Earth. It is also a powerful tool for self actualization, and utilizing the Law of Attraction to get not only the things you want in life, but to get the benefits that go beyond mere things - the satisfaction of living your life well, of benefiting those around you as much or more than they benefit you.

The move The Moses Code covers these elements and more in a brief running time, encapsulating a spiritual journey that begins with an inward reflection. Imagine and image what you want - the things that you need in your life, and the person you wish to be, and repeat the words of God as told to Moses: I AM THAT, I AM.

This process of affirmation is not an affirmation of self. It's an affirmation of connection to the universal power of God, the God within, the God that directs your fate by bringing to you the things you need, and attracting like to like.

If you image yourself as being successful, God will see to it that you are. God is not just the creator of everything, God is the essence of everything; as God made us in his image, it is our obligation to see God's hand in everything around us and what we do. The Moses Code will open your eyes to the universal power of God, and to see that the power of God is the power of giving. Not just the things that God gives to you - but the act of giving of yourself to others.

It was God giving up his only son in Jesus of Nazareth that man's sins were washed away. It was Jesus' ministry to give to those around him that inspired others to take up his creed, to become his Apostles, and to build His Church. Just as Jesus gave, and ascended to divinity, so can you give, and see the power of the One God at work.

See the Moses Code, and see what you can gain - and what you gain by giving.

Click here for additional information concerning Law of Attraction or The 11 Forgotten Laws

Overcoming Limited Beliefs

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